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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 During an interval in the Civil Eights debate, this subject was briefly debated on the Senate floor. Senators Humphrey and Church spoke in support of Senate Resolution 94. Senator Long was critical of supporters of the Eesolution, characterizing them as “lawyers and bar associations with an ax to grind.” Cong. Becord, March 8, 1960, p. 4570.
2 Statements were submitted to the Committee by members of this Society, including Professor E. E. Baxter (p. 513); Professor James O. Murdock (p. 514); Mr. Charles S. Ehyne (p. 368); Professor Louis B. Sohn (p. 430), and Mr. Lyman M. Tondel, Jr. (p. 363) in support of S. E. 94, and by Miss Eleanor H. Finch (p. 426), Mr. Frank E. Holman (p. 457), and Dr. Charles S. Collier (p. 487), in opposition.
1 See 1957 Proceedings 230; 1958 ibid. 292; 1959 ibid. 360.\
2 One member of the Committee finds that increasing use is being made of these materials. A practice of including in Foreign Relations negotiations resulting in treaties was begun some 30 years ago by Historical Adviser Tyler Dennett, but has not been consistently followed.
3 Chapter XV, Postwar Foreign Policy Preparation, describes the structure and proceedings of the Dumbarton Oaks Conversations.
4 In this connection we note that Department of Defense Directive 5200.9, Sept. 27, 1958 (House Beport 1137, 86th Cong., 1st Sess., pp. 87–91), declassifies its documents “which were originated prior to Jan. 1, 1946,” with certain specified exceptions. Joint clearance by the Departments of Defense and State of documents required for the above publication falls under HID of the directive.
5 42 Dept. of State Bulletin 393–394 (1960), 54 A.J.I.L. 402 (1960). Philip W. Thayer represented the Society on the Advisory Committee, Edgar W. Turlington, the Society's other representative, having died in September, 1959.
6 A project to prepare a digest of British Foreign Office experience over the past 100 years, along the lines of the American Moore and Hackworth digests, has been announced. Professor Clive Parry of Cambridge University, the editor designate, outlined the plans at the meeting of the Association of American Law Schools at St. Louis in December, 1959.