Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 September 2010
The general objective of the OSPAR radioactive substances strategy is to preventpollution of the maritime area from ionising radiation through progressive and substantialreductions of discharges, emissions and losses of radioactive substances, so thatconcentrations in the environment are close to background for naturally occurringradioactive substances and close to zero for artificial radioactive substances. The thirdperiodic evaluation of progress towards the objective of the OSPAR radioactive substancesstrategy concludes that, due to issues concerning the availability of reported data, it isnot possible to come to firm conclusions as to whether the aims of the OSPAR radioactivesubstances strategy are currently being delivered. However, in general there is anindication of a reduction in average marine concentrations of selected radionuclidesassociated with the nuclear industry, while doses arising from these selectedradionuclides in the OSPAR maritime area to humans are well within internationallyrecommended limits and are below the lowest levels at which any effects are likely tooccur for marine biota.