Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2014
This paper is a continuation of two papers on Seismic Radiations published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. xxviii, pp. 217–230 (1907–8) and vol. xxx, pp. 23–37 (1909). The object of the present communication is to place on record a new determination of the laws of propagation of seismic waves based upon a method of calculation in which no assumptions are made as to the functional relation between velocity of propagation and distance from the earth's centre. References to the work of others will be given incidentally as occasion arises.
page 157 note * See, however, the closing paragraph of the second paper referred to above for an account of the important work of Wiechert and Zöppritz in this connection.
page 159 note * This result, among others, was first given by Rudzki (see Gerland's Beiträge zur Geophysik, vol. iii, p. 496 (1898)).
page 159 note † See their paper, “Ueber Erdbebenwellen,” Nachrichten von tier König. Gesell. d. Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, 1907. p. 491 et seq.
page 184 note * See their first paper on “Erdbebenwellen,” Göttingen Nachrichten, mathem.-phys, Klasse, 1907, p. 516