Meyer Rubin (February 17, 1924–May 2, 2020) was a pioneer in the field of radiocarbon. In 1950, after serving in World War II, he began his career as a geologist at the United States Geological Survey (USGS). He joined the survey’s radiocarbon laboratory on December 1, 1953, under Hans Suess (Suess Reference Suess1954a). Suess constructed an acetylene gas 14C beta-counting laboratory that extended the age limit of the Libby 14C solid graphite method by several half-lives (Suess Reference Suess1954b; Flint and Rubin Reference Flint and Rubin1955). After Suess left, Meyer became the director of the USGS lab. In 1956 he completed his PhD degree from the University of Chicago (Rubin Reference Rubin1956) and pursued his radiocarbon research at the USGS with great industry. By the end of the 1950s Meyer had reported 14C results from 38 U.S. states, 26 countries around the world, the Atlantic Ocean, Antarctica, and the stratosphere (see references in Table 1). Meyer was also a seasoned field geologist, and during the 1950s alone, he collected samples from over a dozen states.
Table 1 USGS date lists

Meyer published date lists to provide a record of his efforts. These reveal a careful approach to analysis, with special attention to background measurements, error propagation (Rubin and Suess Reference Rubin and Suess1955), pretreatment methods, and δ13C corrections (Rubin and Alexander Reference Rubin and Alexander1958). In addition to the radiocarbon age results, each entry provided a description of the site, its geographic coordinates, collector and submitter names and affiliations, and the rationale for making the measurement. Comments on particular samples explained the significance of the result, often with citations. In the early 1960s, Meyer began to report calibrated ages, based on early tree-ring datasets.
Meyer’s earliest radiocarbon applications followed the theme of his PhD dissertation, the timing of continental glaciation in North America (Rubin Reference Rubin1956). His radiocarbon dates paved the way for a refined understanding of glacial advances and retreats across the continent (Flint and Rubin Reference Flint and Rubin1955; Wright and Rubin Reference Rubin1956; Ruhe et al. Reference Ruhe, Rubin and Scholtes1957; Fries et al. Reference Fries, Wright and Rubin1961; Detterman et al. Reference Detterman, Reed and Rubin1965; Frye et al. Reference Frye, Willman, Rubin and Black1968). As time passed, this work evolved into a broader effort to understand paleoclimate, as manifest for example, in the history of Lake Bonneville (Scott et al. Reference Scott, McCoy, Shroba and Rubin1983; Spencer et al. Reference Spencer, Baedecker, Eugster, Forester, Goldhaber, Jones, Kelts, Mckenzie, Madsen, Rettig, Rubin and Bowser1984) or catastrophic floods across the Columbia River basalts in the northwest United States (Mullineaux et al. Reference Mullineaux, Wilcox, Ebaugh, Fryxell and Rubin1978). Meyer’s dates allowed for quantitative sea level estimates through time (Redfield et al. Reference Redfield and Rubin1962; Upson et al. Reference Upson, Leopold and Rubin1964; Emery et al. Reference Emery, Wigley and Rubin1965; Merrill et al. Reference Merrill, Emery and Rubin1965; Schmoll et al. Reference Schmoll, Szabo, Rubin and Dobrovolny1972), as well as changes in flora and fauna (Daniels et al. Reference Daniels, Rubin and Simonson1963; Repenning et al. Reference Repenning, Hopkins and Rubin1964; Ray et al. Reference Ray, Denny and Rubin1970; Sirkin et al. Reference Sirkin, Denny and Rubin1977; Carrara et al. Reference Carrara, Mode, Rubin and Robinson1984, Reference Carrara, Trimble and Rubin1991). Radiocarbon chronologies of geomorphological and sedimentological changes in various settings completed the picture (Whitney et al. Reference Whitney, Faulkender and Rubin1983; Reneau et al. Reference Reneau, Dietrich, Dorn, Berger and Rubin1986, Reference Reneau, Dietrich, Rubin, Donahue and Jull1989, Reference Reneau, Dietrich, Donahue, Jull and Rubin1990; Benson et al. Reference Benson, Kashgarian and Rubin1995; Markewich et al. Reference Markewich, Wysocki, Pavich, Rutledge, Millard, Rich, Maat, Rubin and McGeehin1998).
A second theme of Meyer’s research focused on dates of volcanic eruptions, essential to hazard mitigation. He began dating volcanoes early in his career (Rubin and Suess Reference Rubin and Suess1956). In collaboration with USGS scientists he would go on to date eruptions from Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming (Rubin and Suess Reference Rubin and Suess1956; Rubin and Alexander Reference Rubin and Alexander1960; Rubin and Berthold Reference Rubin and Berthold1961; Levin et al. Reference Levin, Ives, Oman and Rubin1965; Ives et al. Reference Ives, Levin, Oman and Rubin1967; Marsters et al. Reference Marsters, Spiker and Rubin1969; Crandell et al. Reference Crandell, Mullineaux, Miller and Rubin1962; Hopson et al. Reference Hopson, Waters, Bender and Rubin1962; Kuntz et al. Reference Kuntz, Spiker, Rubin, Champion and Lefebvre1986; Buchanan-Banks et al. Reference Buchanan-Banks, Lockwood and Rubin1989; Dzurisin et al. Reference Dzurisin, Lockwood, Casadevall and Rubin1995). After decades of effort, Meyer produced an almanac with over 300 dates from the island of Hawaii (Rubin et al. Reference Rubin, Gargulinski Lea and McGeehin John1987a). Further afield, Meyer’s work included dates of eruptions from Taiwan (Ives et al. Reference Ives, Levin, Robinson and Rubin1964); Japan (Stern et al. Reference Stern, Smoot and Rubin1984); Iceland (Rubin and Berthold Reference Rubin and Berthold1961); Italy (Lirer et al. Reference Lirer, Rolandi and Rubin1991); Germany, Kenya (Rubin and Alexander Reference Rubin and Alexander1960); the Azores (Moore and Rubin Reference Moore and Rubin1991); Java (Newhall et al. Reference Newhall, Bronto, Alloway, Banks, Bahar, del Marmol, Hadisantono, Holcomb, McGeehin, Miksic, Rubin, Sayudi, Sukhyar, Andreastuti, Tilling, Torley, Trimble and Wirakusumah2000); and Lake Nyos maar, Cameroon (Lockwood and Rubin Reference Lockwood and Rubin1989).
