Why Public Service Matters: Public Managers, Public Policy, and Democracy
Robert Durant
Palgrave Macmillan
From the publisher: Why Public Service Matters conveys the importance, purpose, and nobility of a career as a civil servant in the United States. It does so, however, with an unflinching eye on the realpolitik that drives public administration in America’s ‘compensatory state’ and on the pitfalls for the republic of reformers’ focus on bureaucratic rather than democratic administration. The book links the nation’s ability to deal with contemporary policy problems with the strategic, tactical, and normative quality of public management. In doing so, it offers newcomers a badly needed concise and accessible overview of the field. From its relentless historical, diagnostic, strategic, and normative focus, readers will gain an appreciation from each chapter for the challenges, choices, and opportunities facing public managers as they help advance a sense of common purpose informed by democratic constitutional values in twenty-first century America.

Robert Durant is professor of public administration and policy at American University, USA. He is the recipient of three lifetime awards for his contributions to public administration and policy research: the Dwight Waldo Award from the American Society for Public Administration, the John M. Gaus Award and Lectureship from the American Political Science Association, and the Charles H. Levine Memorial Award from the American Society for Public Administration and the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration.
Nonprofits and Advocacy: Engaging Community and Government in an Era of Retrenchment
edited by Robert J. Pekkanen, Steven Rathgeb Smith, and Yutaka Tsujinaka
Johns Hopkins University Press
From the Publisher: Should a nonprofit advocate for its mission and its constituents with a goal of affecting public policy? What are the limits of such advocacy work? Will such efforts fundamentally jeopardize nonprofit work? What can studies of nonprofit advocacy efforts reveal? Editors Robert J. Pekkanen, Steven Rathgeb Smith, and Yutaka Tsujinaka recognize the urgent need for relevant research and insight into these issues as direct and indirect government services are squeezed by federal cutbacks.

Nonprofits and Advocacy defines advocacy and clarifies the differences among advocacy, lobbying, political activity, and education, as well as advocacy measurements. Providing original empirical data and innovative theoretical arguments, this comparative study is organized into two parts. The first part focuses on local and national dimensions of nonprofit advocacy, and the second part looks at organizational politics and strategies. The conclusion considers basic questions about nonprofit advocacy and seeks to draw lessons from research efforts and practice.
Providing a critical look at the multidimensional roles and advocacy efforts of nonprofits, this volume will be valued by scholars, students, leaders, and activists—many of whom advocate for the interests of their organizations while delivering services to their organizations’ constituents. The research is also relevant for policymakers involved in cross-sector public policy initiatives as they strive to provide more efficient public-private solutions to challenging governance issues.
Robert J. Pekkanen is an associate professor in the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies and adjunct associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Washington. Steven Rathgeb Smith is executive director of the American Political Science Association and affiliate professor in the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington. Yutaka Tsujinaka is the president-elect of the Japanese Political Science Association and a professor of political science in the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba.
Advancing Electoral Integrity
Edited by Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank, and Ferran Martinez i Coma
Oxford Uniersity Press
After Occupy: Economic Democracy for the 21st Century
Tom Malleson
Oxford University Press
Brazil: Reversal of Fortune
Alfred P. Montero
Polity Books
Building the Federal Schoolhouse: Localism and the American Education State
Douglas S. Reed
Oxford University Press
Buying the Vote: A History of Campaign Finance Reform
Robert E. Mutch
Oxford University Press
Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up: Perceptions and Performance
Edited by Elisabeth Gidengil and Heather Bastedo
UBC Press
Celebrity Politics
Mark Wheeler
Polity Books
The Character of Democracy: How Institutions Shape Politics
Richad A. Clucas and Melody Ellis Valdini
Oxford University Press
