Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
The simplest and most common form of reproduction amongst the Ciliata is binary fission. In this ordinary, possibly vegetative, method of reproduction the plane of division is generally perpendicular to the long axis of the creature, To this generalisation the Vorticellidse form an apparent exception, but on the view that their evident long axis really corresponds to the dorso-ventral axis of other ciliates their case falls into line with that of the rest of the sub-class. Formerly many instances of fission in the direction of the long axis were described; they may safely be considered to have been mere instances of conjugation.
page 403 note * “Beiträge zur Morphologie der Oxytrichinen,” Zeitschr. f. toiss. Zoologie, Bd. 31, p. 29 ff.
page 403 note † Protozoenstudien: Arbeiten aus den Zoolog. Instituten des Universität. Wien, Tom. xi., Heft, ii., 1895–1899.
page 406 note * “Observ. et expér. s. les phénom. de la reprod. fissipare chez les infus. ciliées,” Compt. rend. Ac. Sc. Paris, T. 50, p. 1191.
page 406 note † No reference is made for the present to other species, e.g., putrinum, bursaria.
page 408 note * In the case of Stylonichia pust. this reduction varied from 25 to 50 μ.
page 408 note † Stylonichia pust. now measures 70–90μ in place of the normal 160 μ.
page 415 note * No temperatures are given, as in this case they probably had no influence on the sequel.
page 419 note * Some four or five times every 24 hours in place of the normal twice or thrice.
page 419 note † In some cases these covered the period of eugamy as calculated by generations.
page 420 note * With regard to the former point, we may note that those Ciliata that have been hindered in this way from reproducing themselves by binary fission require some little time to recover the power to do so when food is again supplied to them.
page 421 note * Joukowsky fails to observe that in Leucophrys patula and Paramecium putrinum Maupas recognised possible exceptions to his puberty theory (Le Raj. karyog. chez les Ciliés, p. 410), while he also admits that the period of immaturity may be greatly shortened under certain unknown conditions. Of these conditions I have been able to find out nothing.