Politics and Society in Contemporary China, Elizabeth Freund Larus, Lynne Reinner Publishers

From the publisher:
This authoritative text captures the dynamism of Chi-nese politics and society. It begins with a broad sweep of China's modern history -- from the imperial era to the present -- providing essential context for understanding the current political environment. It then makes sense of the dramatic political, social, and economic changes that have occurred across some six decades.
Elizabeth Freund Larus is professor of political science and international affairs at the University of Mary Washington. She is author of Economic Reform in China, 1979-2003: The Marketization of Labor and State Enterprises. ISBN 978-1-58826-800-6; 978-1-58826-825-9.
Philosophical Perspectives on Human Rights. Some Contemporary Views, Claudio Corradetti, Editor, Springer

From the publisher:
This book presents a unique collection of the most rele-vant perspectives in contemporary human rights philoso-phy. Different intellectual traditions are brought together to explore some of the core postmodern issues challeng-ing standard justifications. Widely accessible also to non experts, contributions aim at opening new perspectives on the state of the art of the philosophy of human rights. This makes this book particularly suitable to human rights experts as well as master and doctoral students.
Claurdio Corradetti is a senior researcher at the European Academy in Bolzano Italy.
Accountability and Democracy: The Pitfalls and Promise of Popular Control, Craig T. Borowiak, Oxford University Press
American Soul: The Contested Legacy of the Declaration of Independence, Justin Buckley Dyer, Editor, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers
Challengers to Duopoly: Why Third Parties Matter in American Two-Party Politics, J. David Gillespie, University of South Carolina Press
The Color of Citizenship: Race, Modernity, and Latin American/ Hispanic Political Thought, Diego A. Von Vacano, Oxford University Press
Cosmopolitan Political Thought: Method, Practice, Discipline, Farah Dogrej, Oxford University Press
The Delegated Welfare State: Medicare, Markets, and the Governance of Social Policy, Kimberly J. Morgan and Andrea Louise Campbell, Oxford University Press
Digital Schools: How Technology Can Transform Education, Darrell M. West, Brookings Institution Press
The Fed and the Credit Crisis, J. Kevin Corder, Lynne Rienner Publishers
Governing Washington: Politics and Government in the Evergreen State, Cornell W. Clayton and Nicholas P. Lovrich, Editors, Washington State University Press
Legislating International Organization: The US Congress, The IMF, and the World Bank, Kathryn C. Lavelle, Oxford University Press
The Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus: Race and Representation in the Pelican State, Jas M. Sullivan and Jonathan Winburn, Louisiana State University Press
A Model Discipline: Political Science and the Logic of Representations, Kevin A. Clarke, David M. Primo, Oxford University Press
Party and Procedure in the United States Congress, Jacob R. Straus, editor, Rowman & Littlefield
Political Corruption in Eastern Europe: Politics After Communism, Tatiana Kostadinova, Lynne Rienner Publishers
Privileged an Confidential: The Secret History of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board, Kenneth Michael Absher, Michael C. Desch, and Roman Popadiuk, The University Press of Kentucky
Research Design in European Studies: Establishing Causality in Europeanization, Theofanis Exadaktylos and Claudio M. Radaelli, editors, Palgrave Macmillan
The Shadow of the Past: Reputation and Military Alliances before the First World War, Gregory D. Miller, Cornell University Press
Tales from the Sausage Factory: Making Laws in New York State, Danield L Feldman and Gerald Benjamin, SUNY Press
Tea Party Effects on 2010 U.S. Senate Elections: Stuck in the Middle to Lose, William J. Miller and Jeremy D. Walling, Editors, Lexington Books
When Victory Is Not an Option: Islamist Movements in Arab Politics, Nathan J. Brown, Cornell University Press