All entries for the verse sections are for line numbers; page and line numbers are given for the prose sections. Initial Y has been treated as I.
Aise, Asia p. 323, l. 4
Albie, England p. 199, l. 25
Albïon: England 14; p. 303, l. 13; p. 309, l. 34; p. 311, ll. 11, 22, 28; p. 319, l. 30; Englishman p. 321, l. 28
Alemaigne, Germany p. 327, l. 18
Alemans, Germans 2330
Alixandre, Alexander the Great, king of Macedon, one of the Nine Worthies who personify the ideals of medieval chivalry p. 209, l. 12; p. 327, l. 6
Alpes, les, the Alps p. 319, l. 18
Anthoine, Monseigneur, Anthony, younger son of Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy 3613
Arondel, Arundel, conte de, Richard Fitzalan, 4th earl of Arundel, see Arundel, Thomas, 5th earl and Richard Fitzalan's son
Arundel, Thomas, 5th earl of p. 203, l. 14; 2499, 2941
Auffrique, Africa p. 323, l. 5
Aumarle, duc de, see Rotelant, conte de
Beaumarey, Beaumaris, Anglesey, island off the coast of north Wales 1321; map p. ii
Bede, the Venerable Bede, English Benedictine monk p. 199, l. 20
Blanchet, Maistre Pierre, secretary to Charles VI of France 3353, 3456
Boulongne, Boulogne, south of Calais 3447, 3455, 3469, 3608
Bourbon, Monseigneur le duc de, Louis II, duke of Bourbon, brother-in-law to the late Charles V of France 3616
Bourgongne, Monseigneur de, Philip the Bold, duke of Burgundy 3607; p. 313, l. 12
Bretons, Celtic inhabitants of Brittany 2330; p. 315, l. 31
Buckingham, Humphrey Plantagenet, earl of, son of Thomas of Woodstock, duke of Gloucester p. 203, ll. 13–14
Callais, Calais, held by the English at this time p. 213, l. 3; 3321, 3352, 3479, 3497
Campaigne, the Campania, region around Naples p. 184, l. 17
Cantorbie, arcevesque de, Thomas Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury 471, 1617; p. 191, l. 17; p. 197, l. 6; p. 203, l. 19; 2530, 2895
Cesar, Jules, Julius Caesar, Roman general and statesman, one of the Nine Worthies p. 323, ll. 26, 34; p. 325, ll. 1, 5
Cessiers, the Cheshire archers 882
Cestre, Chester, north-west England, near the Welsh border 634, 1082, 1446, 1558, 1613, 1670, 1747, 1867, 2207, 2271, 2278; p. 94, l. 4; p. 188, l. 4; p. 193, l. 12; p. 199, l. 20; p. 203, ll. 4, 9; p. 205, ll. 4, 10; map p. ii
Charles V, roy de France, king of France p. 313, l. 14
Charles VI, roy de France, king of France 2241, 3295, 3323, 3336, 3369, 3405, 3543, 3633; p. 307, l. 9; p. 311, l. 7
Chartres, evesque de, Jean de Montaigu, bishop of Chartres 3452
Chipstrate, la, Cheapside, the principal street in medieval London p. 211, l. 8
Clocestre, conte de, Thomas Despenser, earl of Gloucester 305, 831
Clocestre, duc de, Thomas of Woodstock, see Buckingham, earl of, Humphrey Plantagenet, his son
Col, Maistre Gontier, secretary to Charles VI 3457
Cornüay, Conway, Conwy, north Wales 610, 641, 768, 866, 1178, 1252, 1317, 1322, 1402, 1646, 1678, 1740, 1795, 2107, 2186, 2255; p. 191, l. 4; p. 201, ll. 1, 4; p. 305, ll. 2, 9; map p. ii
Corsique, Corsica p. 317, l. 15
