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Recent Publications on Archives and Manuscript Collections in the Soviet Union: A Selective Survey

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  27 January 2017


Ten years have elapsed since the publication of my general directory of archival repositories in Moscow and Leningrad and six years since its first bibliographical supplement. Space does not allow a full review here of all the finding aids and related reference literature issued in subsequent years. Yet a number of significant new publications deserve attention. A further incentive for this review is the appearance — in the western Ukrainian center of Lviv — of an extensive new directory of Soviet archives and manuscript collections. The appearance of such a long overdue, basic reference tool immediately arouses considerable interest.

The publication of this volume in Lviv evokes a long and distinguished tradition of archival development and historical scholarship in Galicia. Yet the inherent problems and logistics of preparing a directory of all-union scope in Lviv might explain some of the problems of the volume, while its issue in Lviv, unfortunately, makes the volume more difficult to obtain in the West. Nevertheless, the breadth and scope of the contribution stand as a tribute to the vision and energy of the author-compilers from Lviv University, Iu. M. Grossman (Iu. M. Hrossman) and V. N. Kutik (V. N. Kutyk). A detailed review of the Lviv directory can here also draw attention to other recently published archival reference aids and recent Soviet archival developments in general background literature and bibliography and in Grossman and Kutik's coverage of specific institutions and their finding aids.

Copyright © Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. 1982

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1. Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR: Moscow and Leningrad (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972) and idem, Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR: Moscow and Leningrad, Supplement 1: Bibliographical Addenda (Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company, 1976) (hereafter cited as Archives and Supplement, ! respectively). Occasional references in this article refer to bibliographical numbers in these volumes.

2. Iurii Mironovich Grossman and Vitalii Naumovich Kutik, Spravochnik nauchnogo rabot- I nika: Arkhivy, dokumenty, issledovatel’ (Lviv: “Vyshcha shkola,” 1979), 335 pp.

3. Highly puzzling, nevertheless, is the singling out of my own general directory for citation in connection with the effect of the October Revolution on Soviet archival transformation (Grossman and Kutik, Spravochnik, p. 29). Incidentally, this is the only place in the entire volume where my directory is cited.

4. These official rules for foreign researchers were prepared by the Main Archival Administration (GAU) and issued in three-page mimeographed form, “Pravila raboty inostrannykh issledovatelei v chital'nykh zalakh gosudarstvennykh arkhivov SSSR” (Moscow, 1978). A copy is available for exchange scholars from IREX in New York. The 1981 regulations, issued under the same title, are also available from IREX in New York.

5. The microfilm limitation of 100 to 200 frames is included as item no. 7 in the 1978 regulations, and, according to returning exchange scholars, it is being strictly enforced by state archives throughout the Soviet Union. It makes many types of research projects, particularly those requiring a large data base or the future verification of lengthy texts, virtually impossible for foreigners.

6. Katalog arkhivovedcheskoi literatury i sbornikov dokumentov (1968-1970), comp. M. G. Artsruni, S. M. Voenushkina, V. V. Liubimova, andN. A. Tasemnikova, ed. L. I. Panin (Moscow, 1977 [GAU/VNIIDAD]). The previous volume, covering publications during the years 1964-67, had appeared in 1970. As of spring 1981, the volume had still not reached major Soviet book distributors abroad, so there is little wonder it has not reached major U. S. libraries either.

7. Sovetskaia arkheografiia. Annotirovannyi katalog nauchnometodicheskoi literatury (1917- 1970 gg.), comp. I. F. Astrakhantseva et al., pt. 1 (Moscow, 1974 [GAU/VNIIDAD]) and Sovetskaia arkheografiia. Katalog … (1971-1973), comp. V. R. Kopylev et al., pt. 2 (Moscow, 1976 [GAU/ VNIIDAD]). Again, no further supplement has appeared.

8. Pokazhchyk dokumental'nykh publikatsii ta naukovo-dovidkovoi literatury arkhivnykh ustanov Ukrains'koi RSR (1926-1974 rr.), comp. V. M. Solonynko and T. D. Suslo (Kiev: Vyd-vo “Naukova dumka,” 1974).

9. E. D. Lebedeva, Tekstologiia russkoi literatury XVIU-XX vv. Ukazatel’ sovetskikh rabot na russkom iazyke 1917-1975 (Moscow, 1978 [INION AN SSSR]).

