1. Introduction and preliminaries
Let Σ be a σ-algebra of subsets of a set Ω and $B(\Sigma)$ be the Banach space of all bounded Σ-measurable scalar functions on Ω, equipped with the uniform norm
$\|\cdot\|_\infty$. We assume that the field of scalars is either the set of real numbers or the set of complex numbers.
Let $ba(\Sigma)$ denote the Banach space of all bounded additive scalar-valued measures λ on Σ, equipped the total variation norm
$\|\lambda\|:=|\lambda|(\Omega).$ The Banach dual
$B(\Sigma)'$ of
$B(\Sigma)$ can be identified with
$ba(\Sigma)$ throughout the mapping

where $\Phi_\lambda(u):=\int_\Omega u(\omega)\,d\lambda$ for
$u\in B(\Sigma)$ and
$\|\Phi_\lambda\|=\|\lambda\|$. Let
$ca(\Sigma)$ denote the closed subspace of
$\,ba(\Sigma)$ consisting of all countably additive members of
From now on we assume that $(E,\|\cdot\|_E)$ is a Banach space and
$(E',\|\cdot\|_{E'})$ denotes its dual. Assume that
$m:\Sigma\rightarrow E$ is a finitely additive measure. By
$|m|(A)$ (resp.
$\|m\|(A)$) we denote the variation (resp. semivariation) of m on A (see [Reference Diestel and Uhl7, Definition 4, p. 2]). Then
$\|m\|(A)\leq|m|(A)$ for
If $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is a bounded linear operator, let

Then, $T(u)=\int_\Omega u(\omega)dm_T$ and
$\|T\|=\|m_T\|(\Omega)$ (see [Reference Diestel and Uhl7, Theorem 13, p. 6]).
Different classes of linear operators $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ (weakly compact, absolutely summing, nuclear, integral, σ-smooth) have been studied in numerous papers (see [Reference Diestel5], [Reference Diestel6], [Reference Diestel and Uhl7], [Reference Graves and Ruess11], [Reference Nowak18], [Reference Nowak17]).
For $\mu\in ca(\Sigma)^+$, let
$L^1(\mu,E)$ denote the Banach space of µ-equivalence classes of all E-valued Bochner µ-integrable functions f on Ω, equipped with norm
$\|f\|_1:=\int_\Omega\|f(\omega)\|_E \,d\mu$.
Following [Reference Tong26] we can consider a class of linear operators on $B(\Sigma)$.
Definition 1.1. We say that a linear operator $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is Bochner representable if there exist a measure
$\mu\in ca(\Sigma)^+$ and a function
$f\in L^1(\mu,E)$ so that

The concept of nuclear operators between Banach spaces in due to Grothendieck [Reference Grothendieck12], [Reference Grothendieck13] (see also [Reference Yosida28, p. 279], [Reference Pietsch21, Chap. 3], [Reference Pietsch22], [Reference Diestel and Uhl7, Chap. 6], [Reference Drewnowski9, Chap. 5], [Reference Sofi25], [Reference Ryan23]).
Recall (see [Reference Yosida28, p. 279], [Reference Sofi25]) that a linear operator $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ between Banach spaces
$B(\Sigma)$ and E is said to be nuclear if there exist a bounded sequence
$(\lambda_n)$ in
$ba(\Sigma)$, a bounded sequence
$(e_n)$ in E and a sequence
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ so that

Then the nuclear norm of T is defined by

where the infimum is taken over all sequences $(\lambda_n)$ in
$ba(\Sigma)$ and
$(e_n)$ in E and
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ such that T admits a representation (1.1).
Let ${\cal L}(B(\Sigma),E)$ denote the Banach space of all bounded linear operators from
$B(\Sigma)$ to E, equipped with the operator norm. Then in view of (1.1), we have

