The above published article by Santiago-Alarcon et al. contains factual errors within table 2. The corrected table is published below. These corrections do not affect the validity of any conclusions within the published article.
Table 2. Haemosporidian parasites found in blood meals (abdomens) and thoraxes from Culicoides species collected in the Mooswald forest of Freiburg during summer 2011

UN = unidentified host (PCR failed to amplify or sequence was of low quality); NBP = no blood, parous specimen.
Parasite lineages are indicated in brackets and the number of times the interaction was observed is indicated in parenthesis.
a New bird host record for H. minutus (Turdus merula and T. philomelos were the only known hosts, see Palinauskas et al. 2013).
The reference to the new citation Palinauskas et al. 2013 within table 2 is: