1. Introduction
In kinematics, it is natural to ask how large a rigid-body motion is and how to choose a meaningful weighting for the rotational and translational portions of the motion. For example, given the
$(n+1)\times (n+1)$
homogeneous transformation matrix

that describes a rigid-body displacement in
, how far is it from the
$(n+1)\times (n+1)$
identity matrix
(which is the homogeneous transformation describing the null motion)? Having a kinematic distance metric
$d(\cdot, \cdot )$
allows one to give a numerical answer:
$d(H, \mathbb{I}_{n+1})$
Then, for example, the problem of serial manipulator inverse kinematics which is usually stated as solving the homogeneous transformation equation

$\{\theta _i\}$
instead becomes a problem of minimizing the cost

Such reformulations of inverse kinematics can be particularly useful for binary-actuated systems where resolved rate methods can be difficult to apply given the discontinuous nature of binary actuators [Reference Suthakorn and Chirikjian1].
Another class of examples where metrics can be employed is in problems in sensor calibration such as solving
$A_i X=YB_i$
[Reference Li, Ma, Wang and Chirikjian2] and solving
$A_iXB_i = YC_i Z$
[Reference Ma, Goh, Ruan and Chirikjian3] given sets of homogeneous transformations
, and
. Using metrics, these become problems of minimizing the cost functions


Sometimes the sum of distances is replaced with sum of squares, to remove square roots from computations.
A number of metrics (or distance functions) have been proposed in the kinematics literature to address the sorts of problems described above. Whereas every metric must, by definition, be symmetric and satisfy the triangle inequality, additional invariance properties are also useful [Reference Amato, Bayazit, Dale, Jones and Vallejo4–Reference Chirikjian6]. For a recent summary, see [Reference Di Gregorio7].
A seemingly unrelated body of literature in the field of statistical mechanics is concerned with the inequality

$\exp (\cdot )$
is the matrix exponential and
are Hermitian matrices of any dimension. This is the Golden-Thompson inequality which was proved in 1965 independently in refs. [Reference Golden8] and [Reference Thompson9]. In this article, we prove that the inequality (2) also holds when
$3\times 3$
$4\times 4$
skew-symmetric matrices of bounded norm. Though it has been stated in the literature that (2) extends to the case when
are Lie-algebra basis elements, with attribution often given to Kostant [Reference Kostant10], in fact, it is not true unless certain caveats are observed, as will be discussed in Section 3.
2. Related work
2.1. SO(3) distance metrics and Euler’s theorem
2.1.1. Upper bound from trace inequality
As will be shown in Section 3, (2) holds for skew-symmetric matrices with some caveats. This is relevant to the topic of
matrices. It is well known that by Euler’s theorem, every
$3\times 3$
rotation matrix can be written as

is the unit vector in the direction of the rotation axis,
is the unique skew-symmetric matrix such that

for any
$\textbf{v} \in \mathbb{R}^3$
is the cross product, and
is the angle of the rotation. Letting
roam the whole sphere and restricting
$\theta \in [0,\pi ]$
covers all rotations, with redundancy at a set of measure zero. Since

from this equation,
can be extracted from

It can be shown that given two rotation matrices, then a valid distance metric is [Reference Park11]

It is not difficult to show that this satisfies symmetry and positive definiteness. However, proving the triangle inequality is more challenging. But if the Golden-Thompson inequality (2) can be extended to the case of skew-symmetric matrices, it would provide a proof of the triangle inequality of the above
$\theta (R_1^T R_2)$
distance metric. In order to see this, assume that

$\theta _1 \in [0,\pi ]$
$\theta _2 \in [0,\pi ]$
. It is not difficult to see that


$\textbf{n}_1 \cdot \textbf{n}_2 \in [-1,1]$
. On one hand, if
$\|\theta _1 \textbf{n}_1 +\theta _2 \textbf{n}_2 \| \leq \pi$
and (2) does hold for skew-symmetric matrices, then computing


and observing (2) would give

But the function
$f(\theta ) = 1 + 2 \cos \theta$
is monotonically nonincreasing when
$\theta \in [0, \pi ]$
, so
$f(\theta ) \leq f(\phi )$
$\theta \geq \phi$
. Therefore, if (2) holds, then


