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Comments On Dr. Claus-Dieter Ehlermann’s Lecture
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2017

- Type
- Reflections on the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
- Information
- Copyright
- Copyright © American Society of International Law 2003
1 Robert E. Hudec, Enforcing International Trade Law: the Evolution of the Modern GATT Legal System (1993).
2 See Pauwelyn, Joost, The Rok of Public International Law in the WTO: How Far Can We Go?, 95 AJIL 535 (2001)CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
3 Korea—Measures Affecting Government Procurement, WTO Doc. Wt/DS163/R, para. 7.96 (May 1, 2000), available at <>.
4 United States—Continuing Dumping and offset Act of 2000, WTO Doc. WT/DS217/AB/R (Jan. 16, 2003), available at <http://www.wto.Org/english/tratop.e/dispu.e/dispu.e.htm>.
5 Id., para. 299.
6 Id., para. 297.
7 Id., para. 296; see also Ian Sinclair, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 119-20 (2d ed. 1984).
8 Supra note 4, para. 297 (quoting United States—Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products, WTO Doc. WT/DS176/AB/R, para. 158 (Feb. 1,1998)).
9 Id. (quoting United States—Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Hot-Rolled Steel Products from Japan, WTO Doc. WT/DS184/AB/R, para. 101 (Aug. 23, 2001).
10 United Sates—Continued Dumping and Subsidy offset Act of 2000, WTO Doc. WT/DS217/R, para. 297, (Jan. 16, 2003).
11 Sinclair, supra note 7, at 119-20.
12 Turkey—Restrictions on the Import of Textiles and Clothing Products, WTO Doc. WT/DS34/AB/R (Oct. 22,1999).
13 See Esserman, Susan & Howse, Robert, The WTO on Trial, 82 Foreign Aff. 130, 136 (2003)CrossRefGoogle Scholar (“In every legal system, whether domestic or international, there are cases that cannot be solved simply through applying law as it is written.”).