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Bogovalov, S. V.
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International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
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Cosmological evolution of supermassive black holes in galactic centers unveiled by hard X-ray observations.
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Constraining giant planet formation with synthetic ALMA images of the Solar System’s natal protoplanetary disk.
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Huber, T.
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In, S.
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Ishihara, A.
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Lad, N.
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Nowicki, S. C.
Obertacke Pollmann, A.
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Oeyen, B.
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Park, N.
Parker, G. K.
Paudel, E. N.
Paul, L.
Pérez de los Heros, C.
Peters, L.
Peterson, J.
Philippen, S.
Pieper, S.
Pittermann, M.
Pizzuto, A.
Plum, M.
Popovych, Y.
Porcelli, A.
Prado Rodriguez, M.
Price, P. B.
Pries, B.
Przybylski, G. T.
Raab, C.
Raissi, A.
Rameez, M.
Rawlins, K.
Rea, I. C.
Rehman, A.
Reichherzer, P.
Reimann, R.
Renzi, G.
Resconi, E.
Reusch, S.
Rhode, W.
Richman, M.
Riedel, B.
Roberts, E. J.
Robertson, S.
Roellinghoff, G.
Rongen, M.
Rott, C.
Ruhe, T.
Ryckbosch, D.
Rysewyk Cantu, D.
Safa, I.
Saffer, J.
Sanchez Herrera, S. E.
Sandrock, A.
Sandroos, J.
Santander, M.
Sarkar, S.
Sarkar, S.
Satalecka, K.
Schaufel, M.
Schieler, H.
Schindler, S.
Schmidt, T.
Schneider, A.
Schneider, J.
Schröder, F. G.
Schumacher, L.
Schwefer, G.
Sclafani, S.
Seckel, D.
Seunarine, S.
Sharma, A.
Shefali, S.
Silva, M.
Skrzypek, B.
Smithers, B.
Snihur, R.
Soedingrekso, J.
Soldin, D.
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Spiczak, G. M.
Spiering, C.
Stachurska, J.
Stamatikos, M.
Stanev, T.
Stein, R.
Stettner, J.
Steuer, A.
Stezelberger, T.
Stürwald, T.
Stuttard, T.
Sullivan, G. W.
Taboada, I.
Ter-Antonyan, S.
Tilav, S.
Tischbein, F.
Tollefson, K.
Tönnis, C.
Toscano, S.
Tosi, D.
Trettin, A.
Tselengidou, M.
Tung, C. F.
Turcati, A.
Turcotte, R.
Turley, C. F.
Twagirayezu, J. P.
Ty, B.
Unland Elorrieta, M. A.
Valtonen-Mattila, N.
Vandenbroucke, J.
van Eijndhoven, N.
Vannerom, D.
van Santen, J.
Verpoest, S.
Walck, C.
Watson, T. B.
Weaver, C.
Weigel, P.
Weindl, A.
Weiss, M. J.
Weldert, J.
Wendt, C.
Werthebach, J.
Weyrauch, M.
Whitehorn, N.
Wiebusch, C. H.
Williams, D. R.
Wolf, M.
Woschnagg, K.
Wrede, G.
Wulff, J.
Xu, X. W.
Yanez, J. P.
Yoshida, S.
Yu, S.
Yuan, T.
Zhang, Z.
Zhelnin, P.
Search for neutrino emission from cores of active galactic nuclei.
Physical Review D,
Vol. 106,
Issue. 2,
Lychev, S.
Koifman, K.
Bout, D.
Finite Incompatible Deformations in Elastic Solids: Relativistic Approach.
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics,
Vol. 43,
Issue. 7,
Rodriguez-Gomez, Vicente
Genel, Shy
Fall, S Michael
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Springel, Volker
Vogelsberger, Mark
Hernquist, Lars
Galactic angular momentum in the IllustrisTNG simulation – I. Connection to morphology, halo spin, and black hole mass.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 512,
Issue. 4,
Kessler, A.
Alibert, Y.
The interplay between pebble and planetesimal accretion in population synthesis models and its role in giant planet formation.
Astronomy & Astrophysics,
Vol. 674,
Issue. ,
Haddadi, Milad
Duez, Matthew D
Foucart, Francois
Ramirez, Teresita
Fernández, Rodrigo
Knight, Alexander L
Jesse, Jerred
Hébert, Francois
Kidder, Lawrence E
Pfeiffer, Harald P
Scheel, Mark A
Late-time post-merger modeling of a compact binary: effects of relativity, r-process heating, and treatment of transport.
Classical and Quantum Gravity,
Vol. 40,
Issue. 8,
Binkert, Fabian
Szulágyi, Judit
Birnstiel, Til
Three-dimensional dust stirring by a giant planet embedded in a protoplanetary disc.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 523,
Issue. 1,
Krauth, Luke Major
Davelaar, Jordy
Haiman, Zoltán
Westernacher-Schneider, John Ryan
Zrake, Jonathan
MacFadyen, Andrew
Disappearing thermal X-ray emission as a tell-tale signature of merging massive black hole binaries.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 526,
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Hatalova, P.
Brasser, R.
Mamonova, E.
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Forming rocky exoplanets around K-dwarf stars.
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Vol. 676,
Issue. ,