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The goldsmith Pietro Spagna (1561–1627): ‘argentiere’ to Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini (1571–1621)*
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 August 2013

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- Copyright © British School at Rome 2006
I worked on Pietro Spagna while I was a Rome Scholar at the British School at Rome in 2002–3. I would like to thank the staff of the School for all their help during that year. Prince Camillo Aldobrandini and Prince Jonathan Doria Pamphilj kindly allowed me to use their archives; a particular thanks goes to their archivists, Antonella Fabriani Rojas and Cinzia Ammannato. The AHRB and an Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellowship at The Frick Collection, New York, also made the writing of this article possible. Denise Allen, Philip Attwood, Nicholas Cullinan, Lauren Jacobi and Jennifer Montagu read this text and made useful suggestions. I would like to dedicate this article to Helen Langdon, who was the most wonderful teacher, mentor and friend during my year in Rome.
1 Cardinal Paolo Emilio Sfondrato's collection, now in the Vatican, provides the only example of a contemporary group of goldsmiths' work surviving in Rome. Many of these pieces, however, were made outside Italy, or their exact provenance is unclear. Sfondrato's collection of ecclesiastical objects (mainly reliquaries) does not provide any comparative evidence with the works by Spagna described in this article. For the collection, see Bimbenet-Privat, M. and Kugel, A., La collection d'orfevrerie du Cardinal Sfondrati au Musée Chrétien de la Bibliothèque Vaticane (Vatican City, 1998Google Scholar).
2 No surviving works by Pietro Spagna have been identified.
3 For the Spagna family, see Bulgari, C.G., Argentieri, gemmari e orafi d'ltalia (Rome, 1959), I pt 2, 422–8Google Scholar.
4 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 422–3Google Scholar.
5 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 422–3Google Scholar.
6 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 422–5, 427–8Google Scholar. For Francesco Spagna's dates, also see Montagu, J., Gold, Silver and Bronze (Princeton, 1996), 216 n. 82Google Scholar.
7 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 427Google Scholar.
8 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 418, 427Google Scholar.
9 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, 4Google Scholar; I pt 2, 428.
10 Bertolotti, A., Artisti subalpini in Roma nei secoli XV, XVI e XVII (Bologna, 1884), 247–8Google Scholar; Bertolotti, A., Artisti veneti in Roma nei secoli XV, XVI e XVII (Venice, 1884), 71–2Google Scholar; Bertolotti, A., Artisti bolognesi, ferraresi ed alcuni altri del già stato pontificio in Roma nei secoli XV, XVI e XVII (Bologna, 1886), 87Google Scholar; Bertolotti, A., Artisti francesi in Roma nei secoli XV, XVI e XVII (Mantua, 1886), 186–7Google Scholar; Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 428Google Scholar.
11 Corbo, A.M. (ed.), Fonti per la storia artistica romana al tempo di Clemente VIII (Rome, 1975), 15, 32Google Scholar, cites Archivio di Stato, Roma [hereafter ASR], Camerale I, Chirograri, reg. 154, fol. 118v.
12 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 512–13Google Scholar.
13 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 512–13Google Scholar; Corbo, Fonti (above, n. 11), 14–16, 27–32, 35, 109, 147, 150, 168, 176, 191, 205, 217, 226, 250; Corbo, A.M. and Pomponi, M. (eds), Fonti per la storia artistica romana al tempo di Paolo V (Rome, 1995), 23, 25, 182, 185, 193Google Scholar.
14 Corbo and Pomponi, Fonti (above, n. 13), 95, 169, 196, citing ASR, Camerale I, Fabbriche, reg. 1537, fols 269v, 287v, 296v, 306v; ASR, Camerale I, Fabbriche, busta 1541, reg. 2, fols 71–3; ASR, Camerale I, Giustificazioni di tesoreria, busta 40, fasc. 3. For Pietro Gentili, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, 510Google Scholar; for Tommaso Cortini, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, 324Google Scholar; for Andrea Guarducci, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, 575Google Scholar. Cortini and Guarducci's workshops were also on the Via del Pellegrino.
15 ‘A silver sheet worked in low relief for the Most Holy Madonna’, ‘jewels for the service of the decoration of the Most Holy Madonna’ — Corbo and Pomponi, Fonti (above, n. 13), 213, citing ASR, Camerale I, Giustificazioni di tesoreria, busta 43, fasc. 2.