Collaborative Governance for Urban Revitalization: Lessons from Empowerment Zones
Michael J. Rich and Robert P. Stoker
Cornell University Press
Comparative Peace Processes
Jonathan Tonge
Polity Books
Compassionate Communalism: Welfare and Sectarianism in Lebanon
Melani Cammett
Cornell University Press
Courts, Codes, and Customs: Legal Tradition and State Policy toward International Human Rights and Environmental Law
Dana Zartner
Oxford University Press
Creolizing Political Theory: Reading Rousseau through Fanon
Jane Anna Gordon
Oxford University Press/Fordham University Press
Curriculum and the Culture Wars: Debating the Bible’s Place in Public Schools
Edited by Melissa Deckman and Joseph Prud’homme
Peter Land International Academic Publishers
Deliberative Democracy: Issues and Cases
Edited by Stephen Elstub and Peter McLaverty
Oxford University Press
Delivering the People’s Message: The Changing Politics of the Presidential Mandate
Julia R. Azari
Cornell University Press
Democratic Transformation and Obstruction EU, US and Russia in the South Caucasus
Nelli Babayan
Diplomatic Afterlives
Andrew Cooper
Polity Books
Drone Warfare
John Kaag and Sarah Kreps
Polity Books
Empires without Imperialism
Jeanne Morefield
Oxford University Press
The End of American World Order
Amitav Acharya
Polity Books
The Ethics of Immigration
Joseph Carens
Oxford University Press
Faith and the Founders of the American Republic
Edited by Daniel Dreisbach and Mark David Hall
Oxford University Press
Fighting the End: The Pakistan Army’s Way of War
C. Christine Fair
Oxford University Press
Fugitive Rousseau: Slavery, Primitivism, and Political Freedom
Jimmy Casas Klausen
Oxford University Press/Fordham University Press
Gender, War and Conflict
Laura Sjoberg
Polity Books
Global Gangs
Edited by Jennifer M. Hazen and Dennis Rodgers
Minnesota University Press
Gridlock: Why Global Cooperation Is Failing When We Need It Most
Thomas Hale, David Held, and Kevin Young
Polity Books
The Gun Debate
Philip J. Cook and Kristin A. Goss
Oxford University Press
Latino Politics 2nd Edition
Lisa Garcia Bedolla
Polity Books
Liberalism and the Emergence of American Political Science: A Transatlantic Tale
Robert Adcock
Oxford University Press
Lincoln and Liberty: Wisdom for the Ages
Edited by Lucas E. Morel
University Press of Kentucky
Mass Politics in Tough Times
Edited by Larry Bartels and Nancy Bermeo
Oxford University Press
A Middle Class without Democracy: Economic Growth and the Prospects for Democratization in China
Jie Chen
Oxford University Press
Narrative Politics: Stories and Collective Action
Frederick W. Mayer
Oxford University Press
Networks of Domination: The Social Foundations of Peripheral Conquest in International Politics
Paul K. MacDonald
Oxford University Press
Networks of Rebellion: Explaining Insurgent Cohesion and Collapse
Paul Staniland
Cornell University Press
Nuclear Desire: Power and the Postcolonial Nuclear Order
Shampa Biswas
University of Minnesota Press
Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era
Vipin Narang
Princeton University Press
The Outrage Industry: Political Opinion Media and the New Incivility
Jeffry M. Berry and Sarah Sobieraj
Oxford University Press
Privatizing the Polity
Holona LeAnne Ochs
SUNY Press
Protest Inc.: The Corporatization of Activism
Peter Dauvergne and Genevieve Lebaron
Polity Books
The Politics of Non-State Social Welfare
Edited by Melani C. Cammett and Lauren M. MacLean
Cornell University Press
The Politics of Uncertainty: Sustaining and Subverting Electoral Authoritarianism
Andreas Schedler
Oxford University Press
The Politics of Women’s Health Care in the United States
Marian Lief Palley and Howard A Palley
Palgrave Macmillan
Public Policy Investment: Priority-Setting and Conditional Representation in British Statecraft
Anthony Bertelli and Peter C. John
Oxford University Press
Radical Future Pasts: Untimely Political Theory
Edited by Romand Coles, Mark Reinhardt, and George Shulman
University Press of Kentucky
Red Skin, White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition
Glen Sean Coulthar
University of Minnesota Press
Religion and Democratization: Framing Religious and Political Identities in Muslim and Catholic Societies
Michael D. Driessen
Oxford University Press
Social Democratic America
Lane Kenworthy
Oxford University Press
Territorial Pluralism: Managing Difference in Multinational States
Edited by Karlo Basta, John McGarry, and Richard Simeon
UBC Press
Time to React: The Efficiency of International Organizations in Crisis Response
Heidi Hardt
Oxford University Press
Traveling Back: Toward a Global Political Theory
Susan McWilliams
Oxford University Press
Unbroken Government: Success and the Illusion of Failure in Policymaking
Wendy N. Whitman-Cobb
Palgrave Macmillan