where $(\alpha_n\Phi_{\lambda_n}\otimes\,e_n)(u)=\alpha_n\Phi_{\lambda_n}(u)\,e_n$ for
$u\in B(\Sigma)$.
It is known that the space ${\cal N}(B(\Sigma),E)$ of all nuclear operators between
$B(\Sigma)$ and E (equipped with the nuclear norm
$\|\cdot\|_{nuc}$) is a Banach space (see [Reference Pietsch21, 3.1, Proposition, p. 51]).
Due to Diestel [Reference Diestel5, Theorem 9] a bounded linear operator $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is nuclear if and only if mT has an approximate Radon-Nikodym derivative with respect to its variation.
According to [Reference Nowak18, Definition 2.1] we have
Definition 1.2. A linear operator $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is said to be σ-smooth if
$\|T(u_n)\|_E\rightarrow 0$ whenever
$(u_n)$ is a uniformly bounded sequence in
$B(\Sigma)$ such that
$u_n(\omega)\rightarrow 0$ for each
By $\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma))$ we denote the natural Mackey topology on
$B(\Sigma)$. Note that
$ca(\Sigma)))$ is a generalized DF-space, that is,
$\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma))$ is the finest locally convex topology agreeing with itself on norm-bounded sets in
$B(\Sigma)$ (see [Reference Khurana16], [Reference Nowak18], [Reference Nowak17], [Reference Graves and Ruess11]).
The following characterization of σ-smooth operators $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ will be useful (see [Reference Nowak18, Proposition 2.2], [Reference Nowak17, Proposition 3.1]).
Proposition 1.1. For a bounded linear operator $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$, the following statements are equivalent:
(i) T is σ-smooth.
(ii) T is
$m_T:\Sigma\rightarrow E$ is a countably additive measure.
In this paper, we show that a linear operator $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is Bochner representable if and only if T is a nuclear σ-smooth operator and if and only if T is a nuclear operator between the locally convex space
$(B(\Sigma),\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma)))$ and the Banach space E (see Corollary 2.5 below). We derive a formula for the trace of a Bochner representable operator
$T:B({\cal B} o)\rightarrow B({\cal B} o)$ generated by a function
$f\in L^1({\cal B} o, C(\Omega))$, where Ω is a compact Hausdorff space (see Corollary 3.1 below).
2. Nuclearity of Bochner representable operators on
We will need the following result (see [Reference Khurana16, Theorem 3], [Reference Nowak20, Proposition 13 and Corollary 14]).
Proposition 2.1. For a subset ${\cal M}$ of
$ca(\Sigma)$, the following statements are equivalent:
(i) The family
$\{\Phi_\lambda:\lambda\in{\cal M}\}$ is
$\sup_{\lambda\in{\cal M}}\|\lambda\| \lt \infty$ and
${\cal M}$ is uniformly countably additive.
Grothendieck carried over the concept of nuclear operators to locally convex spaces [Reference Grothendieck12], [Reference Grothendieck13] (see also [Reference Yosida28, p. 289–293], [Reference Jarchow15, pp. 376–378], [Reference Schaefer24, Chap. 3, § 7], [Reference Trèves27, § 47]). Following [Reference Schaefer24, Chap. 3, § 7], [Reference Trèves27, § 47] and using Proposition 2.1 we have the following definition.
Definition 2.1. A linear operator $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ between the locally convex space
$(B(\Sigma),\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma)))$ and a Banach space E is said to be nuclear if there exist a bounded and uniformly countably additive sequence
$(\lambda_n)$ in
$ca(\Sigma)$, a bounded sequence
$(e_n)$ in E and a sequence
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ such that

Then $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is
$(\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma)),\|\cdot\|_E)$-compact, that is, T(V) is relatively norm compact in E for some
$\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma))$-neighbourhood V of 0 in
$B(\Sigma)$ (see [Reference Schaefer24, Chap. 3, § 7, Corollary 1], [Reference Trèves27, Theorem 47.3]). Hence T is
Let us put

where the infimum is taken over all sequences $(\lambda_n)$ in
$ca(\Sigma)$ and
$(e_n)$ in E and
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ such that T admits a representation (2.1).
According to [Reference Nowak19, Theorem 2.1] and Proposition 1.1 we have the following characterization of nuclear σ-smooth operators $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$.
Theorem 2.2. Assume that $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is a σ-smooth operator. Then the following statements are equivalent:
(i) T is a nuclear operator between the Banach spaces
$B(\Sigma)$ and E.
$|m_T|(\Omega) \lt \infty$ and mT has a
$|m_T|$-Bochner integrable derivative, that is, there exists a function
$f\in L^1(|m_T|,E)$ so that
$m_T(A)=\int_Af(\omega)\,d|m_T|$ for all
$|m_T|(\Omega) \lt \infty$ and T is a
$|m_T|$-Bochner integrable kernel, that is, there exists a function
$f\in L^1(|m_T|,E)$ so that
$T(u)=\int_{\Omega}u(\omega)f(\omega)\,d|m_T|$ for all
$u\in B(\Sigma)$.
(iv) T is a nuclear operator between the locally convex space
$(B(\Sigma),\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma)))$ and the Banach space E.
In this case, $\|T\|_{nuc}=\|T\|_{\tau-nuc}=|m_T|(\Omega)$.
Making us of [Reference Dinculeanu8, Sect.2, F, Theorem 30, p. 26] we have the following result.
Lemma 2.3. For $\mu\in ca(\Sigma)^+$ and
$f\in L^1(\mu,E)$, let us put