16 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, 488Google Scholar.
17 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 428Google Scholar.
18 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 428Google Scholar.
19 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 428Google Scholar. For the use of a Rosa d'Oro, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, XXIIGoogle Scholar.
20 Montagu, Gold, Silver and Bronze (above, n. 6), 14–15; citing ASR, Camerale I, Giustificazioni di tesoreria, busta 55, int. 7, 12.
21 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 428Google Scholar. For Fabrizio Cristiani, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, 333–4Google Scholar. For Cardinal Sfondrato, see Economopoulos, H., ‘‘L a pietà con l'arte e l'arte con la pietà’: collezionismo e committenze del cardinale Paolo Emilio Sfondrato’, in Gallo, M. (ed.), I cardinali di Santa Romana Chiesa: collezionisti e mecenati (Rome, 2001), III, 25–53Google Scholar; Gallagher, K., ‘An expression of piety: the last will of Cardinal Paolo Emilio Sfondrato (1561–1618)’, Papers of the British School at Rome 67 (1999), 303–21CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
22 Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 428Google Scholar.
23 For Pietro Aldobrandini, see D'Onofrio, C., La Villa Aldobrandini di Frascati (Rome, 1963Google Scholar); Guarini, F. Fasano, ‘Aldobrandini, Pietro’, in Ghisalberti, A.M.( et al. ), Dizionario biografico degli italiani (Rome, 1960), II, 107–12Google Scholar; Lefevre, R., ‘Il patrimonio romano degli Aldobrandini nel'600’, Archivio della Società Romana di Storia Patria 82 (1959), 1–24Google Scholar; Lefevre, R., ‘Gli ultimi Aldobrandini di Clemente VIII’, Studi Romani 14 (1966), 18–38Google Scholar; Lefevre, R., ‘L'avvocato concistoriale Pietro Aldobrandini Senior’, Miscellanea della Società Romana di Storia Patria 23 (1973), 223–46Google Scholar; Litta, P., Famiglie celebri italiane (Milan, 1837), IV, fascicolo XLIIGoogle Scholar; von Pastor, L., The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages, trans. Kerr, R.F. (London, 1952), XXIII–XXIVGoogle Scholar; Salomon, X.F., ‘‘Hoc Virtvtis Opvs’ — Antonio Felice Casoni's medal of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini’, The Medal 43 (2003), 3–19Google Scholar; Salomon, X.F., ‘The contract for Giuliano Finelli's monument to Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini’, The Burlington Magazine 146 (2004), 815–19Google Scholar; Salomon, X.F., The Religious, Artistic and Architectural Patronage of Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini (1571–1621), Ph.D. thesis, Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London (London, 2005Google Scholar); Testa, L., ‘La collezione del cardinale Pietro Aldobrandini: modalità di acquisizione e direttive culturali’, in Gallo, M. (ed.), I cardinali di Santa Romana Chiesa: collezionisti e mecenati (Rome, 2001), I, 38–60Google Scholar.
24 ‘E adi 23 Luglio scudi 750 m.ta a ms. Curtio Vanni Orefice per prezzo d'una Croce. E più scudi 100 m.ta al detto per una Verghetta con 5 diamanti’ — Archivio Aldobrandini, Frascati [hereafter AA], Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fol. 180. ‘Donativi dare scudi dugento m.ta per un quadro Cornice d'hebano guarnito d' pagati a Curtio Vanni’ — AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini D (1603–1605), fol. 33r.
25 For a full description of workshop practices in seventeenth-century Rome, see Montagu, Gold, Silver and Bronze (above, n. 6).
26 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fol. 23.
27 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fol. 23.
28 AA, Atti di Famiglia, tomo 7, 3, Bolla di Clemente VIII dell'investitura dell'Abbadia dei SS.mi Vincenzo ed Anastasio alle Tre Fontane 4 marzo 1592.
29 ‘A head of a saint in silver that he is making for His Illustrious Lordship to put in the church of Tre Fontane’ — AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fol. 51.
