Governing Codes: Gender, Metaphor, and Political Identity. By
Karrin Vasby Anderson and Kristina Horn Sheeler. New York and Oxford:
Rowman & Littlefield. 2005. 241 pp. $70.00 cloth, $28.95 paper.
Fortunately, in the last 20 years, the scholarship on women in
politics has grown considerably, as have the number of women running for
office, the number of women holding office, and thus the amount of data,
artifacts, contexts, and situations to be analyzed. Karrin Vasby Anderson
and Kristina Horn Sheeler, in Governing Codes, offer a solid,
interesting, and insightful addition to this growing line of work. With
the presentation of four intriguing case studies, the authors provide a
rich and informative analysis from a revealing vantage point—the use
of metaphor—to uncover what remains the frustrating and challenging
language that four credible and politically astute women had to overcome,
as well as some of the rhetorical strategies they successfully employed in
doing so.