Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 September 2007
Phase relations is extracted at different latitudes between the weak background solar magnetic (poloidal) field and strong magnetic field associated with sunspots (toroidal field) by comparing low-resolution images from Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO) and the high-resolution SOHO/MDI magnetograms. Sunspot areas and excess flux in all latitudinal zones (averaged with a sliding 1 year filter) reveal a strong positive correlation with the absolute and excess solar magnetic fields with a timelag of zero and ∼ 3 years. The residuals of a sunspot magnetic excess flux averaged by one year from those by 4 years are shown to have well defined periodic temporal and spatial structures. The periods of these structures are close to π/4 (π≈ 11 years). The structures have maxima at −40^ and +40^ and reveal spatial drifts with time either towards the equator or the poles depending on a latitude of sunspot occurences.