30 ‘Head in silver that he has to make for the churches at Tre Fontane’ — AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fol. 51; ‘head in gilded silver of Saint Felix Pope, made to be placed in the church of Tre Fontane’ — AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fols 97, 132.
31 For Tre Fontane, see Lloyd, J.E. Barclay, ‘The medieval murals in the Cistercian Abbey of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio ad Aquas Salvias at Tre Fontane, Rome, in their architectural setting’, Papers of the British School at Rome 65 (1997), 287–348CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Bellini, F., ‘Un'opera di Giacomo della Porta: la ricostruzione dell'oratorio di S. Maria de Scala Coeli nell'abbazia delle Tre Fontane’, Quaderni dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Architettura 14 (1989), 31–42Google Scholar; D'Onofrio, C. and Pietrangeli, C., Le abbazie del Lazio (Rome, 1971Google Scholar); Maggi, L., Giacomo Della Porta: US. Paolo alle Tre Fontane (Rome, 1996Google Scholar); Schwager, K., ‘Santa Maria Scala Coeli in Tre Fontane bei Rom’, in Freytag, B. von gen. Löringhoff, D. Mannsperger and Prayon, F. (eds), Praestant Interna. Festschrift für Ulrich Hausmann (Tübingen, 1982), 394–417Google Scholar; Tannozzini, G., Tre Fontane (Rome, 1997Google Scholar).
32 ‘There are many relics of saints, and in particular the heads of Saints Vincenzo, Anastasio and Zenone’ — Felini, P.M., Trattato nuovo delle cose maravigliose dell'alma citta di Roma (Rome, 1610), 32Google Scholar.
33 ‘In addition to the head of Saint Anastasio, the heads of Saint Zenone, who was martyred here, and of Saint Vincenzo martyr are kept there in small boxes in gilded wood’ — Panvinio, O., Le sette chiese romane (Rome, 1570), 112Google Scholar.
34 ‘Will find here in gilded wooden tabernacles the heads of Saints Anastasio, Vincenzo and Zenone martyrs’ — Ugonio, P., Historia delle stationi di Roma che si celebrano la Quaragesima (Rome, 1588), 238–40Google Scholar.
35 For the bust, see Vigi, B. Giovannucci, Il Museo della Cattedrale di Ferrara (Bologna, 1989), 118Google Scholar.
36 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fols 23, 51.
37 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fols 51, 97.
38 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fol. 132. For the definition of an Agnus Dei, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, XXIGoogle Scholar.
39 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini A (1592–1595), fol. 97.
40 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini B (1595–1599), fols 9, 126.
41 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini B (1595–1599), fols 9, 157, 246; Archivio Doria Pamphilj, Rome [hereafter ADP], Fondo Aldobrandini, busta 25, fol. 2r. For the definition of a guantiera, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, XXIGoogle Scholar.
42 For the devolution of Ferrara, see D'Onofrio, Villa Aldobrandini (above, n. 23), 22–31; Salomon, ‘Casoni's medal’ (above, n. 23).
43 ‘To spend for his trip to Ferrara’ — ADP, Eondo Aldobrandini, busta 25, fol. 33r.
44 ‘To be given to the Most Holy Madonna of Loreto’ — ADP, Fondo Aldobrandini, busta 25, fol. 17r; ‘a small silver cape given to the Illustrious Lady of Loreto’ — AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini B (1595–1599), fol. 246; AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fol. 3r.
45 Annibaldi, C., ‘Il mecenate ‘politico’. Ancora sul patronato musicale del Cardinale Pietro Aldobrandini (ca. 1570–1621) I’, Studi Musicali 16 (1987), 80Google Scholar; Pastor, , The History of the Popes (above, n. 23), XXIV, 398Google Scholar.
46 ‘With five candles’ — Grimaldi, F., La historia della chiesa di Santa Maria de Loreto (Loreto, 1993), 448Google Scholar.
47 ‘From Cardinal Aldobrandini nephew of Pope Clement VIII a most noble cape for Our Lady, worthy of such a Lady, and of such a Prince. It is all formed of a great silver sheet worked by an excellent hand, enamelled and gilded. On it you can see the city of Ferrara and its territory represented in low-relief; and the cardinal himself portrayed with this inscription: Pietro Aldobrandini Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church having recaptured Ferrara gave in thanks’ — Torsellini, O., Historia dell'origine e translatione della Santa Casa della B. Verg. Maria di Loreto in libri cinque (Venice, 1614), 454Google Scholar.