Then $h_f\in L^1(\lambda, E)$ and

In particular, $\int_Ah_f(\omega)\,d\lambda=\int_Af(\omega)\,d\mu$ for all
Theorem 2.4. Assume that $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is a Bochner representable operator. Then T is a nuclear operator between the locally convex space
$(B(\Sigma),\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma)))$ and the Banach space E.
Proof. There exists a measure $\mu\in ca(\Sigma)^+$ and a function
$f\in L^1(\mu,E)$ so that


where mT is a countably additive measure (see [Reference Diestel and Uhl7, Theorem 4, p. 46]), and in view of Proposition 1.1 T is σ-smooth. Hence using Lemma 2.3 we get

where $h_f\in L^1(|m_T|,E)$. By Theorem 2.2 we derive that T is a nuclear operator between the locally convex space
$(B(\Sigma),\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma)))$ and the Banach space E.
In view of Theorem 2.4 and Theorem 2.2 we can obtain the following characterization of Bochner representable operators $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$.
Theorem 2.5. For a linear operator $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$, the following statements are equivalent:
(i) T is a Bochner representable operator.
(ii) T is a nuclear operator between the locally convex space
$(B(\Sigma),\tau(B(\Sigma),ca(\Sigma)))$ and the Banach space E.
(iii) T is a σ-smooth nuclear operator between the Banach spaces
$B(\Sigma)$ and E.
As a consequence of Theorem 2.4 and Theorem 2.2, we get
Corollary 2.6. Assume that $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow E$ is a Bochner representable operator. Then the mapping

is a nuclear operator and $\|T^*\|_{nuc}=\|T\|_{nuc}=|m_T|(\Omega)$.
Proof. Let ɛ > 0 be given. In view of Theorem 2.4 and Theorem 2.2 there exist a bounded and uniformly countably additive sequence $(\lambda_n)$ in
$ca(\Sigma)$, a bounded sequence
$(e_n)$ in E and
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ so that


One can show that for each $e'\in E'$, we have

Moreover, for each $e'\in E'$, we have
$e'\circ m_T\in ca(\Sigma)$ and

Let $i:E\rightarrow E^{\prime\prime}$ stand for the canonical isometry, that is,
$i(e)(e')=e'(e)$ for
$e\in E$,
$e'\in E'$ and
$\|i(e)\|_{E^{\prime\prime}}=\|e\|_E$. Hence for each
$e'\in E'$, we get

This means that $T^*$ is a nuclear operator and by (2.5) we get
Now, we shall show that

Let ɛ > 0 be given. Since $T^*$ is a nuclear operator, there exist a bounded sequence
$(e^{\prime\prime}_n)$ in E ʹʹ, a bounded sequence
$(\lambda_n)$ in
$ca(\Sigma)$ and
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ so that


Then for $A\in\Sigma$, we obtain

Moreover, by the Hahn-Banach theorem for every $A\in\Sigma$, there exists
$e'_A\in E'$ with
$\|e'_A\|_{E'}=1$ such that
$\|m_T(A)\|_E=|(e'_A\circ m_T)(A)|$. Hence, if Π is a finite Σ-partition of Ω, then using (2.6) we have