10. N. F. Droblenkova, Bibliografiia rabot po drevnerusskoi literature, opublikovannykh v SSSR 1958-1967 gg., ed. V. P. Adrianova-Peretts and L. A. Dmitriev, 2 vols. (Leningrad: “Nauka” Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1978-79), vol. 1: (1958-1962 gg.), vol. 2: (1963-1967 gg.). The volume supplements Droblenkova's earlier Bibliografiia sovetskikh rabot po literature XI-XVII vv. za 1917-1957gg., ed. V. P. Adrianova-Peretts (Moscow-Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1961; rpt. Leipzig, 1976).

11. Teoriia ipraktika arkhivnogo dela v SSSR, 2nd ed., ed. F. I. Dolgikh and K. I. Rudel'son (Moscow: “Vysshaia shkola,” 1980).

12. Lichnye arkhivnye fondy v gosudarstvennykh khranilishchakh SSSR. Ukazatel', vol. 3, comp. N. B. Volkova, Iu. I. Gerasimova, S. S. Dmitriev et al., ed. I. E. Berezovskaia, Iu. I. Gerasimova, L. I. Dmitrienko et al. (Moscow, 1980). The first two volumes were issued under the same title in 1962-63.

13. Osobysti arkhivni fondy Viddilu rukopysiv. Anotovanyipokazhchyk, comp. Ie. M. Humeniuk, P. H. Bab'iak, and O. O. Dz'oban (Lviv, 1977 [LNB AN URSR]). Incidentally, this important Lviv publication is not even mentioned in the Grossman-Kutik directory.

14. A. P. Pronshtein, Metodika istoricheskogo istochnikovedeniia, ed. I. D. Koval'chenko, 2nd ed. (Rostov-on-Don: Izd-vo Rostovskogo universiteta, 1976). An initial edition was published under the same title in 1971.

15. Teoriia ipraktika istochnikovedeniia i arkheografii otechestvennoi istorii. Sbornik statei, ed. V. T. Pashuto et al. (Moscow, 1978 [Institut istorii SSSR AN SSSR]).

16. Istochnikovedenie otechestvennoi istorii. Sbornik statei 1979, ed. V. I. Buganov et al. (Moscow: “Nauka,” 1980). The first of the series was published in 1973. A second for 1975 appeared in 1976, and the third for 1976 appeared in 1977.

17. Aktovoe istochnikovedenie. Sbornik statei, ed. V. I. Buganov, S. M. Kashtanov et al. (Moscow: “Nauka,” 1979).

18. V. I. Gol'tsov, Opis’ arkhiva Posol'skogo prikaza 1626 goda, ed. S. O. Shmidt, 2 vols. (Moscow: GAU, 1977; “Pamiatniki otechestvennoi istorii,” no. 1).

19. A. A. Zimin, Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossii XVI stoletiia. Opyt rekonstruktsii, ed. L. V. Cherepnin, 3 vols. (Moscow, 1978 [Institut istorii SSSR AN SSSR]).

20. M. E. Bychkova, Rodoslovnye knigi XVI-XVII vv. kak istoricheskii istochnik (Moscow: “Kniga,” 1975).

21. D. A. Tebekin, “Perechen’ immunitetnykh gramot 1584-1610 gg.,” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1978 god (Moscow, 1979), pp. 191-235. See also Grimsted, Archives, PKG-A-19.

22. M. P. Koval's'kyi (N. P. Koval'skii), Istochnikovedenie istorii Vkrainy (XVIpervaia polovina XVII veka), 5 vols. (Dnipropetrovs'k, 1977-79), vol. 1: Analiz sovetskikh arkheograficheskikh publikatsii dokumentaVnykh istochnikov. Uchebnoe posobie (1977); vol. 2, Analiz dorevoliutsionnykh otechestvennykh publikatsii istochnikov. Uchebnoe posobie po spetskursu (1978); vol. 3: Kharakteristika publikatsii istochnikov na inostrannykh iazykakh. Uchebnoe posobie (1978); vol. 4, Obzor osnovnykh otechestvennykh sobranii arkhivnykh istochnikov. Uchebnoe posobie po spetskursu (1979); vol.5: Istochniki po istorii Ukrainy XVIpervoi poloviny XVII v. v litovskoi metrike i fondakh prikazov TsGADA (1979).

23. See below, footnote 48.

24. See also Donald Ostrowski, “Recent Descriptions from the Soviet Union of Early Slavic Manuscripts,” Polata K'nigopis'naia (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), forthcoming.

25. For example, see the twelve published reports fom the manuscript section of the all-union 1974 Moscow conference, Knigovedenie i ego zadachi v svete aktual'nykh problem sovetskogo knizhnogo dela. Vtoraia Vsesoiuznaia nauchnaia konferentsiia po problemam knigovedeniia. Sektsiia rukopisnoi knigi. Tezisy dokladov (Moscow, 1974).

