Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by
Faustmann, Alexander
Gilmore, Jacki
van Tonder, Vereese
Serylak, Maciej
A Bispectral Analysis of the Radio Emissions of Pulsar J0437-4715.
Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation,
Vol. 09,
Issue. 04,
Faustmann, Alexander
Gilmore, Jacki
van Tonder, Vereese
Serylak, Maciej
Higher-Order Spectral Analysis of Radio Pulsar Bursts using MeerKAT.
Morello, V
Rajwade, K M
Stappers, B W
IQRM: real-time adaptive RFI masking for radio transient and pulsar searches.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 510,
Issue. 1,
Heywood, I.
Rammala, I.
Camilo, F.
Cotton, W. D.
Yusef-Zadeh, F.
Abbott, T. D.
Adam, R. M.
Adams, G.
Aldera, M. A.
Asad, K. M. B.
Bauermeister, E. F.
Bennett, T. G. H.
Bester, H. L.
Bode, W. A.
Botha, D. H.
Botha, A. G.
Brederode, L. R. S.
Buchner, S.
Burger, J. P.
Cheetham, T.
de Villiers, D. I. L.
Dikgale-Mahlakoana, M. A.
du Toit, L. J.
Esterhuyse, S. W. P.
Fanaroff, B. L.
February, S.
Fourie, D. J.
Frank, B. S.
Gamatham, R. R. G.
Geyer, M.
Goedhart, S.
Gouws, M.
Gumede, S. C.
Hlakola, M. J.
Hokwana, A.
Hoosen, S. W.
Horrell, J. M. G.
Hugo, B.
Isaacson, A. I.
Józsa, G. I. G.
Jonas, J. L.
Joubert, A. F.
Julie, R. P. M.
Kapp, F. B.
Kenyon, J. S.
Kotzé, P. P. A.
Kriek, N.
Kriel, H.
Krishnan, V. K.
Lehmensiek, R.
Liebenberg, D.
Lord, R. T.
Lunsky, B. M.
Madisa, K.
Magnus, L. G.
Mahgoub, O.
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Mnyandu, N.
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Mphego, M. C.
New, W. S.
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Ngoasheng, K. J.
Ockards, M. T.
Oozeer, N.
Otto, A. J.
Passmoor, S. S.
Patel, A. A.
Peens-Hough, A.
Perkins, S. J.
Ramaila, A. J. T.
Ramanujam, N. M. R.
Ramudzuli, Z. R.
Ratcliffe, S. M.
Robyntjies, A.
Salie, S.
Sambu, N.
Schollar, C. T. G.
Schwardt, L. C.
Schwartz, R. L.
Serylak, M.
Siebrits, R.
Sirothia, S. K.
Slabber, M.
Smirnov, O. M.
Sofeya, L.
Taljaard, B.
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Tiplady, A. J.
Toruvanda, O.
Twum, S. N.
van Balla, T. J.
van der Byl, A.
van der Merwe, C.
Van Tonder, V.
Van Wyk, R.
Venter, A. J.
Venter, M.
Wallace, B. H.
Welz, M. G.
Williams, L. P.
Xaia, B.
The 1.28 GHz MeerKAT Galactic Center Mosaic.