Covimtry, Coventry, in the Midlands p. 207, ll. 11, 22
Creton, Jehan, author of the Prinse et mort p. 301, ll. 10, 12, and note at head of page; p. 309, l. 23; p. 321, l. 1; p. 323, l. 1; p. 327, l. 1
de Noth, Thommas, Sir Thomas Dymoke, King's Champion 2954
Douvre, Dover, main port opposite Calais p. 213, l. 2; 3479
Dureme, evesque de, Walter Skirlaw, bishop of Durham 3325
Duveline, Dublin, Ireland 271, 287, 393, 447
Edouart, Saint, King Edward the Confessor 377, 1329, 2825
Empire, l’, the Holy Roman Empire p. 325, l. 19
Esaü, son of Isaac 2534
Espaigne, Spain 282
Ethimologies, the Etymologiae of St Isidore of Seville p. 317, l. 24
Excestre, duc de, John Holland, duke of Exeter, Richard's half-brother:
with Richard in Wales 827, 1073, 1083
embassy with Surrey to Lancaster at Chester 1159, 1462, 1502, 1507, 1556, 1746; p. 203, ll. 16, 20
Deposition Parliament 2489
Epiphany Rising 3014
his death 3185, 3199
Ferbric, William Ferriby, one of Richard's clerks 851, 1185; p. 187, l. 18; p. 191, l. 9; p. 195, l. 10; p. 201, l. 15
Flamencs, Flemings 2330
Flint, castle in Flintshire, north Wales 1683, 1693, 2217, 2274; p. 187, l. 3; p. 191, l. 29; p. 201, l. 29; p. 305, ll. 8, 10; map p. ii
Gale, Gaule: France p. 199, l. 27; Gaul p. 317, l. 15
Gales, Galles, Wales 613, 634, 746, 994, 1620, 1962, 1966; p. 191, l. 28; 3702; p. 311, l. 6; p. 319, l. 9
Galles, prince de, Henry of Monmouth, later King Henry V 1082, 2798
Galoiz, the Welsh, Welshmen 549, 677, 882, 995, 1004, 1030, 1035, 1046, 1062, 1277; p. 207, l. 12; 2802
Gaule, see Gale
Gaulx, the Gauls p. 319, l. 17
Gayus Figulus, Gaius Figulus, Roman consul p. 317, l. 14
Genico, Jenico, Janico d'Artasso, Navarrese soldier of Fortune 853; p. 187, l. 24
Gerlic, Guerlille, see Kerlille
Glocestre, see Clocestre
Guenelon, Ganelon, who betrayed Charlemagne's army to the Saracens 1492
Harford, Hereford, close to the Welsh borderland 2408
Henart de Kanbenart, Charles VI's usher of arms 3353–3354
Henry de Lancastre, known as Henry Bolingbroke, 3rd duke of Lancaster, later King Henry IV:
his departure from Paris 2383
in Cheshire and Wales 683, 1054, 1143, 1599, 1609
embassy of Exeter and Surrey to him at Chester 1157, 1175, 1452–1453, 1457, 1513, 1554
capture of Richard 1653, 1686, 1734, 1811, 1839, 1868, 1882, 1921, 1965, 2159, 2193, 2209, 2269, 2273; p. 187, ll. 4–5; p. 189, ll. 3, 19–20; p. 191, ll. 14, 18, 30; p. 193, l. 20; p. 195, ll. 3, 14, 32; p. 197, ll. 7, 23; p. 199, ll. 5, 14, 19; p. 201, ll. 13, 19, 24; p. 203, ll. 3, 23; p. 205, ll. 4, 29; p. 209, ll. 1, 4; 2398; p. 303, l. 10; p. 305, l. 3
journey from Chester to London p. 205, ll. 4, 29; p. 207, ll. 6, 28; p. 209, ll. 1, 4, 15, 28; p. 211, l. 11; p. 305, l. 15
Creton's safeconduct p. 195, l. 32; p. 211, l. 26; p. 213, l. 1
Deposition Parliament 2419, 2479, 2765, 2768
elected King 2296, 2635, 2678, 2777
his Coronation 2823, 2848, 2898, 2935, 2960, 2973
Epiphany Rising 3002, 3049, 3091, 3105, 3113, 3169
Richard's funeral 3255
restitution of Queen Isabella 3313, 3535; p. 307, l. 15