26. Vsesoiuznaia nauchnaia konferentsiia “Problemy nauchnogo opisaniia rukopisei ifaksimil'- nogo izdanilapamiatnikovpis'mennosti,” Leningrad, 14-16fevralia 1979 g. Tezisy dokladov (Leningrad: BAN, 1979).

27. Rukopisnaia i pechatnaia kniga, ed. T. B. Kniazevskaia et al. (Moscow: “Nauka,” 1975). See also related publications issued by the Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library in Leningrad (GPB), listed in the discussion of that library below (footnotes 89 and 90).

28. Sbornik statei i materialov Biblioteki AN SSSR po knigovedeniiu, 3 vols. (Leningrad, 1965-73); Istoriia knigi i izdatel'skogo dela (Leningrad, 1977); Knigopechatanie i knizhnye sobraniia v Rossii do serediny XIX v. (Leningrad, 1979); Russkie biblioteki i chastnye knizhnye sobraniia XVI-XIX vv. (Leningrad, 1979); and Knizhnoe delo v Rossii v XVI-XIX vekakh. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov (Leningrad, 1980). See also the relevant articles on the history of manuscript and printed books in other BAN publications mentioned in the discussion of that library below (see footnotes 100, 101, and 102).

29. Pamiatniki kul'tury. Novye otkrytiia. Pis'mennost'. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiia. Ezhegodnik 1974 — … Ezhegodnik 1979 (Moscow, 1975-80 [AN SSSR. Nauchnyi sovet po istorii mirovoi kul'tury]). A title page and list of contents in English are provided in each volume.

30. The 1978 volume appeared in 1979, but the 1979 volume did not appear until 1981 and hence will not be considered here.

31. M. N. Vorob'ev and A. I. Rogov, “K vykhodu ‘Predvaritel'nogo spiska slaviano-russkikh rukopisei XV v., khraniashchikhsia v SSSR’ (dlia Svodnogo kataloga rukopisei, khraniashchikhsia v SSSR),” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1977 god, pp. 49-55. A report on this project was also presented to the 1979 Leningrad conference by N. B. Shelamanova (see footnote 26, p. 49), who has been associated with the project from its start.

32. Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie distsipliny, vol. 11 (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1979).

33. Three important publications in volume 35 (1980) of Trudy Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury (hereafter cited as TODRL) are mentioned below. See footnotes 50, 92, 93. Space precludes discussion of others here.

34. I. V. Il'ina, Dekorativnoe of ormlenie drevnerusskikh knig. Novgorod i Pskov. Xll-XV vv. (Leningrad: Izd-vo LGU, 1978).

35. See, for example, the published series Severityi arkheograficheskii sbornik, seven volumes of which have appeared in Vologda or Syktyvkar between 1970 and 1979. Many under the subtitle Materialy po istorii evropeiskogo severa SSSR contain articles surveying or describing early manuscripts. The fourth volume (Syktyvkar, 1977), of particular interest in this respect, bears the subtitle Arkheografiia i istochnikovedenie.

36. See, for example, Arkheografiia i istochnikovedenie Sibiri (Novosibirsk: “Nauka,” 1975); Istochnikovedenie i arkheografiia Sibiri (Novosibirsk: “Nauka,” 1977).

37. An Archeographic Commission exists under the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, but there has been no recent published work on manuscript description under its auspices.

38. Seven issues were published between the years 1964 and 1972. An eighth volume was reportedly prepared, but withdrawn before its scheduled release in 1973.

39. See, for example, the series compiled by M. P. Koval's'kyi mentioned in footnote 22. A number of other, limited-edition series and separate rotaprint publications were issued by Dnipropetrovs'k University during the 1970s with many articles devoted to source study and archival surveys.

40. B. L. Fonkich, Grechesko-russkie kul'turnye sviazi v XV-XV1I vv. (Grecheskie rukopisi v Rossii) (Moscow: “Nauka,” 1977).

41. A. B. Khaligov, “Arabskie rukopisi v SSSR i ikh izuchenie,” Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1977 god (Moscow, 1978), pp. 62-78.

42. S. P. Liushin, review in Sovetskie arkhivy, 1980, no. 5, pp. 69-71.

43. G. A. Dremina, Tsentral'nye gosudarstvennye arkhivy SSSR 1945-1970 gg. Uchebnoe posobie (Moscow, 1977 [MGIAI]). Coverage in these sections should be compared to Grimsted, Archives, pp. 121-95 and Grimsted, Supplement, pp. 29-56. It would appear that Grossman and Kutik did not have an opportunity personally to visit the central state archives covered in an effort to update and expand their information.