The Astrophysical Journal,
Vol. 925,
Issue. 2,
Rajwade, K M
Bezuidenhout, M C
Caleb, M
Driessen, L N
Jankowski, F
Malenta, M
Morello, V
Sanidas, S
Stappers, B W
Surnis, M P
Barr, E D
Chen, W
Kramer, M
Wu, J
Buchner, S
Serylak, M
Combes, F
Fong, W
Gupta, N
Jagannathan, P
Kilpatrick, C D
Krogager, J-K
Noterdaeme, P
Núnẽz, C
Prochaska, J Xavier
Srianand, R
Tejos, N
First discoveries and localizations of Fast Radio Bursts with MeerTRAP: real-time, commensal MeerKAT survey.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 514,
Issue. 2,
Caleb, M
Driessen, L N
Gordon, A C
Tejos, N
Bernales, L
Qiu, H
Chibueze, J O
Stappers, B W
Rajwade, K M
Cavallaro, F
Wang, Y
Kumar, P
Majid, W A
Wharton, R S
Naudet, C J
Bezuidenhout, M C
Jankowski, F
Malenta, M
Morello, V
Sanidas, S
Surnis, M P
Barr, E D
Chen, W
Kramer, M
Fong, W
Kilpatrick, C D
Prochaska, J Xavier
Simha, S
Venter, C
Heywood, I
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A subarcsec localized fast radio burst with a significant host galaxy dispersion measure contribution.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 524,
Issue. 2,
Padmanabh, P V
Barr, E D
Sridhar, S S
Rugel, M R
Damas-Segovia, A
Jacob, A M
Balakrishnan, V
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Freire, P C C
Khan, S
Klöckner, H-R
Kramer, M
Ma, Y K
Mao, S A
Men, Y P
Menten, K M
Sengupta, S
Venkatraman Krishnan, V
Wucknitz, O
Wyrowski, F
Bezuidenhout, M C
Buchner, S
Burgay, M
Chen, W
Clark, C J
Künkel, L
Nieder, L
Stappers, B
Legodi, L S
Nyamai, M M
The MPIfR–MeerKAT Galactic Plane Survey – I. System set-up and early results.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 524,
Issue. 1,
Clark, C J
Breton, R P
Barr, E D
Burgay, M
Thongmeearkom, T
Nieder, L
Buchner, S
Stappers, B
Kramer, M
Becker, W
Mayer, M
Phosrisom, A
Ashok, A
Bezuidenhout, M C
Calore, F
Cognard, I
Freire, P C C
Geyer, M
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Levin, L
Padmanabh, P V
Possenti, A
Ransom, S
Serylak, M
Venkatraman Krishnan, V
Vleeschower, L
Behrend, J
Champion, D J
Chen, W
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Keane, E F
Künkel, L
Men, Y
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Marsh, T R
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The TRAPUM L-band survey for pulsars in Fermi-LAT gamma-ray sources.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 519,
Issue. 4,
Wongphechauxsorn, J
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Balakrishnan, V
Barr, E D
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Burgay, M
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Ng, C
Possenti, A
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Stappers, B
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The High Time Resolution Universe Pulsar survey – XVIII. The reprocessing of the HTRU-S Low Lat survey around the Galactic Centre using a Fast Folding Algorithm pipeline for accelerated pulsars.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 527,
Issue. 2,
Jankowski, F
Bezuidenhout, M C
Caleb, M
Driessen, L N
Malenta, M
Morello, V
Rajwade, K M
Sanidas, S
Stappers, B W
Surnis, M P
Barr, E D
Chen, W
Kramer, M
Wu, J
Buchner, S
Serylak, M
Prochaska, J Xavier
A sample of fast radio bursts discovered and localized with MeerTRAP at the MeerKAT telescope.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 524,
Issue. 3,
Hurter, H
Venter, C
Levin, L
Stappers, B W
Barr, E D
Breton, R P
Buchner, S
Carli, E
Kramer, M
Padmanabh, P V
Possenti, A
Prayag, V
Turner, J D
Searching for pulsars, magnetars, and fast radio bursts in the sculptor galaxy using MeerKAT.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 533,
Issue. 4,
Carli, E
Antonopoulou, D
Burgay, M
Keith, M J
Levin, L
Liu, Y
Stappers, B W
Turner, J D
Barr, E D
Breton, R P
Buchner, S
Kramer, M
Padmanabh, P V
Possenti, A
Venkatraman Krishnan, V
Venter, C
Becker, W
Maitra, C
Haberl, F
Thongmeearkom, T
The TRAPUM Small Magellanic Cloud pulsar survey with MeerKAT – II. Nine new radio timing solutions and glitches from young pulsars.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 533,
Issue. 4,
Vleeschower, L
Corongiu, A
Stappers, B W
Freire, P C C
Ridolfi, A
Abbate, F
Ransom, S M
Possenti, A
Padmanabh, P V
Balakrishnan, V
Kramer, M
Venkatraman Krishnan, V
Zhang, L
Bailes, M
Barr, E D
Buchner, S
Chen, W
Discoveries and timing of pulsars in M62.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 530,
Issue. 2,
Tian, J
Rajwade, K M
Pastor-Marazuela, I
Stappers, B W
Bezuidenhout, M C
Caleb, M
Jankowski, F
Barr, E D
Kramer, M
Detection and localization of the highly active FRB 20240114A with MeerKAT.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 533,
Issue. 3,
Turner, J D
Stappers, B W
Tian, J
Bezuidenhout, M C
Caleb, M
Driessen, L N
Jankowski, F
Pastor-Marazuela, I
Rajwade, K M
Surnis, M
Kramer, M
Barr, E D
Berezina, M
Discovery of 26 new Galactic radio transients by MeerTRAP.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 537,
Issue. 2,