challenged by Louis d'Orléans p. 327, l. 11
eldest son knighted 138; p. 187, l. 22; 2795
Henry of Monmouth, see Galles, prince de
Hercules, classical hero of great strength p. 319, l. 19
Heron, Monseigneur Guillaume, William Heron, Lord Say 3332
Hoult, Holt, Denbighshire, north Wales 1566, 1601
Hugueville, Monseigneur de, Jean de Hangest, sire de Hugueville, a member of Charles VI's council 3453, 3487
Ybernie, see Irlande
Ylïon, Ilium, Troy p. 311, l. 18
Indees, les, India, p. 323, l. 5
Iorc, duc de, Edmund of Langley, 1st duke of York 2481, 2486, 2620, 2874, 3084
Ypothades, Hippotes, father of Aeolus, ruler of the winds p. 307, l. 30
Irlande, Illande, Ybernie, Hybernie, Ymbernie, Ireland 39, 47–48, 73, 105, 226, 379, 407, 716, 796, 901, 1344; p. 187, l. 22; p. 197, l. 14; 2312, 3155, 3681; p. 303, ll. 10, 24; p. 307, ll. 20, 24; p. 309, l. 13
Irlandoiz, Irloiz, the Irish 125, 131, 186, 323, 2313
Isaac, Old Testament figure, son of Abraham, father of Esau and Jacob 2536
Ysabel de France, Queen Isabella, daughter of Charles VI and Richard's child-bride 1414, p. 193, l. 25
Ysidore, St Isidore of Seville, author of the Etymologiae p. 317, l. 24
Ytalie, Italy p. 326, l. 9
Jacob, son of Isaac 2533
Jenico, see Genico
Jehan, Saint, St John the Baptist 99
Judas Machabee, Judas Maccabaeus, one of the Nine Worthies p. 327, l. 4
Juif, Jew p. 191, l. 12; p. 209, l. 21
Jupiter: the god p. 303, l. 5; the planet p. 315, l. 28
Kanbenart, see Henart de Kanbenart
Karnarvan, Caernarvon, Caernarfon, north Wales 1334, 1399; map p. ii
Kerlille, Gerlic, Guerlille, evesque de, Thomas Merk, bishop of Carlisle, 838, 1183, 1838, 1870, 2266; p. 187, ll. 16–17; p. 191, ll. 8–9; p. 195, l. 8; p. 201, l. 14; p. 203, l. 24
Kilkigny, Kilkenny, south-east Ireland 89
Lancastre, Lenclastre, Lencastre, see Henry de Lancastre
Lancastre le herault, Lancaster Herald p. 195, l. 29; p. 197, l. 12
Liceflit, Lichfield, in the Midlands p. 205, l. 12; p. 207, l. 10
Lolinghehen, Leulingham, town on the border of English territory in northern France 3502, 3510, 3522
Londres, London 29, 1913; p. 205, ll. 7, 11, 25; p. 207, ll. 3, 9, 24; p. 209, l. 28; p. 211, ll. 5, 7, 22; 2399, 2415, 2448, 2570, 2847, 2859, 3060, 3108, 3118, 3122, 3194, 3250, p. 305, l. 16
Lucan, Roman poet p. 325, l. 13
Madelien, Monseigneur, Richard Maudelyn, one of Richard's clerks 1873, 3154, 3274
Mans, Manxmen, from the Isle of Man 882
Maquemore, Art McMurrough, Irish king 46, 102, 210, 225, 233, 254, 289, 318, 322, 345, 351, 409
Marche, conte de, Edmund Mortimer, 5th earl of March 2503
Marche, conte de, Roger Mortimer, 4th earl of March 354
Marïus, Roman general and consul p. 323, ll. 7, 18, 23
Marquis, le, John Beaufort, 1st marquess of Dorset and 1st marquess of Somerset, half-brother of Henry Lancaster 2497, 2943
Mars, Roman god of war p. 303, l. 5
Merlin, magician and prophet of Arthurian legend p. 199, l. 20
Milleforde, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, south-west Wales 53, 809, 1270; p. 191, l. 26; p. 303, l. 28