44. More detailed lists of microfilms acquired are available in the published articles cited by the authors, from which apparently their information was drawn.

45. See, for example, the brief report by S. M. Dushinov of discussions regarding a new guide, printed in Sovetskie arkhivy, 1980, no. 4, p. 89, concluding with a proposed publication date of 1986.

46. M. I. Avtokratova, “Tam, gde tsenneishie dokumenty … ,” Voprosy istorii, 1977, no. 7, pp. 118-36. This article, along with others published contemporaneously honoring the one hundred twenty-fifth anniversary of TsGADA, is listed in the bibliography of the Lviv directory. The article dates the archive to 1852, from the founding of the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Justice (MAMIu). The holdings of this important prerevolutionary archive now form part of TsGADA, and TsGADA now occupies the former building of the archive in Moscow. See also the later article by M. I. Avtokratova and S. M. Dushinov, “Nauchno-izdatel'skaia deiatel'nost’ TsGADA za 60 let,” in Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1978 god, pp. 22-34.

47. S. P. Mordovina and A. L. Stanislavskii, Boiarskie spiski poslednei chetverti XVInachala XVII vv. i rospis’ russkogo voiska 1604 g. Ukazatel’ sostava gosudareva dvora po fondu Razriadnogo prikaza, 2 vols. (Moscow, 1979 [TsGADA]). For Muscovite sources in TsGADA see also the articles in the collective volumes cited above (footnotes 15,16, and 17, and the monographs cited in footnotes 18 through 22).

48. See the fifth (unnumbered) volume of the Koval's'kyi series cited in footnote 22. The Koval's'kyi study has a number of inadequacies in terms of his coverage of the fond of the Lithuanian Metrica in TsGADA.

49. Patricia Kennedy Grimsted and Irena Sulkowska-Kurasiowa, “The Lithuanian Metrica in Vilnius, Warsaw and Moscow: An Annotated Edition of the 1887 Ptaszycki Inventory” (Newtonville, MA: Oriental Research Partners, forthcoming).

50. L. N. Pushkarev, “Rukopisnye sborniki nravstvenno-pouchitel'nogo kharaktera sobraniia TsGALI v TsGADA,” TODRL 35 (1980): 397-416. In the initial note, the author provides references for earlier parts of this catalogue. See also the report by B. N. Morozov, “Novoopisannaia kollektsiia ‘Rukopisnoe sobranie TsGADA,“’ in the reports of the 1979 Leningrad conference cited in footnote 26 (pp. 37-38).

51. Dvizhenie dekabristov. Imennoi ukazatel’ k dokwnentam fondov i kollektsii TsGVIA SSSR, ed. I. G. Tishin, 3 vols. (Moscow, 1975 [TsGVIA]).

52. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Voenno-Morskogo FlotaSSSR. Tematicheskii putevoditel’ (Leningrad, 1966). I have not been able to verify elsewhere the publication of this volume. Reportedly, it was not available for public use in the Lenin Library in spring 1981.

53. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv literatury i iskusstva SSSR. Putevoditel', pt. 4: Fondy, postupivshie v TsGALI SSSR v 1967-1971 gg. (Moscow, 1976 [GAU]).

54. Vstrechi s proshlym. Sbornik neopublikovannykh materialov Tsentral'nogo gosudarstvennogo arkhiva literatury i iskusstva SSSR, vol. 1 (Moscow, 1970); vol. 2 (Moscow, 1975); vol. 3 (Moscow, 1978; 2nd ed., 1980).

55. See the additional data and bibliography of party archives in Grimsted, Archives, pp. 243-47 and idem, Supplement, p. 81 and PKG-D-2.2. New acquisitions in the Central Party Archive are reported periodically in the journal Voprosy istorii KPSS; those through 1974 are available in a combined microfiche edition (see Grimsted, Supplement, PKG-D-8.1). Acquisitions for 1974 and 1975 are reported in the article by Iu. Amiantov, M. S. Veselina, and Zueva, L. I., “Popolnenie fondov Tsentral'nogo partiinogo arkhiva IML pri TsK KPSS v 1974-1975 gg.,” Voprosy istorii KPSS 7 (1976): 116–22Google Scholar. No subsequent reports have been published.

56. See the survey description in Grimsted, Archives, pp. 248-55 and idem, Supplement, pp. 82-83. See also the article by S. L. Tikhvinskii, “Arkhivy MID SSSR na sluzhbe miroliubivoi vneshnei politiki Sovetskogo Soiuza,” Sovetskie arkhivy, 1978, no. 3, pp. 43-49. This first Soviet publication about the Foreign Ministry archives since World War II is almost completely devoted to a list of documentary publications of the archive rather than the much-needed description of holdings.

