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Although meconic acid is constantly taken, even in the most recent handbooks of chemistry, as an instance of a tribasic acid, it is by no means certain that it possesses that nature. Some years ago, Dittmar and Dewar investigated the matter, and came to the conclusion that meconic acid is dibasic though triatomic; but their experiments are not supposed to completely elucidate the subject. All published statements regarding this acid are consistent with it being only dibasic, if we except one or two analyses of its metallic salts. Only two ethyl ethers are known, while hydromeconic acid, which is formed from meconic acid by the action of sodium-amalgam, forms dibasic salts alone. With morphia and with aniline tribasic compounds are not known, though the dibasic salts are easily prepared.
page 34 note * Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin. 1867.
page 35 note * Gmelin's Handbook, xii. 128.
page 37 note * Gmelin's Handbook, xii. 430.