Mithridates, king of Parthia, Persia, now Iran p. 323, l. 16
Mor, Saint, Saint Maurus, founder of the first Benedictine monastery in France 1595
Mortimer, Edmund, 5th earl of March 2503
Mortimer, Roger, 4th earl of March 354
Namur, fortified city, south of Brussels, in present-day Belgium 1561
Neptunus, Neptune, Roman god of the sea p. 303, l. 13
Nevers, conte de, Jehan de Nevers, elder son of Philip the Bold and the future John the Fearless 3611
Nicole, evesque de, Henry Beaufort, bishop of Lincoln, half-brother of Henry Lancaster 842
Norevic, conte de, earl of Norfolk l. 2501, note
Northomberlant, conte de, Henry Percy, 1st earl of Northumberland:
sent by Lancaster to Richard at Conway 1655, 1696, 1758, 1809, 1823, 2321
tricks Richard 1929, 2008, 2015, 3703; p. 305, l. 2
captures the King 2206, 2258, 2269
at Flint, then Chester p. 191, l. 1; p. 195, ll. 2–3; p. 197, l. 6; p. 201, l. 5; p. 203, l. 21
in Parliament, 2523, 2711
Orreup, Europe p. 323, l. 4
Osoie, Alsace, western borderland of the Holy Roman Empire 281
Ostie, Ostia, port town for Rome, at the mouth of the Tiber p. 323, l. 24
Panebroc, conte de, earl of Pembroke (mistaken reference since vacant in 1399) 2510.
Pappe de Romme, le, see Romme
Paris 26, 264; p. 201, l. 20; 2378, 2385, 3343, 3347, 3411, 3451, 3643
Persi, le sire de 2711; see also Northomberlant, conte de
Persi, Messire Henry de, Sir Henry Percy (called Hotspur), son of Northumberland p. 193, l. 20
Persi, Sire Thomas de, Sir Thomas Percy, brother to Northumberland 986–987, 1055; p. 191, ll. 17, 24–25; p. 105, l. 12; 3327, 3533, 3571
Philippe, duc de Bourgoigne, see Bourgongne, Monseigneur de
Pilate, Pontius, governor of Judea who presided over the trial of Jesus p. 209, ll. 20, 25
Poitiers, western France 263
Pompee, Pompeïus, Pompey, Roman general and consul p. 323, l. 31; p. 325, ll. 1, 6
Richart, le roy, King Richard II:
Irish expedition 33, 362, 603, 638, 647, 662, 713, 728, 765, 793; p. 187, l. 21; p. 197, l. 14; p. 300, l. 12
return to Wales 805, 1057, 1619
at Conway 1206, 1250, 1441, 1761, 1799, 1818, 1830, 1835, 1928
at Caernarvon 1382
Richard's treasury at Holt 1583, 1593, 1602
capture at Rhuddlan 1727, 2094
at Flint 1690, 2220, 2263, 2274; p. 187, l1. 3–4, 12, 21, 25; p. 189, l. 17; p. 191, ll. 8, 16, 20; p. 199, l. 13; p. 203, l. 4
Chester to London p. 205, ll. 13, 26; p. 207, ll. 3–4
deposition p. 213, l. 7; 2298, 2434, 2483, 2507, 2539, 2557, 2569, 2587, 2611, 2744, 2807, 2842, 2877, 3316
Epiphany Rising 2993, 3017, 3024, 3089, 3138, 3143, 3149, 3157, 3167
escape from prison p. 301, l. 12
Richard's death 3224, 3254, 3279, 3415; p. 319, ll. 2–3
ally of France 3553, 3686; p. 309, l. 34; p. 311, ll. 11, 22, 28
Rommains, les, the Romans p. 315, l. 1; p. 317, ll. 6, 30; p. 321, l. 14; p. 323, ll. 2, 10
Romme, Rome p. 317, ll. 8, 13, 16, 17, 19; p. 319, l. 17; p. 323, ll. 33, 36; p. 325, l. 30
Romme, le Pappe de, the Roman Pope, Boniface IX 478, 486
