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Bibliography and Postscript
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 08 January 2010
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- Type
- Bibliography and Postscript
- Information
- Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements , Volume 19: American Philosophy , March 1985 , pp. 331 - 334
- Copyright
- Copyright © The Royal Institute of Philosophy and the contributors 1985
I. American Philosophy: Histories, Collections, Surveys
Anderson, Paul R. and Fisch, Max H., Philosophy in America: From the Puritans to James, With Representative Selections (1939).Google Scholar
Brodbeck, May, ‘Philosophy in America, 1900–1950’, in American Non-Fiction, 1900–1950, by Brodbeck, Gray and Metzger (1952).Google Scholar
Chisholm, R. M., Feigl, H., Frankena, W., Passmore, J. and Thompson, M., Philosophy (1960) (in Princeton Studies on Humanistic Scholarship in America).Google Scholar
Cohen, Morris R., ‘General Philosophy’, Ch. 9 of American Thought (1954); a revision and expansion of Ch. 17, ‘Later Philosophy’, in The Cambridge History of American Literature, Trent, Erskine, Sherman and Van Doren (eds), Vol. III (1921).Google Scholar
Fisch, Max (ed.), Classic American Philosophers: Peirce, James, Royce, Santayana, Dewey, Whitehead (1951).Google Scholar
Kuklick, Bruce, The Rise of American Philosophy: Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1860–1930 (1977).Google Scholar
Kurtz, Paul, ‘American Philosophy’, Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edwards (ed.) (1967), Vol. I.Google Scholar
Mead, George Herbert, ‘The Philosophies of Royce, James and Dewey in their American Setting’, International Journal of Ethics 40 (1930).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Muelder, Walter G., Sears, Lawrence and Schlabach, Anne (eds), The Development of American Philosophy: A Book of Readings (2nd edn, 1960).Google Scholar
Murphy, Arthur E., ‘American Philosophy in the Twentieth Century’, in Curti (ed.), American Scholarship in the Twentieth Century (1953); also in Murphy, Reason and the Common Good (1963).Google Scholar
Reck, Andrew J., Recent American Philosophy: Studies of Ten Representative Thinkers (1964).Google Scholar
Santayana, George, ‘The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy’, Winds of Doctrine (1913).Google Scholar
Schneider, Herbert W., A History of American Philosophy (1946; 2nd edn, 1963).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Schneider, Herbert W., Fisch, Max H. and Murphy, Arthur E., Symposium: ‘One Hundred Years of American Philosophy’, The Philosophical Review LVI (1947).Google Scholar
White, Morton (ed.), Documents in the History of American Philosophy, from Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey (1972).Google Scholar
White, Morton, Pragmatism and the American Mind: Essays and Reviews in Philosophy and American History (1973).Google Scholar
White, Morton, Science and Sentiment in America: Philosophical Thought from Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey (1972).Google Scholar
II. American Culture, Character, etc
Bourne, Randolph, ‘Trans-National America’, Atlantic Monthly cvxiii (July) 1916 (also in War and the Intellectuals, Resek (ed.) (1964)).Google Scholar
Commager, Henry S. (ed.), America in Perspective: The United States Through Foreign Eyes (1947).Google Scholar
Commager, Henry S., The American Mind (1950) (‘The far from inarticulate major premise of my investigation is that there is a distinctively American way of thought, character, and conduct’—p. vii).Google Scholar
Potter, David, People of Plenty: Economic Abundance and the American Character (1954).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
Riesman, David, The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character (1950, 1960).Google Scholar
Royce, Josiah, California from the Conquest in 1846 to the Second Vigilance Committee in San Francisco: A Study of American Character (1886).Google Scholar
Siegfried, André, America at Mid-Century (1955) (‘America is more American than it was some years ago, when it could be considered as a daughter of the old European continent who had not yet attained her majority.… We are studying a form of civilization rather than a country’—pp. v–vi).Google Scholar
III. National Character, Psychology, etc
Mead, Margaret, ‘National Character’, in Anthropology Today, A. L. Kroeber (ed.) (1953).Google Scholar
Orwell, George, ‘England Your England’ (1940), in The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters (1968), Vol. 2.Google Scholar
Orwell, George, ‘The English People’ (1944), in The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters (1968), Vol. 3.Google Scholar
IV. On Special Topics, Periods, Writers
Lowell, James Russell, ‘Thoreau’, and ‘Emerson, The Lecturer’, in My Study Windows (1871).Google Scholar