Since ɛ > 0 is arbitrary, we get $|m_T|(\Omega)\le\|T^*\|_{nuc}$ and finally
3. Traces of Bochner representable operators
Formulas for the traces of kernel operators on Banach function spaces (in particular, $L^p(\mu)$-spaces) have been the object of much study (see [Reference Grothendieck14], [Reference Brislawn2], [Reference Delgado4], [Reference Gohberg, Goldberg and Krupnik10], [Reference Pietsch22]).
Grothendieck [Reference Grothendieck13, Chap. I, p. 165] showed that the notion of ‘trace’ can be defined for nuclear operators in Banach spaces with the approximation property (see [Reference Pietsch22, 4.6.2, Lemma, pp. 210–211]).
Recall that a Banach space $(X,\|\cdot\|_X)$ has the approximation property if for every compact subset K of X and every ɛ > 0 there exists a bounded finite rank operator
$S:X\rightarrow X$ such that
$\|x-S(x)\|_X\leq\varepsilon$ for every
$x\in K$ (see [Reference Ryan23, Chap. 4, p. 72], [Reference Diestel and Uhl7, Definition 1, p. 238]).
Note that the Banach space $B(\Sigma)$ has the approximation property. Assume first that
$B(\Sigma)$ is the Banach lattice of all bounded Σ-measurable real functions on Ω. Since
$(B(\Sigma),\|\cdot\|_\infty)$ is an AM-space with the unit
$\mathbb{1}_\Omega$, due to the Kakutani-Bohnenblust-M. and S. Krein theorem (see [Reference Aliprantis and Burkinshaw1, Theorem 3.40])
$B(\Sigma)$ is lattice isometric to some C(K)-space for a unique (up to homeomorphism) compact Hausdorff space K in such a way that
$\mathbb{1}_\Omega$ is identified with
$\mathbb{1}_K$. This follows that
$B(\Sigma)$ has the approximation property because C(K) has the approximation property (see [Reference Ryan23, Example 4.2]). For the Banach space
$B(\Sigma)$ of complex-valued functions on Ω, one has to consider real and imaginary parts separate.
Assume that $T:B(\Sigma)\rightarrow B(\Sigma)$ is a nuclear operator, that is, there exist a bounded sequence
$(\lambda_n)$ in
$ba(\Sigma)$, a bounded sequence
$(w_n)$ in
$B(\Sigma)$ and
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ so that

Then the trace of T is given by

and it does not depend on the special choice of the nuclear representation (3.1) of T (see [Reference Gohberg, Goldberg and Krupnik10, Chap. 5, Theorem 1.2], [Reference Pietsch22, Lemma, pp. 210–211]).
From now on we assume that $(\Omega,{\cal T})$ is a compact Hausdorff space and
${\cal B} o$ denotes the σ-algebra of Borel sets in Ω. Then
$C(\Omega)\subset B({\cal B} o)$.
Assume that a measure $\mu\in ca^+({\cal B} o)$ is strictly positive, that is, for all
$U\in{\cal T}$ with
$U\neq \emptyset$,
$\mu(U) \gt 0$. Then
$L^1(\mu,C(\Omega))\subset L^1(\mu,B({\cal B} o))$.
Corollary 3.1. Assume that $T:B({\cal B} o)\rightarrow B({\cal B} o)$ is a Bochner representable operator such that

where $f\in L^1(\mu, C(\Omega))$. Then T has a well-defined trace

Proof. Let $L^1(\mu)\,\hat{\otimes}\,C(\Omega)$ denote the projective tensor product of
$L^1(\mu)$ and
$C(\Omega)$, equipped with the completed norm π (see [Reference Diestel and Uhl7, p. 227], [Reference Ryan23, p. 17]). Note that for
$z\in L^1(\mu)\,\hat{\otimes}\, C(\Omega)$, we have

where the infimum is taken over all sequences $(v_n)$ in
$L^1(\mu)$ and
$(w_n)$ in
$C(\Omega)$ with
$\lim_n\|v_n\|_1=0=\lim_n\|w_n\|_\infty$ and
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ such that
$z=\sum^\infty_{n=1}\alpha_n\,v_n\otimes w_n$ in π-norm (see [Reference Ryan23, Proposition 2.8, pp. 21–22]).
It is known that $L^1(\mu)\,\hat{\otimes}\, C(\Omega)$ is isometrically isomorphic to the Banach space
$(L^1(\mu,C(\Omega)),\|\cdot\|_1)$ by the isometry J, defined by:

(see [Reference Diestel and Uhl7, Example 10, p. 228], [Reference Ryan23, Example 2.19, p. 29]). Then there exist sequences $(v_n)$ in
$L^1(\mu)$ and
$(w_n)$ in
$C(\Omega)$ with
$\lim_n\|v_n\|_1=0=\lim_n\|w_n\|_\infty$ and
$(\alpha_n)\in\ell^1$ such that

Thus it follows that

and hence

For $n\in\mathbb{N}$, let

Note that $\lambda_n\in ca(\Sigma)$ and
$|\lambda_n|(\Omega)=\|v_n\|_1$ and hence
$\lim\lambda_n(A)=0$ for all
$A\in\Sigma$. By the Nikodym convergence theorem (see [Reference Drewnowski9, Theorem 8.6]), the family
$\{\lambda_n:n\in\mathbb{N}\}$ is uniformly countably additive.
Since $\Phi_{\lambda_n}(u)=\int_\Omega u(\omega)\,d\lambda_n=\int_\Omega u(\omega)\,v_n(\omega)\,d\mu$ for all
$u\in B(\Sigma)$ (see [Reference Conway3, Theorem 8C, p. 380]), we get

that is,


For $n\in\mathbb{N}$, let
$f_n=\sum_{i=1}^n\alpha_i\,v_i(\cdot)\,w_i$. Hence
$\int_\Omega\|f(\omega)-f_n(\omega)\|_\infty\,d\mu\rightarrow 0$. Thus we get,

