Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 January 2017
The author wishes to acknowledge support received under HEW Group Projects Abroad, during a six-week tour in the winter of 1972-73, an exchange of faculty members between Warsaw’s Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki (Central School of Planning and Statistics) and Seton Hall University.
1. A valuable handbook containing the names of Polish research institutions, archives, schools, museums, libraries, and their chief personnel is Informator Nauki Polskiej, 1972 (Warsaw : Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1972). There is an English translation of an earlier edition of this work, published for the National Science Foundation on the order of Centralny Instytut Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej Ekonomicznej : Polish Research Guide, 1964 (Warsaw : PWN, 1963).
2. Adam, Lewak, “The Archives and Libraries of Warsaw During World War II, 1939-1945,” Polish Review, 3, no. 2 (Spring 1962) : 34–36.Google Scholar
3. For example, Biblioteka Państwowej Wyższej Szkoty Teatralnej im. A. Zelwerowicza (Library of the Alexander Zelwerowicz State Theatrical Higher School).
4. Biblioteka Wojskowej Akademji Politycznej (Library of the Military Academy of Political Science).
5. Most notably, the two chief medical libraries, Gtówna Biblioteka Lekarska (Central Medical Library) and Biblioteka Akademji Medycznej w Warszawie (Library of the Academy of Medicine in Warsaw).
6. The author is indebted to several members of the staff of each of these institutions for information provided in this essay. He wishes in particular to thank the following persons, listed in the order of their institutional affiliations, as given above : (1) Ewa Suchodolska, (2) Hanna Zasada, (3) Stefan Durmaj and Andrzej Wesołowski, (4) Aleksandra Zabielska-Helle, (S) Grzegorz Bogdan, (6) Tadeusz Marszałek, (7) Janina Westermark, (8) Irena Chmielinska, and (9) E. Szańkowska. He wishes also to thank the Department of Economic History at SGPiS for assistance in arranging the interviews, especially Prorector Irena Kostrowicka and Professors Janusz Kaliński and Teresa Małecka.
7. For additional information regarding the general collection see Stankevich, Vitol'd, “Glavnye nauchnye biblioteki v Pol'she kak laboratorii istoricheskikh issledovanii,” in Istoricheskaia nauka v narodnoi Pol'she v 1945-69 gg. : Spravochnik… (Warsaw : PWN, 1970, pp. 181–83 Google Scholar; Żydanowicz, Zofia, The National Library Guide (Warsaw : Drukarnia Biblioteki Narodowej, 1966 Google Scholar; and Biblioteka Narodowa : Informator dla csytelników (Warsaw : Biblioteka Narodowa, 1963).
8. Lewak, “The Archives and Libraries of Warsaw, ” pp. 16, 19, 23, 31-32; Wanda, Stummer, “The University of Warsaw Library,” in Gieysztor, Aleksander, ed., The University of Warsaw (Warsaw : Warsaw University Press, 1967, pp. 65–66.Google Scholar
9. Alexandre, Thikian, “Note sur la Bibliothéque Universitaire de Varsovie et ses fonds russes,” Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique, 8, no. 2 (1967) : 333 Google Scholar :
10. Sixty-seven Russian periodicals are listed, along with publication data and the details of the Library’s holdings, in a draft booklet entitled “Katalog Czasopism Rosyjskich Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie, ” zeszyt próbny (Warsaw : Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie, 1972), 32 pages. This is an ongoing project.
11. Helena Kozerska and Wanda, Stummer, Katalog rękopisów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie, vol. 1 (Warsaw : BUwW, 1963 Google Scholar. Volume 2 is in press.
12. Lewak, “The Archives and Libraries of Warsaw, ” p. 32.
13. Wrzosek, Stefan and Zabielska-Helle, Aleksandra, Guidebook (Warsaw : Library of the Central School of Planning and Statistics, 1972), pp. 7–10.Google Scholar
14. Acquisitions for 1973 are expected to total 2, 781 volumes, including 268 Russian titles.
15. The names, locations, and brief descriptions of the holdings of the existing regional archives are given in Informator Nauki Polskiej, 1972, pp. 269-76.
16. Archeion : Czasopismo naukowe, poświęcone sprawom archiwalnym … (Warsaw : PWN), vol. 1 (1927).
17. Irena, Koberdova, “Gosudarstvennye arkhivy,” in Istoricheskaia nauka v narodnoi Pol'she, pp. 146–52.Google Scholar
18. Kazimierz, Konarski, “Zespół akt Sekretariatu Stanu Księstwa Warszawskiego, Kró1estwa Polskiego oraz Kancelarii J. C. Mości do Spraw Królestwa Polskiego (1807- 1876),” Archeion, 44 (1966) : 128–29.Google Scholar
19. J anina, Zaborowska, “Ustrój, dzieje i akta Kancelarii Gubernatora Warszawskiego z lat 1866-1917,” Archeion, 51 (1969) : 148–50Google Scholar; Herman Rappaport, “Rewindykowane z ZSRR w r. 1964 akta Pomocnika Generał-Gubernatora Warszawskiego do spraw policyjnych z lat 1897-1917 … , ” Archeion, 50 (1968) : 157-69.
20. J anina, Zaborowska, “Akta Warszawskiego Sądu Okrgowego i związanych z nim innych organów sądowych,” Archeion, 55 (1971) : 55–65Google Scholar, and Herman, Rappaport, “Akta prokuratora Izby Sądowej Warszawskiej z lat 1876-1917,” Archeion, 56 (1971) : 161–70.Google Scholar
21. Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych, Naczelna, Intwentars materialów archiwalnych do dziejów rewolucji 1905-1907 r. na ziemiach polskich, vols. 1-4 (Warsaw, 1956-62).Google Scholar
22. Koberdova, “Gosudarstvennye arkhivy, ” pp. 153-54.
23. Barbara Maranda, a graduate student at SGPiS, assisted me in the search of the indexes and inventories at AAN. For a summary of the documents of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1918-39), which were saved during, or replaced after, World War II see Kazimierz, Wojewoda, “Zasoby Archiwalne Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych z okresu 1918-1939,” Archeion, 34 (1961) : 75–86.Google Scholar
24. I am indebted to Teresa Małecka of SGPiS for assistance in arriving at these approximate figures.
25. APWiWW, Inwentarze archiwalne, vol. 25 : Cesarski Uniwersytet w Warszawie, 1869-1917 (Warsaw, 1968).
26. For example, the statute of 1869 by which the Warsaw Central School was transformed into a Russian university is to be found in Cesarski Uniwersytet w Warszawie, no. 80, “Statut z 1869 r., regulaminy wewnętrzne i instrukcje …, ” sheets 2-18 (pp. 3-35). This document was earlier preserved in Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv rostovskoi oblasti, fond 527 (590), opis' 1, ed. khr. 261, sviazka 60, listy 2-18.