[Front cover]
Brook House Inventory Pro Brooke domina con Bovey armiger The inventory taken at Brooke House in Holborn, London, 28 July 1643
?Clark wyne seale? 85
128-17-00 2306-09-11 War
[p. 1]
An inventory of the goods & chattels *at Brook House in Holborn London* of the Right honourable Robert, Lord Brooke, deceased, taken & appraised 28 July 1643 by Mr George Ingram & Mr Charles Cockain, as followeth
In the gallery

In the great dining room next the street

In the little dining room

In the great dining room next the garden

In the withdrawing room

In the corner chamber next the garden above stairs

In the parlour

[p. 2]

In the steward's chamber

In the hall

In the kitchen

In the wash-house

[p. 3]
In the wash-house chamber

In the garret

In the back yard

In the pantry

In the cellar

In the butler's chamber

In the porter's lodge

In the hall at the house next to Brooke House on the west

In the kitchen

In the room called the Evidence Room

In Mr Robert's chamber

[p. 4]
In the young lord's chamber

In the garret

In the stable

In the stable chamber

In the loft

In the groom's chamber

In the coach-house

In the garden

In Mr Bridges's chamber

In the chamber against it

In the garret

In Mr Sadeskey's chamber

[p. 5]
In the still house

In my lady's chamber

In the back chamber

In Mr Smith's chamber

In the upper chamber Mr Crosses

Over the gardener's chamber

In the balcony chamber

In Mr Edward's chamber

[p. 6]
In the parlour chamber

In Mr Overton's chamber

In Mr Sadler's chamber

In Mr Halford's chamber

The dining room next the street

The great dining room next the garden

In the wardrobe

[p. 7]

Summa: 1078-18-06
At Brook House in Hackney

At Brook House in Holborn

George Ingram, Charles Cokayne
The first 1078-18-06
Since added 125-17-08
[p. 8]
49-05-00 page 1
222-17-10 page 2
33-06-08 page 3
187-05-00 page 4
89-10-00 page 5
368-12-00 page 6
128-02-00 page 7
213-07-08 Added
This writing was showed unto George Ingram gent.