2nd Pakistan Botanic Gardens Conference. Botanic Garden: A Vehicle to Strengthen Public/Private/NGO Partnership for Plant Conservation. 2–4 February 2009, Lahore, Pakistan. Contact: http://www.bgci.org/files/Worldwide/2nd_botanic_gardens_pakistan.pdf
4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 4–7 February 2009, New Delhi, India. Contact: wccagri@gmail.com; http://www.wccagri.ernet.in/
3rd International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods: Maximizing Success While Minimizing Risk. 8–13 February 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand. Contact: http://www.isbca09.com/
2009 Symposium on Biological Education. 12–15 February 2009, Christchurch, New Zealand. Contact: http://awcmee.massey.ac.nz/IUBS_BioEd_2009/index.htm
11th Conference of the Gesellschaft für Primatologie. 24–26 February 2009, Hannover, Germany. Contact: organisers@gfp2009.de; http://www.gfp2009.de/
Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development: Setting the Agenda for Science and Policy. 10–12 March 2009, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands. Contact: AgSAP.office@wur.nl; http://www.conference-agsap.org/index.htm
International Scientific Congress on Climate Change. 10–12 March 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark. Contact: http://climatecongress.ku.dk/
IUFRO International Forest Biosecurity Conference. 16–20 March 2009, Rotorua, New Zealand. Contact: http://forestbiosecurity.com/
74th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference: Refining the Relevance of Resource Management. 16–21 March 2009, Arlington, USA. Contact: http://www.wildlifemanagementinstitute.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=126&Itemid=61
2nd Pan-European Duck Symposium. 23–26 March 2009, Arles, France. Contact: Matthieu Guillemain, matthieu.guillemain@oncfs.gouv.fr; http://www.oncfs.gouv.fr/evenements/duckssymposium.php
Seabird Group 10th International Conference. 27–30 March 2009, Bruges, Belgium. Contact: seabirdconf2009@vliz.be; http://www.vliz.be/events/seabirdconference2009/
XIX Meeting of the Italian Primatological Society. 1–3 April 2009, Asti, Italy. Contact: http://www-1.unipv.it/webbio/api/cong19/cong19.htm
Climate Change in South Asia: Governance, Equity and Social Justice. 16–17 April 2009, New Brunswick, USA. Contact: http://magrann-conference.rutgers.edu/
Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society's 2009 International Symposium: Healthy Mollusks=Healthy Rivers=Healthy People. 19–24 April 2009, Baltimore, USA. Contact: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/fmcs2009/
British Ecological Society Symposium 2009: Facilitation in Plant Communities. 20–22 April 2009, Aberdeen, UK. Contact: Rob Brooker; r.brooker@macaulay.ac.uk; http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/articles/meetings/current/2009annualsymposium/
European Network for Forest Vegetation Management – Towards Environmental Sustainability (2005-2009). 5–7 May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. Contact: http://www2.clermont.inra.fr/cost-e47/index.htm
5th World Environment Education Congress: Earth, Our Common Home. 10–14 May 2009, Montreal, Canada. Contact: 5weec@jpdl.com; http://www.5weec.uqam.ca
2nd Climate Change Technology Conference. 12–15 May 2009, Hamilton, Canada. Contact: http://www.cctc2009.ca/en/
Extending Forest Inventory and Monitoring over Space and Time. 20–22 May 2009, Quebec City, Canada. Contact: http://skog.for.msu.edu/meeting/index.html
International Marine Conservation Congress: Making Marine Science Matter. 20–24 May 2009, Washington, DC, USA. Contact: http://www2.cedarcrest.edu/imcc/index.html
International Conference on Marine Ecosystems. 26–28 May 2009, Port Dickson, Malaysia. Contact: http://www.ekomar.ukm.my/incomes2009/index.html
50th Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany. 31 May–4 June 2009, Charleston, USA. Contact: http://www.econbot.org/_organization_/index.php?sm=07|meetings_by_year/2009
The Primate Mind: Built to Connect With Other Minds. 4–7 June 2009, Erice, Italy. Contact: http://www.emory.edu/LIVING_LINKS/primate_mind/
Eurogard V: Botanic Gardens in the Age of Climate Change. 8–12 June 2009, Helsinki, Finland. Contact: EuroGardV@luomus.fi; http://www.luomus.fi/EuroGardV/
5th Urban Research Symposium. Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda. 28–30 June 2009, Marseille, France. Contact: urbansymposium@worldbank.org; http://www.urs2009.net/
23rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology. Conservation: Harmony for Nature and Society. 11–16 July 2009, Beijing, China. Contact: http://scb2009.ioz.ac.cn/
94th ESA Annual Meeting: Ecological Knowledge and a Global Sustainable Society. 2–7 August 2009, Albuquerque, USA. Contact: http://www.esa.org/albuquerque/
World Congress on Environmental History 2009. Local Livelihoods and Global Challenges: Understanding Human Interaction with the Environment. 4–8 August 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark. Contact: wceh2009@ruc.dk; http://www.wceh2009.org/
10th International Mammalogical Congress. 9–14 August 2009, Mendoza, Argentina. Contact: mammal2009@mendoza-conicet.gov.ar; http://www.cricyt.edu.ar/imc10/
10th International Congress of Ecology: Ecology in a Changing Climate. 16–21 August 2009, Brisbane, Australia. Contact: http://www.intecol10.org/default.asp
2nd World Congress of Agroforestry. 23–29 August 2009, Nairobi, Kenya. Contact: http://worldagroforestry.org/wca2009/
2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology. 1–5 September 2009, Prague, Czech Republic. Contact: Vendula Ludvíková, conference@eccb2009.org; http://www.eccb2009.org/
British Ecological Society Annual Meeting. 8–10 September 2009, Hatfield, UK. Contact: http://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/articles/meetings/current/
32nd Meeting of the American Society of Primatologists. 18–21 September 2009, San Diego, USA. Contact: http://www.asp.org/asp2009/index.htm
International Conference on Ecosystems, Environment and Sustainable Development. 23–25 September 2009, Vancouver, Canada. Contact: http://www.waset.org/wcset09/vancouver/eesd/index.html
3rd International Congress on Zookeeping and 36th National Conference of the American Association of Zoo Keepers. 24–29 September 2009, Seattle, USA. Contact: http://www.iczoo.org/
Raptor Research Foundation 2009 Annual Conference. 29 September–4 October 2009, Pitlochry, Scotland. Contact: http://www.rrfconferencescotland2009.org/
DIVERSITAS OSC2. Biodiversity and Society: Understanding Connections, Adapting to Change. 13–16 October 2009, Cape Town, South Africa. Contact: http://www.diversitas-osc.org/
13th World Forestry Congress. 18–25 October 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Contact: info@cfm2009.org; http://www.wfc2009.org
The East Asian Seas Congress 2009. Partnerships at Work: Local Implementation and Good Practices. 23–27 November 2009, Manila, Philippines. Contact: http://www.pemsea.org/eascongress
United Nations Climate Change Conference. 30 November–11 December 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark. Contact: http://www.cop15.dk/en
International Primatological Society's XXIII Congress: Quest for Coexistence with Nonhuman Primates. 12–18 September 2010, Kyoto, Japan. Contact: http://www.ips2010.jp/
Note that in the HTML version of this document (at http://journals.cambridge.org) all internet links are live and can thus be used to navigate directly to the cited web sites.