A paper Meyer co-authored in 1975 successfully predicted the imminent eruption of Mount St. Helens, WA (Crandell et al. Reference Crandell, Mullineaux and Rubin1975), which erupted five years later, on March 27, 1980. Meyer also contributed to a white-knuckle, short-turnaround international effort to mitigate hazards associated with the impending eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines, in 1991. He worked with USGS and Filipino volcanologists to provide geochronological data that facilitated a successful evacuation of a strategically important U.S. Air Force base (Clark Air Base) located on the flanks of the volcano. This effort no doubt saved lives.
Meyer participated in field trips to remote sites in Alaska for many years. After the devastating M 9.2 Great Alaska earthquake (March 27, 1964), work in Alaska focused on understanding the cause of the disaster and assess risks of future earthquakes. Radiocarbon-based sea level estimates were used to determine sea level/uplift histories to identify large earthquakes in the past, and radiocarbon chronologies made it possible to determine their recurrences over long timescales (Plafker et al. Reference Plafker, Hudson, Bruns and Rubin1978, Reference Plafker, Lajoie and Rubin1992; Plafker and Rubin Reference Plafker and Rubin1978).
Throughout his career, Meyer employed cutting-edge techniques. He adopted an acid-alkali-acid pretreatment method in the 1950s (for example: Solecki and Rubin Reference Solecki and Rubin1958), and he made δ13C corrections for specific samples (for example, sample W-350; Rubin and Alexander Reference Rubin and Alexander1958). Meyer also made numerous age comparisons between diverse sample types, such as wood and shell (Rubin et al. Reference Rubin, Likins and Berry1963), and considered site-specific effects, such as the sample proximity to volcanic vents (Rubin et al. Reference Rubin, Lockwood and Friedman1987b) and dates from large, oligotrophic lakes (Colman et al. Reference Colman, Jones, Rubin, King, Peck and Orem1996). He used 14C as a geochemical tracer of industrial organic pollutants in water (Rosen and Rubin Reference Rosen and Rubin1964, Reference Rosen and Rubin1965; Spiker and Rubin Reference Spiker and Rubin1975). He measured groundwater ages using both dissolved inorganic carbon in his counter lab (Thatcher et al. Reference Thatcher, Rubin and Brown1961; Hanshaw et al. Reference Hanshaw, Back and Rubin1965, Reference Hanshaw, Rubin, Back and Friedman1967; Back et al. Reference Back, Hanshaw, Plummer, Rahn, Rightmire and Rubin1983) and dissolved organic carbon by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) (Purdy et al. Reference Purdy, Burr, Rubin, Helz and Mignerey1992). Nearly thirty years into his career, Meyer began to make AMS measurements, first at the University of Rochester (Gove et al. Reference Gove, Elmore, Ferraro, Beukens, Chang, Kilius, Lee, Litherland, Purser and Rubin1980), and later at the University of Arizona, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He recognized the advantages of AMS and wasted no time in taking advantage of the technique.
Although Meyer’s work at the USGS was focused on geology, he had a keen interest in archaeology as well, and he made his laboratory available for archaeological samples. He dated Native American sites in Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, New Mexico, New York, Columbia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Mexico. He dated Jomon sites in Japan, and Neolithic to Paleolithic sites in Iraq, France, and Germany. These results are reported in the date lists (Table 1).

Meyer Rubin (1924–2020). Photo courtesy of Harvey Belkin.
Meyer’s management of the lab was decidedly paternal. He was a devoted father and husband, married to Mary Louise Tucker for 72 years (his high school sweetheart). His personality and boundless energy were infectious, both inside and outside the laboratory. Despite always having technicians to help him, he would don his lab coat every day, jump in to print out the results of the overnight runs, turn stopcocks, or give a sample “the business,” his code for making sure it was handled efficiently and thoroughly. He would tell us jokes and sing old crooner songs as he worked, and in this easy-going fashion he coaxed us to spend the next several decades of our lives studying radiocarbon. At the same time, he taught us about life, because behind every anecdote he told was a lesson for our benefit. He was a master of parable.
No account of Meyer’s career at the USGS would be complete without mention of his good friend Harvey Belkin. Meyer forged lifelong friendships with many colleagues at the USGS. Scientists who in their early career submitted samples to the lab in the ’50s and ’60s were familiar names to us in the ’80s and ’90s—Crandell, Miller, Schmoll, Plafker, Friedman, Hanshaw, Back, and Chao, to name a few. It was easy to work for decades on end with Meyer, he was more than a colleague, he was a friend.