Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 May 2010
page 17 note * Published by the Surtees Society, vol. 70.
page 19 note * Ed. 1903, p. 2.
page 19 note † Archceologia, xlv. 390, 391.
page 20 note * MS. Harl. 3836, f. 49 v, printed for the first time in The Philobiblion, edited by Ernest C. Thomas (London 1888), Introduction, xlvi. The passage from which the words here quoted are taken has been overlooked both by the editors of Murimuth and by the biographers of Bishop de Bury.
page 20 note † Historiœ Dunelmensis Scriptores tres (Surtees Society 9), 130.
page 21 note * Eddii Vita Wilfridi (Rolls Series 71), 24.
page 24 note * This drawing is not here reproduced.
page 25 note * Proceedings, 2nd S. xix. 179–185.
page 25 note † Vol. xxvii. 218.
page 26 note * I have lately been told that French saxans will not reply unless stamps be enclosed for postage. I was not aware at the time that this was expected.
page 26 note † A reproduction of the plates was issued in three volumes, 4to, at Paris in 1870, under the following title, Monasticon allicanum, Collection de 168 planches de vues topograpliiques [par Michel Germain, d. 1694] représentant les monistéres de l'Ordre de Saint-Benoit. Le tout réproduit par M. Peigné Delacourt, avec nne preface par M. Léopold Delisle.”