Let $g\in L^1(\mu,C(\Omega))$ be another function representing T, that is,

Denote $h(\omega)(t):=f(\omega)(t)-g(\omega)(t)$ for
$\omega,t\in\Omega$. Then for every
$A\in{\cal B} o$ and
$u=\mathbb{1}_A$ we obtain

Hence for every $t\in\Omega$,
$h(\cdot)(t)=0$ µ-a.e and it follows that

We shall show that

For indirect proof suppose that $\left|\int_\Omega h(\omega)(\omega)\,d\mu(\omega)\right| \gt 0$. Then there exists
$A\in{\cal B} o$,
$\mu(A)\neq 0$ such that
$h(\omega)(\omega) \gt 0$ or
$h(\omega)(\omega) \lt 0 $ for
$\omega\in A$. Without loss of generality, let
$h(\omega)(\omega) \gt 0$ for
$\omega\in A$. Since for
$\omega\in\Omega$ we have
$h(\omega)\in C(\Omega)$, then there exists a neighbourhood Hω of
$\omega\in A$ such that

Since µ is strictly positive, then for every $\omega\in A$,
$\mu(H_\omega) \gt 0$ and hence

Let $\omega_0\in A$ be given. Then, we have

Since ω 0 is arbitrary, it follows that

and, in view of Hille’s theorem (see [Reference Dinculeanu8, § 1, Theorem 36, p. 16]), this is in contradiction with (3.2). Hence we finally get

Thus this follows that the trace of T is well defined and ${\rm tr}\,T=\int_\Omega f(\omega)(\omega)\,d\mu$.
Grothendieck [Reference Grothendieck14] showed that if Ω is a compact Hausdorff space with a positive Borel measure µ on Ω and $k(\cdot,\cdot)\in C(\Omega\times\Omega)$, then the kernel operator
$T_k:C(\Omega)\rightarrow C(\Omega)$ defined by:

is nuclear and has a well-defined trace ${\rm tr}\,T_k=\int_\Omega k(\omega,\omega)\,d\mu$ (see [Reference Grothendieck14], [Reference Pietsch22, 6.6.2, Theorem, p. 274]).
Now, we can extend this formula for the trace of kernel operators $T_k:B({\cal B} o)\rightarrow B({\cal B} o)$.
Let $k(\cdot,\cdot)\in C(\Omega\times\Omega)$. Hence for every
$k(\cdot,\omega)\in C(\Omega)$. Let
$C(\Omega, C(\Omega))$ denote the Banach space of all continuous functions
$f:\Omega\rightarrow C(\Omega)$, equipped with the uniform norm
Assume that $\mu\in ca({\cal B} o)^+$. Let
${\cal L}^\infty(\mu, C(\Omega))$ denote the space of all µ-measurable functions
$g:\Omega\rightarrow C(\Omega)$ such that
$\mu-{\rm ess }\sup\|g(\omega)\|_\infty \lt \infty$. In view of the Pettis measurability theorem (see [Reference Diestel and Uhl7, Theorem 2, p. 42]), we have

and the space ${\cal L}^\infty(\mu, C(\Omega))$ can be embedded in the space
$L^1(\mu, C(\Omega))$ such that with each function from
${\cal L}^\infty(\mu, C(\Omega))$ is associated its µ-equivalence class in
$L^1(\mu, C(\Omega))$.
It is well known (see [Reference Pietsch22, 6.1.4, p. 243]) that the function:

is bounded and continuous. Then in view of (3.3), $f\in{\cal L}^\infty(\mu, C(\Omega))$. Hence its µ-equivalence class belongs to
$L^1(\mu,C(\Omega))$. Thus it follows that one can define the kernel operator
$T_k: B({\cal B} o)\rightarrow B({\cal B} o)$ by

For $t\in\Omega$, let
$\Phi_t(u)=u(t)$ for all
$u\in B({\cal B} o)$. Then
$\Phi_t\in C(\Omega)'$ and using Hille’s theorem, for all
$u\in B({\cal B} o)$,
$t\in\Omega$, we get

As a consequence of Theorem 2.2 and Corollary 3.1, we get
Corollary 3.2. The kernel operator $T_k:B({\cal B} o)\rightarrow B({\cal B} o)$ is nuclear σ-smooth and