On the other hand, if
$\|\theta _1 \textbf{n}_1 +\theta _2 \textbf{n}_2 \| \gt \pi$
, then

Therefore, if the Golden-Thompson inequality can be generalized to the case of skew-symmetric matrices, the result will be stronger than the triangle inequality for the
$\theta (R_1^T R_2)$
since the latter follows from the former.
2.1.2. Lower bound from quaternion sphere
Alternatively, unit quaternions provide a simple way to encode the axis-angle representation, that is,

and we have the quaternion composition formula [Reference Rodrigues12]

We can show that
$\theta (e^{\theta _1 \hat{\textbf{n}}_1}e^{\theta _2 \hat{\textbf{n}}_2})$
is bounded from below such that

provided that

To see this, let



It is easy to compute the derivative


that is,
$\cos{h_*} \geq \frac{2-h_*^2}{2}$
for any
$h_* \geq 0$
. Substituting
$\sqrt{2-2W} \in [0, 2]$

$\beta \in [0, \pi ]$
such that
$\cos \beta = W$
, we have
$\sqrt{2-2W} \leq \beta$
, that is,
$\mathcal{Q} = 2\sqrt{2-2W} \leq 2\beta$
. If
$W \in [0,1]$
, then
$\beta \in [0, \frac{\pi }{2}]$
$2\beta \in [0, \pi ]$
. So by (3),

On the other hand, if
$W \in [-1,0)$
, then
$\beta \in [\frac{\pi }{2}, \pi ]$
$2\beta \in [\pi,2\pi ]$
. According to our definition of distance metric,

which does not guarantee to be larger or equal than
$2\|\textbf{q}(\textbf{n}_1, \theta _1) - \textbf{q}(-\textbf{n}_2, \theta _2)\|$
. Geometrically speaking,
$\theta (e^{\theta _1 \hat{\textbf{n}}_1}e^{\theta _2 \hat{\textbf{n}}_2})$
can be regarded as distance between two rotations
$e^{\theta _1 \hat{\textbf{n}}_1}$
$e^{-\theta _2 \hat{\textbf{n}}_2}$
, which equals to the arc length between
$\textbf{q}(\textbf{n}_1, \theta _1)$
$ \textbf{q}(-\textbf{n}_2, \theta _2)$
of the quaternion sphere. Furthermore, the arc length
is just the radian angle between
$\textbf{q}(\textbf{n}_1, \theta _1)$
$ \textbf{q}(-\textbf{n}_2, \theta _2)$
, that is,

But the arc length will always be larger than or equal to the Euclidean distance between
$\textbf{q}(\textbf{n}_1, \theta _1)$
$ \textbf{q}(-\textbf{n}_2, \theta _2)$
, that is,

which is equivalent to the lower bound discussed above (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Geometric interpretation of the lower bound inequality, where
is the arc length between
$\textbf{q}(\textbf{n}_1, \theta _1)$
$\textbf{q}(-\textbf{n}_2, \theta _2)$
on the quaternion sphere, as well as the angle between
$O\textbf{q}(\textbf{n}_1, \theta _1)$
$O\textbf{q}(-\textbf{n}_2, \theta _2)$
2.2. SO(4) distance metrics as an approximation for SE(3) using stereographic projection
It has been known in kinematics for decades that rigid-body motions in
can be approximated as rotations in
by identifying Euclidean space locally as the tangent plane to a sphere [Reference McCarthy13]. This has been used to generate approximately bi-invariant metrics for
[Reference Etzel and McCarthy14]. Related to this are approaches that use the singular value decomposition [Reference Larochelle, Murray and Angeles15]. As with the
case discussed above, if the Golden-Thompson inequality can be shown to hold for
$4\times 4$
skew-symmetric matrices, then a sharper version of the triangle inequality would hold for
This is the subject of Section 3, which is the main contribution of this paper. In that section, it is shown that the Golden-Thompson inequality can be extended from Hermitian matrices to
$4\times 4$
skew-symmetric matrices and therefore to the
$3\times 3$
case as a special case. But before progressing to the main topic, some trace inequalities that arise naturally from other kinematic metrics are discussed. For example, the distance metric

is a valid metric where the Frobenius norm of an arbitrary real matrix is

The triangle inequality for matrix norms then gives

Since the trace is invariant under similarity transformations, the above is equivalent to

