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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 13 October 2009
My very Reverend good s.r upon occasion of some of yours I did scrible over a lettre of thankgiving to your monsignor. but afterwards it was cast by for a long tyme, and finding it by chance of late among other papers, I read it over, and resolved to send it, for thowgh there be errours in it, yet owr difficulties, the distance between yow & us, the want of particuler information and such life [sic for ‘like’] may excuse them, at the least he will see that wee take notice of his worth & favours to us. yow may doe well hereafter both to send us a copie of ther titles & stile which wee must use in our lettres to those to whom we write as also to enforme us of their states in perticuler for mr coll. & I did differ in owr opinions about this monsignor your freind. because he thinketh that he is noe cleargy man, I mean noe p. and he alleaged his reasons for it, by which yow may see how ignorant wee are.
1344 John Baptist Vives.
1345 Concerning English clergy proceeding to higher degrees in foreign universities.
1346 Jesuits.
1347 Douai.
1348 Thomas Worthington.
1349 George Birkhead.
1350 Mozzenega.
1351 See Questier, , ‘Crypto-Catholicism’, 47Google Scholar, for speculation about the writing and publication of Benjamin Carier's motives for his conversion, A Treatise Written by Mr. Doctour Carier (Brussels, 1614).Google Scholar
1352 i.e. to the Collège d'Arras.
1353 John Overall, formally elected to the see of Coventry and Lichfield on 14 March 1614. (His election was thought likely by John Chamberlain on 11 November 1613, McClure, 486.) In March 1614 Alabaster was granted a benefice of Overall in Lincolnshire diocese, void because of Overall's promotion, PRO, SO 3/6 (June 1614).
1354 George Abbot.
1355 Thomas Bilson.
1356 John King.
1357 Christopher Cresacre More.
1358 Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza.
1359 Identity uncertain.
1360 Presumably Alban Dolman.
1361 Identity uncertain. If a priest this may be either Francis or Thomas Montford. See Anstr. I, 232–3.
1362 Diego Sarmiento de Acuña.
1363 Guido Bentivoglio.
1364 i.e. Preston, 's Disputatio Theologica.Google Scholar
1365 Preston, 's Apologia Cardinalis BellarminiGoogle Scholar and Disputatio Theologien were put on the Roman Index on 16 March 1614 (NS), ARCR I, no. 925. 1.
1366 Hans Meinhard von Schomberg. See McClure, 493.