Rotelant, Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, north Wales 1697, 2090, 2108, 2202, 2215; p. 305, l. 9; map p. ii
Rotelant, conte de, Edward of York, earl of Rutland and duke of Aumale, Richard's cousin and favourite:
in Ireland 94, 426, 430, 527; p. 168, l. 23
in Wales and Chester p. 191, l. 18; p. 193, l. 8; p. 203, l. 21
Deposition Parliament and Coronation of Lancaster 2485, 2623, 2945
Epiphany Rising 2881, 3006, 3062–3063, 3074, 3102
Saine, River Seine 406
Saint Alban, St Albans, north-west of London p. 207, l. 23
Saint David, evesque de, Guy de Mohun, bishop of St David's, south-west Wales 837
Saint Jehan de Jherusalem, St John's Priory, Clerkenwell, London p. 211, l. 21
Saint Pere, see Romme, le Pappe de Romme
Saint Pol, conte de, Waleran III of Luxembourg, count of St Pol 3505, 3567; p. 319, l. 9
Saint Pol, St Paul's Cathedral, London p. 211, ll. 9, 15; 2400, 3269
Salsebery, conte de, John Montagu, 3rd earl of Salisbury, friend and patron of Creton:
sent in advance from Ireland to Wales 546, 569
at Conway with Richard 861, 1182, 1293, 1817, 1837, 1869, 2156, 3684
at Flint, then Chester 2264; p. 187, l. 16; p. 191, l. 8; p. 193, l. 5; p. 195, l. 9; p. 199, l. 18; p. 201, ll. 15–16, 18, 27; p. 203, l. 24
Deposition Parliament 2512
Epiphany Rising 2994, 3030, 3058, 3189
Salsebery, contesse de, Maude Francis, countess of Salisbury p. 187, ll. 20–21
Sarrasin, Saracen, Muslim or possibly Turk p. 191, l. 12
Scilla, Sulla, Roman general and consul p. 323, ll. 7, 14, 21
Scipio Nasica, Roman consul and leader of mob that assassinated Tiberius Gracchus p. 317, l. 14
Scroup, messire Estienne, Sir Stephen le Scrope 850, 1190; p. 187, l. 17; p. 191, l. 9; p. 195, l. 9; p. 201, l. 15
Souldray, Soudray, duc de, Thomas Holland, duke of Surrey, Richard's nephew:
from Milford Haven to Conway with Richard 829
embassy to Lancaster at Chester, with Exeter 1165, 1439, 1557, 1865
Deposition Parliament and Coronation of Lancaster 2487, 2875
Epiphany Rising 2991, 3029, 3057
his death 3187
Stanforde, conte de, Thomas, earl of Stafford 2505
Suetonius, Roman historian p. 313, l. 22
Surestre, Cirencester, town in west of England 3132
Tholomee, Ptolemy XIII, pharaoh of Egypt p. 283, l. 8
Titus Livius, Livy, Roman historian p. 317, l. 28
Turquie, Turkey 591
Tybere Cesar, Tiberius Caesar, 2nd Roman emperor p. 313, l. 19; p. 315, l. 10
Tyberius Graccus, Tiberius Gracchus, Roman politician p. 317, l. 18
Umestat, conte de, unidentified nobleman 2515
Valerius Maximus, Roman author of Facta et dicta memorabilia p. 317, ll. 5, 28–29; p. 325, l. 19
Venus, Roman goddess of love p. 303, l. 6
Watreforde, Waterford, south-east Ireland 72, 551
Wemoustre, Wesmoustre, Wemoustier, Westminster 1850, 1946; p. 209, l. 18; p. 211, l. 6; 2371, 2397, 2447
Werewic, conte de, Thomas Beauchamp, twelfth earl of Warwick 2937
Westmerland, conte de, Ralph Neville, 1st earl of Westmorland p. 203, l. 21; 2524, 2936
Windesore, Windsor 2983, 3039, 3054, 3104, 3125, 3131, p. 307, l. 24
Y, for all entries, see under I