This is true in any dimension. But in the 3D case, we can go further using the same notation as in the previous section to get

This trace inequality is equivalently written as

2.3. SE(3) metrics as matrix norms and resulting trace inequalities
Multiple metrics for
have been proposed over the past decades, as summarized recently in ref. [Reference Di Gregorio7]. The purpose of this section is to review in more detail a specific metric that has been studied in refs. [Reference Fanghella and Galletti16–Reference Martinez and Duffy18]. The concept of this metric for
is to induce from the metric properties of the vector 2-norm

. Since Euclidean distance is by definition invariant to Euclidean transformations, given the pair
$g = (R, \textbf{t})$
, which contains the same information as a homogeneous transformation, and given the group action
$g \cdot \textbf{x} \doteq R\textbf{x} + \textbf{t}$
, then

Then, if a body with mass density
$\rho (\textbf{x})$
is moved from its original position and orientation, the total amount of motion can be quantified as

This metric has the left-invariance property

$h, g_1, g_2 \in SE(3)$
. This is because if
$h = (R,\textbf{t}) \in SE(3)$
, then


It is also interesting to note that there is a relationship between this kind of metric for
and the Frobenius matrix norm. That is, for
$g = (R, \textbf{t})$
, and the corresponding homogeneous transformation
$H(g) \in SE(3)$
, the integral in (5) can be computed in closed form, resulting in a weighted norm

where the weighted Frobenius norm is defined as

Here, with weighting matrix
$W=W^T\in \mathbb{R}^{4\times 4}$
$W=\left ( \begin{array}{cc} J & \textbf{0} \\ \textbf{0}^T & M \end{array} \right )$
$M = \int _{\mathbb{R}^3} \rho (\textbf{x})\,d\textbf{x}$
is the mass, and
$ J=\int _{\mathbb{R}^3} \textbf{x} \textbf{x}^{T} \rho (\textbf{x}) \,d\textbf{x}$
has a simple relationship with the moment of inertia matrix of the rigid body:

The metric in (5) can also be written as

Furthermore, for
$g_1, g_2 \in SE(3)$

as explained in detail in ref. [Reference Chirikjian and Zhou5]. When evaluating the triangle inequality for this metric,

gives another kind of trace inequality.
3. Extension of the Golden-Thompson inequality to SO(3) and SO(4)
Motivated by the arguments presented in earlier sections, in this section, the Golden-Thompson inequality is extended to
. It is well known that the eigenvalues of a
$4 \times 4$
skew-symmetric matrix are
$\{\pm \psi _1 i, \pm \psi _2 i\}$
and eigenvalues of a
$3 \times 3$
skew-symmetric matrix are
$\{\pm \psi i, 0\}$
. In the following contents, we will prove that

$4 \times 4$
skew-symmetric matrices provided that
$|\psi _1| + |\psi _2| \leq \pi$
, where
$\{\pm \psi _1 i, \pm \psi _2 i\}$
are eigenvalues of
, or for
$3 \times 3$
skew-symmetric matrices provided that
$|\psi | \leq \pi$
, where
$\pm \psi i$
are eigenvalues of
3.1. 4D case
be a
$4 \times 4$
skew-symmetric matrix with its eigenvalues being
$\{\pm \theta _1 i, \pm \theta _2 i\}$
. Without loss of generality, we assume that
$\theta _1 \geq \theta _2 \geq 0$
. For every
, there exists an orthogonal matrix
such that [Reference Gallier and Xu19]:


