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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 13 October 2009
Rev. sr havinge written as much as I am able alredie, yett can I not hold my hand, but that I must informe yow still how matters do passe amongst us. att the comminge forth this terme of widd disputation in latine for defence of the oath against the reasons of Card bell, lessius, Gretzerus, and becanus, yow will not beleve how the Clinck is visited with many, and how they seek to wipe the imputation from fa preston with such excuses as to wise men seame verie weeke. well such books will certenly worke us much woe. the favorers of that congregation flock together, and bragge that many both Iesuites and secular preistes are of widderintons opinion, wherin they faile, albeit widderinton nameth 13 seculars of the best lerned in this Last booke, but vainly and falsly: and now they give out further (as I suppose for the better excuse of fa preston) that Clinch mr widd ghostly father, and one of the best lerned northerne seculars is the maker of that booke; but as true as the rest.
1269 Preston, , Disputatio Theologica.Google Scholar
1270 Cardinal Robert Bellarmine SJ.
1271 Jakob Gretzer SJ had recently published Βασιλικον Δωρον sive Commentarius Exegeticus in Serenissimi Magnae Britanniae Regis Iacobi Praefationem Monitoriam (Ingolstadt, 1610)Google Scholar, and Antitortorbellarminianus Ioannes Gordonius Scotus Pseudodecanus et Capellanus Calvinisticus (Ingolstadt, 1611).Google Scholar
1272 i.e. the thirteen priests who signed the Protestation of Allegiance in 1603. See Letter 32.
1273 In October 1612 John Mush had said that he thought William (Gabriel) Gifford OSB was the author of Preston's previous works Apologia Cardinalis Bellarmini and Rogeri Widdringtoni Catholici Angli Responsio Apologetica, Lunn, , EB, 42–3.Google Scholar
1274 Cf. CSPD 1611–18, 165.Google Scholar
1275 Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza. She was a patron of SJ, McCoog, , 77–8.Google Scholar
1276 For her arrest in Spitalfields and her imprisonment, see CRS 68, 16–23; Downshire MSS TV, 231Google Scholar. The arrest was directed by Abbot, George, Downshire MSS IV, 239Google Scholar. The charge, not baseless, was that she was establishing a house of religious in London.
1277 In fact, Sir Henry Montague, Recorder of London, CRS 68, 23.
1278 Thomas Bennet and Henry Jaye, CRS 68, 23.
1279 Thomas Laithwait SJ. See Letter 40 for his previous arrest. He had been banished at the Venetian ambassador's request but did not leave the country, Foley, VII, 1046.Google Scholar
1280 Preston had evolved a variation on the casuistic doctrine of probabilism in connection with the legitimacy of the oath, Sommerville, , ‘Jacobean Political Thought’, 379–85Google Scholar. In Sommerville's words, Preston argued ‘that the oath could not be taken until the question [of the papal deposing power] was resolved' but so long as the deposing power ‘was controverted the pope could not put it into practice; he also relied on the legal maxim in causa dubita sive incerta melior est conditio possidentis’, i.e. ‘as long as the controversy was undecided it was necessary to side with the present possessor of the kingdom’, citing Roland (Thomas) Preston OSB, An Adioynder to the late Catholike New-Yeares Gift (1620), 10, 17.Google Scholar
1281 Robert (Anselm) Beech OSB.
1282 The English Benedictines of the Cassinese congregation.
1283 Jesuits.
1284 The English Benedictines of the Spanish congregation.
1285 Roland (Thomas) Preston.
1286 Schulcken, , Apologia Adolphi Schulckenii.Google Scholar
1287 The title page of Preston, , Theologicall DisputationGoogle Scholar declares that the author is the translator.
1288 Matthew Kellison had been publicly installed as president of Douai College on 11 November 1613 (NS), TD V, 47.
1289 These charges against Kellison would be repeated in late 1614, AAW A XIII, no. 230, and again in 1616, TD V, p. ccviii.
1290 Thomas Bilson.
1291 A reference to the debate between Thomas Harding and John Jewel over Jewel's Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae (1562)Google Scholar. See Southgate, W.M., John Jewel and the Problem of Doctrinal Authority (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1962), 198–9.Google Scholar
1292 Worthington had been summoned to Rome in April 1613, TD V, 45. He had to some degree sided with the anti-Jesuit secular faction when Douai was subject to the turmoil of the visitation in late 1612. Seculars like William Bishop still hoped in April 1613 that he would break with SJ completely, AAW A XII, no. 73. But they soon began to worry that he was gravitating back to SJ and its views about the running of the seminary, TD V, 46–7. In November 1614 he informed the nuncio in Flanders that Paul V had made him protonotary apostolic and consultor to the Congregation of the Index, and he had decided to return to England. He hinted even that the pope thought of sending him there in episcopal orders, AAW A XIII, no. 236 (p. 607).
1293 George Abbot.
1294 Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza.
1295 Diego Sarmiento de Acuña.
1296 Downshire MSS IV, 242.Google Scholar
1297 The ‘patterns’ sent from Rome for Birkhead were for the design of his new clerical apparel which he might legitimately wear to indicate his status as an apostolic protonotary. Birkhead, however, became anxious and, in a letter to More of 13 December 1613, complained that ‘some obiect daunger, for that yt will be given out thereupon that the partie which weareth it is a bishope, which will offend his maiestie and that yt beinge but the habit of a protonotarie, cannot bringe the estimation that a new habit propre for an Archprest wold have don’. He still wanted, however, to know whether ‘the cloke and cassock may be lyned or no’, AAW A XII, no. 222 (p. 495). John Jackson had previously assured More that it would be worn only when Birkhead was ‘private among those that harbour him’, AAW A XII, no. 75 (p. 159).