57. Milton D. Gustafson, William Z. Slany, and S. Frederick Starr, Jr., “Access to Russian Diplomatic Archives in the USSR,” AHA Newsletter 15, no. 7 (October 1977): 11-13. This article contains a number of minor errors, some of which were pointed out by the director of the Archive of the Foreign Policy of Russia (AVPR), Valerii Mazaev, in a subsequent letter to Milton Gustafson. Mazaev's letter was never published. The full text of the access regulations for the prerevolutionary diplomatic archive, AVPR, is available in the Diplomatic Branch of the U.S. National Archives.

58. Arkhivy Akademii nauk SSSR. Obozrenie arkhivnykh materialov, ed. B. V. Levshin, E. S. Kuliabko, and A. A. Bogdanova (Leningrad, 1977; “Trudy Arkhiva AN SSSR,” vol. 27).

59. Among the subsequent four volumes now available, of particular interest in the volume for 1978 are the surveys of the papers of A. I. Andreev, S. V. Bakhrushkin, and V. V. Maksakov, all in the Academy Archive.

60. Arkhivy Akademii nauk sotsialisticheskikh stran. Bibliografiia, ed. Iu. A. Vinogradov, vol. 1: 1917-1968 gg. (Leningrad, 1971) (see Grimsted, Supplement, PKG-C-3.5). Supplemental coverage of descriptive publications for the Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for 1969-75 is provided in vol. 2: 1969-1972 gg. (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1975), pp. 101-209 and ibid., vol. 3: 1973-1975 gg. (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1979), pp. 89-158.

61. Kratkii spravochnik po nauchno-otraslevym i memorial'nym arkhivam AN SSSR, ed. B. V. Levshin (Moscow: “Nauka,” 1979).

62. Ezhegodnik Rukopisnogo otdela Pushkinskogo doma (see Grimsted, Supplement PKG-C-3.5). See the most recent volumes: … na 1973 god (1976) through … na 1978 god (1980).

63. V. I. Malyshev, Drevlekhranilishche Pushkinskogo doma (Literatura 1965-74 gg.) (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1978).

64. For a description of the Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet (MGU) records in the local state archive, see Gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Moskovskoi oblasti. Putevoditel', comp. L. I. Gaisinskaia et al., ed. S. O. Shmidt (Moscow, 1961), pp. 216-17, 328. See also Grimsted, Archives, PKG-G-7. These prerevolutionary records are now held in the recently reorganized Central State Historical Archive of the city of Moscow (TsGIAgM), fond 418.

65. In addition to Grimsted, Archives, PKG-B-3, researchers interested in trade-union records should also refer to the Soviet contribution in the international guide to records for labor history, “Les archives des syndicats et l'histoire du mouvement ouvrier en U.R.S.S.,” Labour Trade Union Archives I Les archives des syndicats et mouvements ouvriers, published as Archivum. International Review on Archives I Revue internationale des archives, 27 (1980): 130-35. The article explains that labor-union records are initially deposited in the separate archive, but transferred to the Central State Archive of the October Revolution of the USSR after fifteen years.

66. Gosudarstvennye arkhivy RSFSR. Spravochnik-putevoditel', comp. E. M. Korneva et al., ed. V. A. Tiuneev et al. (Moscow: Sovetskaia Rossiia, 1980).

67. Gosudarstvennye arkhivy Soiuza SSR. Kratkii spravochnik, ed. G. A. Belov, A. I. Loginova, S. V. Nefedova, and I. N. Firsov (Moscow, 1956 [GAU]); for the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, see ibid., pp. 57-263.

68. Arkhivnye fondy TsGA RSFSR. [Kratkii spravochnik] (Moscow, 1973). I have as yet been unable to verify the publication of such a volume. See also the short article celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the archive by V. A. Sidorova and F. I. Sharonov, “Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv RSFSR (1957-1977 gg.),” Sovetskie arkhivy, 1977, no. 6, pp. 40-48.

69. The new organization of Moscow local archives was earlier explained in the article by E. I. Platonov, under the curious title, “Leninskii dekret v deistvii,” Sovetskie arkhivy, 1978, no. 6, pp. 13-16.

70. My own listing of central state archives in the union republics is now considerably out of date, but could provide a starting point (see Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, “Regional Archive Development in the USSR: Soviet Standards and National Documentary Legacies,” American Archivist 36, no. 1 [January 1973]: 62-66).

71. Ts'uts'ak dzergrats’ Mashtots'i anvan Matenadaranil Katalog rukopisei Matenadarana imeni Mashtotza, comp. O. Eganian et al., 2 vols. (Erevan: Izd-vo AN Armianskoi SSR, 1965-70). This continuing scholarly catalogue should be the starting point for any serious researcher in the Matenadaran, but only two volumes have appeared.