$\Omega _A = \theta _1 \Omega _1 + \theta _2 \Omega _2$
, where


$A_i = P\Omega _i P^{\intercal }$
. Notice that
$\Omega _j^3 + \Omega _j = 0$
$\Omega _1 \times \Omega _2 = 0 = \Omega _2 \times \Omega _1$
. So,


In other words,
$A_1 \ \text{and} \ A_2$
commute. Thus, we can expand the exponential of
as follows:

The last equality comes from the fact that
$A_j^3 + A_j = 0$
. Expanding the above equation gives

Given another
$4 \times 4$
skew-symmetric matrix
whose eigenvalues are
$\{\pm \phi _1 i, \pm \phi _2 i\}$
$\phi _1 \geq \phi _2 \geq 0$
, we have

$C=P^{\intercal } B P$
. Notice

is a skew-symmetric matrix as well, and
has exactly the same eigenvalues as
since conjugation does not change the eigenvalues of a matrix. A similar conclusion can be drawn:

$2 \times 2$
blocks as follows:


$\omega _{ij}=\det{\boldsymbol{Q}_{ij}}$
$\varepsilon _{ij}=\|\boldsymbol{Q}_{ij}\|^2_{F}=q_{2i-1,2j-1}^2 + q_{2i-1,2j}^2 + q_{2i,2j-1}^2 + q_{2i,2j}^2$
, we have the following equities:

Combining (11) with (13) gives

Using the fact
$\varepsilon _{11}+\varepsilon _{12}=\varepsilon _{11}+\varepsilon _{21}=\varepsilon _{22}+\varepsilon _{12}=\varepsilon _{22}+\varepsilon _{21}=2$
is an orthogonal matrix, we can reduce (14) to

For convenience, in the following, we will use
to denote
$\textrm{trace} \left (\exp{A}\exp{B}\right )$
to denote
$\textrm{trace} \left (\exp{(A+B)}\right )$
Lemma 3.1. Let
$\omega _{11} = \det{(\boldsymbol{Q_{11}})}, \omega _{12} = \det{(\boldsymbol{Q_{12}})}, \ \text{and} \ \varepsilon _{11}=\|\boldsymbol{Q}_{11}\|^2_{F}$
, where
are defined as in (12), then the following equity holds

(by orthogonality), we have

that is,


that is,
$\varepsilon _{11} = 1 + \omega _{11}^2 - \omega _{12}^2$
Lemma 3.2. Let
$\omega _{11}$
$\omega _{12}$
be the determinants of
, where
are as defined in (12), then
$|\omega _{11}+\omega _{12}| \leq 1$
$|\omega _{11}-\omega _{12}| \leq 1$
$\omega _{11} = q_{11}q_{22}-q_{12}q_{21}$
$\omega _{12} = q_{13}q_{24}-q_{14}q_{23}$
$q_{11}^2+q_{12}^2+q_{13}^2+q_{14}^2 = 1$
, and
$q_{21}^2+q_{22}^2+q_{23}^2+q_{24}^2 = 1$
, we have

that is,
$(\omega _{11}+\omega _{12})^2 \leq 1$
. The same deduction gives
$(\omega _{11}-\omega _{12})^2 \leq 1$

Instantly by Lemma 3.2, we have
$|m_1| \leq 1$
$|m_2| \leq 1$
. Recall that
$\varepsilon _{11} + \varepsilon _{12} = 2 = \varepsilon _{12} + \varepsilon _{22}$
, so
$\varepsilon _{11}=\varepsilon _{22}$
and similarly
$\varepsilon _{12}=\varepsilon _{21}$
. By Lemme 3.1, we have


is an orthogonal matrix,
$\det Q = \pm 1$
which is denoted as
. In ref. [Reference Hudson20], the author has shown that


is an orthogonal matrix. Therefore, we have

$\omega _{ij}$
$\varepsilon _{ij}$
into (15) gives

On the other hand,

$D =\Omega _A+C = \sum _{i=1}^2 \left ( \theta _i \Omega _i + \phi _i Q \Omega _i Q^{\intercal } \right )$
. The characteristic polynomial
$\mathcal{P}(\lambda )$
of D is



