Four groups of second language (L2) learners of English from
different language backgrounds (Chinese, Japanese, German, and Greek)
and a group of native speaker controls participated in an online
reading time experiment with sentences involving long-distance
wh-dependencies. Although the native speakers showed evidence
of making use of intermediate syntactic gaps during processing, the L2
learners appeared to associate the fronted wh-phrase
directly with its lexical subcategorizer, regardless of whether the
subjacency constraint was operative in their native language. This
finding is argued to support the hypothesis that nonnative
comprehenders underuse syntactic information in L2 processing.Theodore Marinis is now working at the Centre
for Developmental Language Disorders and Cognitive Neuroscience,
University College London, and Leah Roberts is at the
Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen. The research
reported here was supported by the Leverhulme Trust (grant no. F/00
213B to H. Clahsen, C. Felser, and R. Hawkins), which is gratefully
acknowledged. We thank Bob Borsley, Roger Hawkins, Andrew Radford, the
audiences at EUROSLA 12, the 24th Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Sprachwissenschaft Meeting, the 27th annual Boston University
Conference on Language Development, EUROSLA 13, three anonymous
SSLA reviewers for helpful comments and discussion, and Ritta
Husted and Michaela Wenzlaff for helping with the data collection. We
also wish to thank Ted Gibson and Tessa Warren for making their
prepublication manuscript available to us.