Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 November 2017
The availability of the vaccine Fecundin ® (Coopers Animal Health) could have far reaching effects on commercial lamb production in the UK. Immunisation with Fecundin is claimed to increase ovulation rate with a corresponding effect on subsequent lambing rate.
Trials in Australia, New Zealand and the UK have produced responses to immunisation in lambing percentage (lambs reared/100 ewes mated) ranging from −5% to +67%. The trial being reported set out to examine the effect of treatment with and without oestrus synchronisation in an upland flock of Scottish Blackface ewes being crossed with Texel rams and with a normal lambing percentage of around 130.
One hundred and sixty nine 1, 2 and 3 crop (2.5,3.5 and 4.5 year old) Scottish Blackface ewes were allocated in September 1984 between four treatments on the basis of age, liveweight and condition score.