Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
§ 1. The object of this communication is to partially realise the hope expressed at the end of my paper of July 1 and July 15, 1889, on the “Molecular Constitution of Matter”:—“The mathematical investigation must be deferred for a future communication, when I hope to give it with some further developments.” The italics are of present date.
Following the ideas and principles suggested in §§ 14–20 of that paper (referred to henceforth for brevity as M. C. M.), let us first find the work required to separate all the atoms of a homogeneous assemblage of a great number n of molecules to infinite distances from one another. Each molecule may be a single atom, or it may be a group of i atoms (similar to one another or dissimilar, as the case may be) which makes the whole assemblage a group of i assemblages, each of n single atoms.
page 205 note * Proc. Soy. Soc. Edin. and vol. iii. of Mathematical and Physical Papers, art. xcvii.
page 217 note * Proc. R.S.L., vol.54, June 8, 1893Google Scholar.
page 218 note * Theoria Philosophiæ Naturalis redacta ad unicam legem virium in natura existentium, auctore P. Rogerio Josepho Boscovich, Societatis Jesu,. nunc ab ipso perpolita, et aucta, ac a plurimis prsecedentium editionuro mendis expurgata. Editio Veneta prima ipso auctore prasente, et corrigente. Venetiis, MDCCLXIII. Ex Typographia Remondiniana superiorum permissu, ac privilegio.
page 220 note * It is interesting and instructive to verify this analytically by selecting all the terras in W which contain ui and thus finding This equated to zero, for zero values of … ui−1 ui, ui+1, … gives equation (9) of the text.