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Non-academic writing on popular music in the Czech lands after 1945

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  03 February 2025

Aleš Opekar*
Department of Musicology, Institute of Art History Czech Academy of Sciences, Husova 4, Praha 1, Czech Republic


This article examines writing about popular music which took place outside the academic sphere in the Czech nation after 1945. This is not just the usual magazine and book journalism. Owing to the censorship of all publishing entities by the state and the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia 1948–1989, alternative publishing platforms played a very important role in mediating the professional exchange of opinions and information on topics that were not preferred or even forbidden elsewhere. These included periodicals of various social organisations and interest institutions as well as privately produced and distributed printed matter and manuscripts. The article compares how these activities have evolved over time in the context of political change and reflects on the functions they have fulfilled in society.

Copyright © Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2025. Published by Cambridge University Press

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