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Marxism and Modernization
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 January 2017

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- Discussion
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- Copyright © Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. 1970
1. The Correspondence Between Prince A. M. Kurbsky and Tsar Ivan IV of Russia, 1564-1579, edited with a translation and notes by J. L. I. Fennell (Cambridge, Eng., 1955), p. 3. The translation here and in the next quotation varies slightly from Fennell's.
2. Ibid., pp. 57, 59
3. The following works are representative examples of the rather substantial literature on this subject : M. B., Mitin and V. S., Semenov, “Dvizhenie chelovechestva k komrmn nizmu i burzhuaznaia kontseptsiia ‘edinogo industrial'nogo obshchestva, '” Voprosy filosofii, 1965, no. 5, pp. 35–46Google Scholar; Dalin, S, “Teorii ‘industrial'nogo obshchestva,”’ Mirovaia ekonomika i meshdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1969, no. 10, pp. 12–23, and no. 11Google Scholar, pp. 33-46; and Davidiuk, G. P., Kritika teorii “edinogo industrial'nogo obshchestva” (Minsk, 1968)Google Scholar.
4. George, Fischer, ed., Science and Ideology in Soviet Society (New York, 1947)Google Scholar provides a valuable introduction to this literature. Recent examples of the application of contemporary social science methods to Soviet problems are Stepanian, Ts. A. and Semenov, V. S., eds., Problcmy izmeneniia sotsial'noi struktury sovetskogo obshchestva (Moscow, 1968)Google Scholar, and S. A., Kugel, “Izmenenie sotsial'noi struktury sotsialisticheskogo obshchestva pod vozdeistviem nauchnotekhnicheskoi revoliutsii,” Voprosy filosofii, 1969, no. 3, pp. 13–22.Google Scholar
5. The first two volumes published by this council are Sorevnovanie dvukh sistem : Problemy ekonomicheskoi nauki (Moscow, 1963) and Sorevnovanie dvukh sistem : Ekonomicheskie sopostavleniia (Moscow, 1965).
6. See the annual reports of the European Coordination Center, and also Alexander, Szalai, “The Multinational Time Budget Research Project : A Venture in International Research Cooperation,” American Behavioral Scientist, 10 (December 1966) : 1–31.Google Scholar
7. Richta, Radovan and others, Civilisace na rozcestí : Společenské a lidské souvislosti vĕdeckotechnické revoluce (Prague, 1st ed. 1964, 3rd ed. 1969).Google Scholar An English translation is now available : Civilisation at the Crossroads : Social and Human Implications of the Scientific and Technological Revolution (New York, 1969).
8. D. M., Gvishiani, “Istoricheskii materializm i chastnye sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia,” Voprosy filosofii, 1965, no. 5, pp. 47–56Google Scholar; and A. M., Rumiantsev and G. V., Osipov, “Marksistka sotsiologiia i konkretnye sotsial'nye issledovaniia,” Voprosy filosofii, 1968, no. 6, pp. 3–13.Google Scholar