Using the face that
$\omega _{22}=\mu \omega _{11}$
$\omega _{21}=\mu \omega _{12}$
, we can solve the above quartic equation:



are guaranteed to be greater than or equal to
$|\omega _{11}+\omega _{12}| \leq 1$
$|\omega _{11}-\omega _{12}| \leq 1$
(Lemme 3.2),
$\theta _1 \pm \mu \theta _2 \geq 0$
, and
$\phi _1 \pm \phi _2 \geq 0$
. So, expanding (17) by (9) gives

Perform the following coordinate transformations:

Applying the above transformation to (16) and (19) gives




Lemma 3.3. Let
$a = \frac{K}{\sqrt{2(1+\zeta )}}$
$b = \frac{K}{\sqrt{2(1-\zeta )}}$
, where
$\zeta \in (-1,1)$
$K \in (0,\pi ]$
. Then

Proof. Let

and the derivative of

It is not difficult to conclude that
$\frac{df}{dp} \gt 0$
$p \in (0,\pi )$
; that is,
is strictly increasing as
$p \in (0,\pi ]$
. Assume that there exists a
such that
$f(p_0) \lt f(\frac{\pi }{2})$
, then

So if such
exists, it must satisfy
$p_0 \lt \frac{\pi }{2}$
, which means for any
$p\geq \frac{\pi }{2}$
, we have

$q=\sqrt{2(1+\zeta )} \in (0,2)$
, then
$\frac{1}{q} \gt \frac{1}{2}$
$\frac{K}{2q} \gt \frac{K}{4}$
. If
$\frac{K}{2q} \lt \frac{\pi }{2}$
, then

is strictly increasing within that range. Otherwise if
$\frac{K}{2q} \geq \frac{\pi }{2}$
, we have
$f\left (\frac{K}{2q}\right ) \gt f(\frac{\pi }{4})\geq f(\frac{K}{4})$
. In other words, the following inequality is always valid:

Multiplying both sides by

that is,

By letting
$\zeta = -\zeta$
, we have

Lemma 3.4. If
$x\gt 0$
$y\gt 0$
$\zeta \in (-1,1)$
, and
$K \in (0,\pi ]$
, then the only solution to the following equation is

$h(x)=\frac{\sin x}{x}$
. Assume that there exists
$x_1 \gt x_2 \gt 0$
such that
. The derivative of

$x\in (0,\frac{\pi }{2}]$
$x\cos x - \sin x$
will always be smaller than 0; that is,
is strictly decreasing. Therefore, to have
must be greater than
$\frac{\pi }{2}$
. Assume
$x_2 \leq \frac{\pi }{2}$
, then

Thus, we have

which leads to
$x_1 \leq \frac{\pi }{2}$
, contradicting what we previously stated. Thus, both
need to be larger than
$\frac{\pi }{2}$
. However,

which causes a contradiction since
$K \in (0,\pi ]$
Theorem 3.5. If
$(1+\zeta ) x^2+(1-\zeta ) y^2=\frac{K^2}{2}, \zeta \in [-1,1], \ \operatorname{and} \ K \in [0,\pi ]$
, then

$\zeta = 1$
, then
$x = \pm \frac{K}{2}$
. So,
$LHS = 2\cos{\left (\frac{K}{2} \right )} = RHS$
. Same for
$\zeta = -1$
. If
$K = 0$
, then
. So,
$LHS = 0 = RHS$
. Now, let us restrict
$\zeta \in (-1,1)$
$K \in (0,\pi ]$
. Let


To find the minimum of
subjected to the equality constraint
, we form the following Lagrangian function:

is the Lagrange multiplier. Notice that
$\mathcal{L}(\pm x,\pm y, \lambda )=f(\pm x,\pm y)+\lambda g(\pm x,\pm y)=f(x,y) + \lambda g(x,y) = \mathcal{L}(x,y,\lambda )$
. Thus, the Lagrangian function is symmetric about
. So, we only need to study how
$\mathcal{L}(x,y,\lambda )$
behaves with
$(x,y)\in [0,+\infty ) \times [0,+\infty )$
. To find stationary points of
, we have

