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Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Cearns, Micah
Amare, Azmeraw T.
Schubert, Klaus Oliver
Thalamuthu, Anbupalam
Frank, Joseph
Streit, Fabian
Adli, Mazda
Akula, Nirmala
Akiyama, Kazufumi
Ardau, Raffaella
Arias, Bárbara
Aubry, JeanMichel
Backlund, Lena
Bhattacharjee, Abesh Kumar
Bellivier, Frank
Benabarre, Antonio
Bengesser, Susanne
Biernacka, Joanna M.
Birner, Armin
Brichant-Petitjean, Clara
Cervantes, Pablo
Chen, HsiChung
Chillotti, Caterina
Cichon, Sven
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Czerski, Piotr M.
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Zompo, Maria Del
DePaulo, J. Raymond
Étain, Bruno
Falkai, Peter
Forstner, Andreas J.
Frisen, Louise
Frye, Mark A.
Fullerton, Janice M.
Gard, Sébastien
Garnham, Julie S.
Goes, Fernando S.
Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, Maria
Grof, Paul
Hashimoto, Ryota
Hauser, Joanna
Heilbronner, Urs
Herms, Stefan
Hoffmann, Per
Hofmann, Andrea
Hou, Liping
Hsu, Yi-Hsiang
Jamain, Stephane
Jiménez, Esther
Kahn, Jean-Pierre
Kassem, Layla
Kuo, Po-Hsiu
Kato, Tadafumi
Kelsoe, John
Kittel-Schneider, Sarah
Kliwicki, Sebastian
König, Barbara
Kusumi, Ichiro
Laje, Gonzalo
Landén, Mikael
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Leboyer, Marion
Leckband, Susan G.
Maj, Mario
Manchia, Mirko
Martinsson, Lina
McCarthy, Michael J.
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Colom, Francesc
Mitjans, Marina
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Monteleone, Palmiero
Nievergelt, Caroline M.
Nöthen, Markus M.
Novák, Tomas
O'Donovan, Claire
Ozaki, Norio
Millischer, Vincent
Papiol, Sergi
Pfennig, Andrea
Pisanu, Claudia
Potash, James B.
Reif, Andreas
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Alda, Martin
Bauer, Michael
McMahon, Francis J.
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Schulze, Thomas G.
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Baune, Bernhard T.
Using polygenic scores and clinical data for bipolar disorder patient stratification and lithium response prediction: machine learning approach – CORRIGENDUM.
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