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  • ISSN: 0272-2631 (Print), 1470-1545 (Online)
  • Editor: Luke Plonsky Northern Arizona University, USA
  • Editorial board
Studies in Second Language Acquisition is a refereed journal of international scope devoted to the scientific discussion of acquisition or use of non-native and heritage languages. Each volume (five issues) contains research articles of either a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods nature in addition to essays on current theoretical matters. Other rubrics include Replication Studies, Critical Commentaries, State-of-the-Scholarship, Methods Forum, Research Reports, and Data Report.

Albert Valdman Award 2024

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Albert Valdman Award for outstanding publication in 2024 is "Replication studies in second language acquisition research: Definitions, issues, resources, and future directions" by Kevin McManus (Penn State).

Please join us in congratulating the author on his contribution to the journal and to the field.

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