We can readily obtain three sets of solutions to the above equation:
$x=0$ ,
$y=\sqrt{\frac{K^2}{2(1-\zeta )}}$ and
$\lambda =\frac{\sin y}{2y}$ ;
$x=y$ ,
$x=y=\frac{K}{2}$ and
$\lambda =\frac{\sin{\frac{K}{2}}}{K}$ ;
$y=0$ ,
$x=\sqrt{\frac{K^2}{2(1+\zeta )}}$ and
$\lambda =\frac{\sin x}{2x}$ .
To have a fourth solution, we need to satisfy


However, by Lemma 3.4, we conclude that there are no other solutions. Substituting those solutions back into

By Lemma 3.3, we have
$f\left (0, \sqrt{\frac{K^2}{2(1-\zeta )}}\right )\gt 0$
$f\left (\sqrt{\frac{K^2}{2(1+\zeta )}},0\right )\gt 0$
. Therefore, we can conclude that the global minimum for
subjected to
is zero, that is,

Now recall that




By (18), we know

$\{\pm \psi _1i,\pm \psi _2i\}$
are eigenvalues of
. With the condition
$\psi _1 + \psi _2 \leq \pi$
, if
$K_1 \geq K_2$
, then
$\psi _1 + \psi _2=K_1 \leq \pi$
and so
$K_2 \leq K_1 \leq \pi$
; otherwise if
$K_1 \lt K_2$
, then
$\psi _1 + \psi _2=K_2 \leq \pi$
$K_1 \lt K_2 \leq \pi$
. In both cases, we have
$K_1 \leq \pi$
$K_2 \leq \pi$
. By Theorem 3.5, we have


Therefore, we have
$L_1 \geq L_2$
, that is,

subjected to

3.2. 3D case
Given two
$3 \times 3$
skew-symmetric matrices
such that the eigenvalues of
$\{\pm \psi i, 0\}$
$\psi \in [0,\pi ]$
, we can pad both
with zeros as follows:



Notice that by padding zeros, the eigenvalues of
$\{\psi i,-\psi i,0,0\}$
. As
$\psi + 0 = \psi \leq \pi$
, we have

that is,

4. Applications
In this section, two very different applications of the trace inequality are illustrated.
4.1. BCH formula
The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff (BCH) formula gives the value of
that solves the following equation:

$\boldsymbol{X},\boldsymbol{Y}, \text{and} \ \boldsymbol{Z}$
are in the Lie algebra of a Lie group,
$[\boldsymbol{X},\boldsymbol{Y}] = \boldsymbol{X}\boldsymbol{Y}-\boldsymbol{Y}\boldsymbol{X}$
, and
indicates terms involving higher commutators of
. The BCH formula is used for robot state estimation [Reference Barfoot21] and error propagation on the Euclidean motion group [Reference Wang and Chirikjian22]. Let us denote all the terms after
$\boldsymbol{X} + \boldsymbol{Y}$
and so

Considering the case of
, we can write

is the unit vector in the direction of the rotation axis,
is the unique skew-symmetric matrix such that

for any
$\textbf{v} \in \mathbb{R}^3$
, and
$\boldsymbol\theta _{\textbf{\textit{i}}} \boldsymbol\in \boldsymbol[\boldsymbol 0,\boldsymbol +\boldsymbol\infty \boldsymbol )$
is the angle of the rotation. Then,

provided that
$\|\theta _1 \textbf{n}_1 +\theta _2 \textbf{n}_2 \| \leq \pi$
. So, we conclude that the existence of
will reduce the distance between
$\exp (\boldsymbol{X}+\boldsymbol{Y})$
and the identity
$\|\theta _1 \textbf{n}_1 +\theta _2 \textbf{n}_2 \| \leq \pi$
4.2. Rotation fine-tuning
Euler angles are a powerful approach to decomposing rotation matrices into three sequential rotation matrices. Let us assume that a manipulator can rotate around the
, and
-axis, respectively. Therefore, to rotate the manipulator to a designated orientation
, we can compute the corresponding Euler angles
$\alpha _1$
$\beta _1$
, and
$\gamma _1$
such that

