Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 April 2009
1. A plerocercoid of ‘Acanthotaenia’ has been found in large numbers in ‘cysts’ in the pancreas of Rana occipitalis (Günther) in Ghana.
2. ‘Cysts’ containing plerocercoids were fed to Varanus niloticus (L.). Adults of Proteocephalus niloticus (Beddard) were recovered from the intestine 3 weeks later.
3. It is suggested that the life cycle involves three hosts, the first being a copepod.
4. The morphology of the larva and adult is described.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the authorities of the University of Ghana for inviting me to spend some time in the Zoology Department there. I am most grateful, also, to Professor R. D. Purchon for his kindly interest and for the facilities which he placed at my disposal. It is a pleasure to thank Dr J. D. Thomas and the technical staff for their assistance in the collection of material.