72. Katalog rukopisei ifragmentov latinskogo alfavita khraniashchikhsia v Matenadaranel Ts'uts'ak Matenadarani latinatar dzeragreri ev patarikneri, comp. L. I. Kiseleva (Erevan: Izd-vo AN Armianskoi SSR, 1980).

73. The shortcomings and lacunae in the Lviv coverage of the Baltic republics and Belorussia are now filled in with the 1981 appearance of the second volume of my own directory (see Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belorussia [Princeton, 1981]). Seventy-five institutions are covered with over seven hundred bibliographical entries. Almost all of the reference publications listed are available in coordinated microfiche editions, which are listed in the separate catalogue, idem, Archives and Manuscript Collections in the USSR, series 2: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Belorussia: Finding Aids on Microfiche (Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company, 1981) (hereafter cited as Finding Aids).

74. Lietuvos TSR valstybiniii arkhyvtf fondy trumpas iinynas, 8 vols. (Vilnius, 1974-79). See also vol. 5, Finansai. Draudimas (1977); vol. 6, Sveikatos apsauga. Socialinis aprupinimas. Fizkultura ir sportas (1977); vol. 7, Justicija (1978); vol. 8, Valstybine valdiia ir valstybes valdymas (1979). The first four volumes are described in the Grimsted Baltic directory, PKG = Archives, no. K-5. The latest four volumes are included in the IDC microfiche edition (ER-14,255), and listed in Grimsted, Finding Aids.

75. Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv Latviiskoi SSR. Kratkii spravochnik, pt. 1: (1220-1918), comp. N. N. Ryzhov, A. la. Zeida, and I. G. Druz’ (Riga: “Avots,” 1980). This guide provides a list of major fonds, in the archive, but gives no details about their contents or structure. In all cases, only Russian versions (or translations) of the institutional names are provided, further complicating use of the materials.

76. Georgii Ensh (JenS), lstoriia arkhivnogo dela v Latvii (Riga, 1981). The typescript of this monumental, scholarly study, commissioned by the Central State Historical Archive of the Latvian SSR in Riga and prepared by its former director, was completed in 1967, with several revisions later. It was announced for publication in 1979, and an abridged version was issued in 1981 as this article was being prepared.

77. Materialy mezhrespublikanskoi nauchnoi konferentsii po istochnikovedeniiu i istoriografii narodov Pribaltiiskikh respublik Soiuza SSR (Vilnius, 1978 [Institut istorii Akademii nauk Litovskoi SSR]). A second volume with the subtitle Istoriografiia was published simultaneously, but had no reports with direct coverage of archival materials.

78. Foreign scholars interested in pursuing research in Ukrainian archives in the near future may want to consult the preliminary version of my own extensive Ukrainian directory, which has brief surveys of holdings and a comprehensive bibliography of over twelve hundred entries listing finding aids and related reference literature (see Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, “Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR: The Ukraine and Moldavia,” vol. 1: General Bibliography and Directory of Repositories [Princeton: Princeton University Press, forthcoming]). The latest version of that first volume (revised July 1981) is available for consultation at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. For archives in Lviv, see also Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, “The Fate of Early Records in Lviv Archives: Documentation from Western Ukraine (Galicia) under Polish Rule (fifteenth century to 1772),” Slavonic and East European Review, 60, no. 2 (July 1982): 321-346.

79. The Lviv directory mentions selected articles appearing in Zapiski Otdela rukopisei through volume 39 (1978).

80. Volume 40 (1979) updates acquisitions through 1976 and includes survey articles of the archive and manuscript collection of the nineteenth-century publicist and editor I. E. Betskii, of autographs and other archival materials in the division relating to N. G. Chernyshevskii, and briefer surveys of the newly received manuscript collection from the Iaroslavl’ region (fond 739) and the manuscript collection of I. K. Andronov (fond 726).

81. Volume 41 (1980) in addition to a report on new accessions through 1977 contains a detailed catalogue of the manuscripts of A. A. Blok, a survey and brief inventory of the important N. P. Rumiantsev collection, a survey of the records of the Verkhotursk prikaznaia izba from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and a survey of the papers of A. A. Arakcheev.

82. These changes and several internal rearrangements of earlier fonds are explained in Zapiski Otdela rukopisei, 40 (1979):.126-27. Fond 722 contains manuscript books, and fond 743 contains miscellaneous archival materials.