48 ‘A large silver sheet enamelled and gilded’ — Grimaldi, La historia (above, n. 46), 249.
49 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini B (1595–1599), fols 157, 180; AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fols 32, 72, 246; AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fols 2r, 3r, 5v, 12v, 16v, 22v.
50 ‘For a gold chain given to the painter Giuseppe d'Arpino’ — AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fol. 12v.
51 Bertolotti, A., Artisti lombardi a Roma nei secoli XV, XVI e XVII (Bologna, 1881), II, 62–3Google Scholar; Zapped, R., ‘Per la datazione degli affreschi della Galleria Farnese’, Melanges de l'École Française de Rome. Moyen Âge — Temps Modernes 93 (1981), 821–2Google Scholar.
52 Bellori, G.P., Vite de' pittori, scultori e architetti moderni, ed. Borea, E. (Turin, 1976), 196–8Google Scholar.
53 ‘Food for the months of October and November’ — AA, Documenti Storici, tomo 25, 3.
54 ‘Io Giuseppe cesari o ricevuto li sudetti denari et in nome suo io pietro spagni o fatto la presente ricevuta questo di su detto dico’ — AA, Documenti Storici, tomo 25, 3.
55 ‘ A jewel given to a Spanish man’ — AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fol. 16v; ‘a basin and a jug in gilded silver’ — AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fol. 22v.
56 ‘Given to a godmother of His Lordship’ — AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fol. 28v; AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fol. 180. Comare can also be interpreted as ‘old woman’; if it was indeed a godmother it is not clear if it was Cardinal Pietro's, and even in that case her identity is not known. It might also have been the godmother of a family baby baptized around this time.
57 AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini D (1603–1605), fol. 7v. For the definition of a gargantiglia, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, XXIGoogle Scholar.
58 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fols 32, 72, 150.
59 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini C (1599–1603), fols 32, 150, 180.
60 AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini D (1603–1605), fols 6r, 52v.
61 AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini D (1603–1605), fols 69v, 77r, 85v, 93v.
62 AA, Atti di Famiglia, tomo 9, 1, Bolla della provisione della Chiesa Ravennatenseafavore del Card. Pietro Aldobrandini, ossia nomina di detto Cardinale ad Arcivescovo di Ravenna 13 Settembre 1604; Fasano Guarini, ‘Aldobrandini, Pietro’ (above, n. 23), 111.
63 AA, Giornale del Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini D (1603–1605), fol. 108r; AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini D (1603–1605), fols 103, 208.
64 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini E (1606–1613), fol. 82.
65 Annibaldi, ‘Il mecenate’ (above, n. 45), 160; Fasano Guarini, ‘Aldobrandini, Pietro’ (above, n. 23), 112.
66 ‘Works in silver’, ‘made and to be made’.
67 Annibaldi, ‘Il mecenate’ (above, n. 45), 162–3.
68 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini E (1606–1613), fol. 342.
69 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini E (1606–1613), fol. 342.
71 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini E (1613–1614), fol. 91; AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini F (1613–1615), fol. 96.
72 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini F (1613–1615), fol. 96.
73 G. Gigli, Diario di Roma, ed. M. Barberito (Rome, 1994), I, 231.
74 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini E2 (1613–1614), fol. 91.
75 ‘Ten medals … with the image of Pope Paul V’ — AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini F (1613–1615), fols 319, 359.
76 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini F (1613–1615), fols 319, 359. For a similar crucifix in a low-relief ‘quadro’, see Gramberg, W., ‘Das Kalvarienberg-Relief des Guglielmo della Porta und seine Silber-Gold-Ausführung von Antonio Gentile da Faenza’, in Bloch, P., Buddensieg, T., Hentzen, A. and Müller, T. (eds), Intuition und Kunstwissenschaft. Festschrift für Hanns Swarzenski zum 70 Geburtstag (Berlin, 1973), 449–60Google Scholar; Chadour, A.B., Antonio Gentili und der Altarsatz von St. Peter (Münster, 1980Google Scholar).