Assuming that whenever rotated, the device will incur some random noise to the input angle, that is,

leading to deviations of the final orientation. To reduce the error, one can measure the actual rotation
and compute another set of Euler angles
$\{\alpha _2,\beta _2,\gamma _2\}$
such that

But inevitably, noise will again be introduced, and the actual rotation will become

Therefore, one can repeat the above process until
$d(\prod _{i=1}^N R_{N-i+1}, R_d)$
is within tolerance. Another approach to reducing the inaccuracy caused by the noise is applying the following inequality:

To refine the current rotation by rotating the x-axis, that is, minimizing
$d(R_x(\alpha )R_1, R_d) = \theta (R_x(\alpha )R_1R_d^T)$
, we let
$R_s = R_1R_d^T = \exp ({\theta _s\hat{\textbf{n}}_s})$
, where
$\theta _s \in [0, \pi ]$
. If
$\alpha = \arg \min _{\alpha } \|\theta _s \textbf{n}_s +\alpha \textbf{e}_1 \|$
, that is,
$\alpha = -(\textbf{n}_s \cdot \textbf{e}_1)\theta _s$
, then

In other words, the inequality provides a simple way to reduce the angle of the resulting rotation by rotating around an axis with a specific angle. In practice, when given the
, we compute
$|\textbf{n}_s \cdot \textbf{e}_1|$
$|\textbf{n}_s \cdot \textbf{e}_2|$
, and
$|\textbf{n}_s \cdot \textbf{e}_3|$
and choose the axis that has the largest dot value to rotate. The above process is repeated until the tolerance requirement is met.

Figure 2. Average radian distance between the target rotation and the actual rotation.
To prove the effectiveness, we conduct the following experiment. The target rotation is chosen as
$R_d = R_x(\alpha _*)R_y(\beta _*)R_z(\gamma _*)$
, where
$\alpha _*$
$\beta _*$
, and
$\gamma _*$
are all random numbers from
$[0,2\pi ]$
. We assume that whenever the device is rotated, there will be a noise, which is uniformly distributed within the range
, added to the input angle. In the first step, the manipulator is rotated according to the Euler angles for both methods. Then in the subsequent steps, it is refined three times either by Euler angles or by angles calculated from the inequality. For each approach, we refine the orientation to 100 steps, and at each step, the distance between the current rotation and the target rotation is measured. We conduct the above experiments 500 times, and the average distance is computed at each step for both approaches. The results are shown in Fig. 2. Overall, the radian distance is smaller if we refine the rotation by the inequality. In other words, the inequality provides a simple yet effective way to fine-tune the rotation in the presence of noise.
5. Conclusion
Kinematic metrics, that is, functions that measure the distance between two rigid-body displacements, are important in a number of applications in robotics ranging from inverse kinematics and mechanism design to sensor calibration. The triangle inequality is an essential feature of any distance metric. In this paper, it was shown how trace inequalities from statistical mechanics can be extended to the case of the Lie algebras
and how these are in turn related to the triangle inequality for metrics on the Lie groups
. These previously unknown relationships may shed a new light on kinematic metrics for use in robotics.
Author contributions
Dr. Gregory Chirikjian made the conjecture that the trace inequality can be extended to the case of the Lie algebras
and proposed several potential applications. Yuwei Wu proved the conjecture. Both authors contributed to writing the article.
Financial support
This work was supported by NUS Startup grants A-0009059-02-00 and A-0009059-03-00, CDE Board Fund E-465-00-0009-01, and AME Programmatic Fund Project MARIO A-0008449-01-00.
Competing interests
The authors declare no conflicts of interest exist.