83. Vospominaniia i dnevniki XVIII-XX vv. Ukazatel’ rukopisei, ed. S. V. Zhitomirskaia (Moscow: “Kniga,” 1976), should be used in conjunction with the 1951 directory since it does not include materials covered in the earlier volume. See also Grimsted, Archives, PKG-E-15.

84. S. B. Filimonov, Istoriko-kraevedcheskie materialy fonda Obshchestva izucheniia Moskovskoi gubernii (oblasti). K metodike izucheniia istorii sovetskogo istoricheskogo kraevedeniia, ed. S. O. Shmidt (Moscow, 1976 [Institut istorii SSSR AN SSSR]).

85. The publication is planned under the title “Rukopisnye sobraniia Gosudarstvennoi biblioteki SSSR im. V. I. Lenina.” The first volume, apparently already completed in typescript draft, provides a short survey and bibliography for each of the seventy-four Slavonic-Russian manuscript collections in the division, thus enlarging and updating the 1958 typescript survey available in the reading room (see Grimsted, Archives, PKG-E-5).

86. Rukopisnye fondy Publichnoi biblioteki. Pechatnye katalogi i obzory, comp. N. A. Zubkova, ed. A. S. Myl'nikov (Leningrad, 1971 [GPB]). See also Grimsted, Supplement, PKG-F-8.1. Unfortunately this basic bibliography was issued in a poor quality, rotaprint edition of one hundred copies, and has still not been reissued there. A microfiche edition by Inter Documentation Company is available (IDC-R-11,099).

87. N. A. Zubkova, “Bibliograficheskii spisok,” in Problemy istochnikovedcheskogo izucheniia rukopisnykh i staropechatnykh fondov. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, vol. 2 (Leningrad, 1980), pp. 198-216. The bibliography is preceded by a chronicle of developments in the division during the period (ibid., pp. 194-98).

88. Novye postupleniia v Otdel rukopisei i redkikh knig (1974-1978 gg.). Katalog, comp. L. S. Georgieva and A. N. Mikhailova (Leningrad, 1980 [GPB]). The previous report covering accessions for the years 1969-73 had been published in 1974 (see Grimsted, Supplement, PKG-F-8.2).

89. Problemy istochnikovedcheskogo izucheniia rukopisnykh i staropechatnykh fondov. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, vol. 1, ed. I. N. Kurbatova and M. A. Tarasov (Leningrad, 1979 [GPB]) and ibid., vol. 2, ed. I. N. Kurbatova and N. A. Efimova (Leningrad, 1980 [GPB]). Unfortunately the small rotaprint press run will make these collections hard to find abroad.

90. lz istorii rukopisnykh i staropechatnykh sobranii (Issledovaniia. Obzory. Publikatsii). Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, ed. L. L. Al'bina, I. N. Kurbatova, and M. la. Stetskevich (Leningrad, 1979 [GPB]).

91. Sborniki dokumentov kollektsii P. P. Dubrovskogo. Katalog, comp. T. P. Voronova and T. V, Luizova (Leningrad, 1979 [GPB]), covering documents from the thirteenth through the eighteenth centuries.

92. M. D. Kagan, N. V. Ponyrko, and M. V. Rozhdestvenskaia, “Opisanie sbornikov XV v. knigopistsa Efrosina,” Rukopisnoe nasledie drevnei Rusi, published as TODRL, 35 (1980): 1-300. The sixth Efrosin manuscript codex described is from the Uvarov collection in the manuscript division of the State Historical Museum in Moscow.

93. D. Afferika (Joan Afferica), “K voprosu ob opredelenii russkikh rukopisei M. M. Shcherbatova v Ermitazhnom sobranii Publichnoi biblioteki im. M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina,” TODRL, 35 (1980): 376-93. The full text of Afferica's study appeared in Forschungen zur Osteuropdischen Geschichte, 24 (1978): 237-336 (see Grimsted, Supplement, PKG-F-13.1). A further edited and corrected version is available in microfiche from Inter Documentation Company (IDC-R-9899).

94. Daniel’ Klark Uo (Daniel Clarke Waugh), Slavianskie rukopisi sobraniia F. A. Tolstogo. Materialy k istorii sobraniia i ukazateli starykh i novykh shifrov (Leningrad, BAN, 1980). The text was published earlier in a micro-book edition with the added English title The F. A. Tolstoi Collection: The Slavic Manuscripts in the Collection of Count F. A. Tolstoi: Materials on the History of the Collection and Indexes of Former and Current Code Numbers (Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Company, 1977).

95. Opisanie rukopisnogo otdela Biblioteki Akademii nauk SSSR, vol. 4, pt. 2: Stikhotvoreniia, romansy, poemy i dramaticheskie sochineniia XVIIpervaia tret’ XIX v., comp. I. F. Martynov (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1980).

