Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 January 2013
Bragg–Brentano X-ray powder diffractometry data and refined unit cell parameters are reported for a synthetic sample of dolerophanite, copper (II) oxysulphate [Cu2O(SO4)], prepared by heating AR copper (II) sulphate anhydrate in a muffle furnace at 725 °C. The data are compared with (i) two Debye–Scherrer patterns published by Mrose [Am. Mineral. 6, 146–153 (1961)]—for a synthetic sample and for a natural dolerophanite, the latter being pattern 13–189 in the ICDD Powder Diffraction File and (ii) a Debye–Scherrer pattern for a synthetic dolerophanite described by Borchardt and Daniels [J. Phys. Chem. 61, 917–921 (1957)]. A calculated pattern is also presented for the crystal structure of dolerophanite described by Effenberger [Monatschefte fur Chemie. 116, 927–931 (1985)]. The measured and calculated patterns reported here show reasonable internal consistency for both line positions and intensity data. While the agreement between these results and the data sets of Mrose is sound in terms of line positions, there is substantial disagreement overall between the intensity values given by the authors and those of Mrose. There is closer agreement between the intensities from the current study and those of Borchardt and Daniels.