77 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini F (1613–1615, fol.359.
78 For Aldobrandini in Naples, see Annibaldi, C., ‘Il mecenate ‘politico’. Ancora sul patronato musicale del Cardinale Pietro Aldobrandini (1571–1621) II’, Studi Musicali 17 (1988), 164Google Scholar.
79 ‘Works in silver that he makes and buys’ — AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini H (1618–1628), fol. 190.
80 ‘Work in silver made and to be made’, ‘for the service of our palace’ — AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini G (1616–1618), fol. 164; AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini H (1618–1628), fols 23, 190.
81 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini H (1618–1628), fol. 190.
82 ‘Having fixed works in silver’ — AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini A (1601–1605), fols 2–3.
83 AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini A2 (1601–1606), fol. 44.
84 AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini A2 (1601–1606), fol. 56. For the definition of a focone, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 1, XXIGoogle Scholar.
85 AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini B (1606–1619), fol. 50.
86 AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini B (1606–1619), fols 50, 73.
87 ‘As a settlement and total payment’ — AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini B (1606–1619), fol. 50.
88 AA, Libra Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini B (1606–1619), fol. 106. For the Eremo at Frascati, see Devoti, L., ‘Testimonialize secentesche sulla fondazione dell'Eremo Tuscolano’, Lunario Romano 10 (1980), 385–402Google Scholar; Devoti, L., L'Eremo Tuscolano e la villa delta dei Furii (Frascati, 1981Google Scholar); Valenti, M. (ed.), Invito a Camaldoli. Arte e storia dell'Eremo Tuscolano (Frascati, 2003Google Scholar).
89 AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini B (1606–1619), fol. 106.
90 AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini B (1606–1619), fol. 140. It is not clear what a ghiara is. It might be identified with a giara, a sort of tankard.
91 AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini B (1606–1619), fol. 140.
92 ‘Different expenses for gold, silver and other works’, ‘from his workshop for our service’ — AA, Libro Mastro di Olimpia Aldobrandini C (1620–1628), fol. 290.
93 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Silvestro Aldobrandini (1606–1617), fol. 35.
94 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Silvestro Aldobrandini (1606–1617), fol. 127.
95 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Silvestro Aldobrandini (1606–1617), fol. 35.
96 AA, Libro Mastro di Aldobrandino Aldobrandini Gran Priore di Roma (1612–1619), fol. 50.
97 AA, Libro Mastro di Aldobrandino Aldobrandini Gran Priore di Roma (1612–1619), fols 50, 73.
98 AA, Libro Mastro di Aldobrandino Aldobrandini Gran Priore di Roma (1612–1619), fol. 73.
99 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini (1614–1633), fol. 30.
100 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini (1614–1633), fol. 30.
101 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini (1614–1633), fol. 32.
102 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini H (1618–1628), fol. 322.
103 For Maria's wedding, see the ‘capitoli matrimoniali’ of 28 January 1623 in AA, Atti di Famiglia, tomo 16, 16.
104 AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini (1614–1633), fol. 163.
105 ‘Heirs of Pietro Spagna’, ‘received from their workshop’. AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini (1614–1633), fol. 196.
106 ‘Tutor and curator for the above-said heirs’. AA, Libro Mastro del Cardinal Ippolito Aldobrandini (1614–1633), fol. 196.
107 AA, Libro Mastro dell'Ereditá del Card. Deti (1630–1638), fol. 60.
108 ‘A model of the plan and of the pilgrimage of the Nine Churches of silvered wax with its wooden base’, ‘on a base of poplar-wood framed in ebony’. The payments are in ASR, Not. Trib. A. C., Fonthia, vol. 3173, fols 913, 951–2Google Scholar. These documents have been discovered and generously signalled to me by Jennifer Montagu.
109 ‘On behalf of the inheritance of Cardinal Aldobrandini’.
110 AA, Cappellanie 3, 28, Cappella Clementina in S. Giovanni in Laterano. Contratto con gli Eredi Spagna Argentieri per il Restauro del Grane Tabernacolo Novembre 1864. For Pietro Paolo Spagna, see Bulgari, , Argentieri (above, n. 3), I pt 2, 428Google Scholar.