96. Opisanie Rukopisnogo otdela Biblioteki Akademii nauk SSSR, vol. 6: Rukopisi latinskogo alfavita XVI-XVII vv., comp. I. N. Lebedeva (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1979).

97. Latinskie rukopisi. Biblioteki Akademii nauk SSSR. Opisanie rukopisei latinskogo alfavita X-XV vv., comp. L. I. Kiseleva (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1978).

98. Pergamennye rukopisi Biblioteki Akademii nauk SSSR. Opisanie russkikh i slavianskikh rukopisei XI-XVI vekov, comp. N. Iu. Bubnov, O. P. Likhacheva, and V. F. Pokrovskaia (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1976).

99. M. V. Kukushkina, Monastyrskie biblioteki russkogo severa. Ocherki po istorii knizhnoi kul'tury XVI-XVII vekov (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1977).

100. Biblioteka Petra I. Ukazatel'-Spravochnik, comp. E. I. Bobrova; ed. D. S. Likhachev (Leningrad: BAN, 1978).

101. Rukopisnye i redkie knigi v fondakh Biblioteki AN SSSR. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, ed. S. P. Luppov and A. A. Moiseeva (Leningrad: BAN, 1976).

102. Materialy i soobshcheniia po fondam Otdela rukopisnoi i redkoi knigi, vol. 2, ed. M. V. Kukushkina (Leningrad: “Nauka,” 1978). Indications (undoubtedly typographical errors) in the Lviv bibliography to the contrary, the only early volume in this series was issued in 1966 under the editorship of A. I. Kopanev.

103. See footnote 28.

104. Z. V. Fedotova and N. F. Chernysheva, Katalog rukopisnykh knig [Gosudarstvennaia Publichnaia istoricheskaia biblioteka, Otdel redkikh knig] (Moscow, 1976 [GPIB]).

105. Iz istorii fondov Nauchnoi biblioteki Moskovskogo universiteta, ed. E. S. Karpova (Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1978).

106. Rankrasdii rinkinin rodykleIUkazatel’ rukopisnykh sobranii, corap. E. Treiniene (Vilnius, 1977 [Lietuvos TSR Mokshj akademijos Centrine’ biblioteka]). The new volume lists, in both Lithuanian and Russian, 181 fonds under several categories, providing fond numbers, dates, and extent of holdings for each.

107. For detailed coverage of Lithuanian and Latvian holdings and appropriate bibliography, see the listings in my Baltic directory (footnote 73). Similarly, details can be found there about Estonian and Belorussian collections, the coverage of which in the Lviv directory is equally inadequate and unbalanced.

108. Full coverage of the manuscript holdings of this library is available in the preliminary version of my Ukrainian volume (see footnote 78). A separate article on these collections is in preparation for Harvard Ukrainian Studies.

109. On the manuscript holdings in that library see also Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, “The Stefanyk Library of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences — A Treasury of Manuscript Collections in Lviv,” Harvard Ukrainian Studies 5, no. 2 (June 1981): 195-229 and idem, “Lviv Manuscript Collections and Their Fate,” Eucharisterion. Essays in Honor ofOmeljan Pritsak on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Harvard Ukrainian Studies, 3/4 (1979): 349-75. The guide to personal papers in that library is listed in footnote 13.

110. Cf. coverage in the preliminary version of my Ukrainian directory (footnote 78).

111. Simferopol’ Pedagogical Institute was recently raised to the level of a university. However, the most valuable manuscripts from the Crimean (Simferopol’) Pedagogical Institute now constitute fond 445 in the Manuscript Division of the Lenin Library in Moscow, where a typewritten catalogue is available. See also the published coverage in Zapiski Otdela rukopisei, 27 (1965): 191-204.

112. See M. N. Tikhomirov, Opisanie Tikhomirovskogo sobraniia rukopisei (Moscow: “Nauka,” 1968), and the earlier survey by A. I. Rogov and N. I. Pokrovskii, “Sobranie rukopisei akademika M. N. Tikhomirova, peredannoe Sibirskomu otdeleniiu AN SSSR (g. Novosibirsk),” in Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1965 goda, pp. 162-72.

113. T. N. Protas'eva, Opisanie rukopisei Chudovskogo sobraniia (Novosibirsk: “Nauka,” Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1980). See also the recently released collection of watermarks from seventeenth- century manuscripts, Vodianye znaki rukopisei Rossii XVII v. Po materialam Otdela rukopisei GIM, comp. T. V. Dianova and L. M. Kostiukhina, ed. V. I. Buganov (Moscow, 1980).