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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 February 2009
Under the later Anglo-Saxon kings the relations between England and Rome were not as good as in earlier times. Peter's pence were no longer sent from England according to custom. Canute's letter (cited in a previous paper)x bears witness to this negligence, which increased after his death. The laws regulating the payments were not enforced. The Papal Court only received gifts and offerings from England sent direct and voluntarily by private individuals. Occasionally Peter's pence were offered on the altars of the churches, but these went only into the bishop's treasury.
page 210 note 1 Transactions ofthe R.Hist.S. xv. 193.
page 210 note 2 Comp. Garampi's speech on the Papal jubilee, May 11, 1750.
page 211 note 1 Comp. Letter from Pope Alexander II. to King William. In Jaffé, Regesla pontificum Romanorum, ed. Wattenbach, No. 4757.
page 211 note 2 Comp. Freeman, , Norman Conquest, iii. 320Google Scholar.
page 212 note 1 Jatfé, , ftibhotheca rerum Germanicarum, ii. pp. 89–90Google Scholar.
page 212 note 2 Letter dated August 28, 1074. Comp. Jaffé, , Bibliotheca rer. Germ. ii. 108Google Scholar.
page 212 note 3 Jaffé, , Bibl. rer. Germ. ii. 366Google Scholar; Gregor VII., ep. vi., 30 &c. Comp. Opera Lanfmnci, 305, Ep. viii. a.
page 213 note 1 Jaffé, ii. 379–381.
page 213 note 2 Comp. Opera Lanfranci, p. 305, Ep. viii. a.
page 214 note 1 Comp. Maurtori, , Antiquitates Ital. v. col. 840–841Google Scholar.
page 215 note 1 Comp. Giesebrecht, , Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, III. i. p. 49 and cGoogle Scholar.
page 215 note 2 Comp. Watterich, , Pontificum Romanorum Vita, i. 233–234Google Scholar.
page 215 note 3 Comp. the documents in Jaffé, , Bibl. rer. Germ. ii. 426–428Google Scholar.
page 216 note 1 Jaffé, ii. 127–128.
page 216 note 2 Ibid ii. 183–184.
page 217 note 1 Comp. letter of April 24, ic8o, Ep. vii. 23, in Jaffé, ii. 414–416.
page 217 note 2 Letter dated May 8, 1080, in Jaffé, ii. 419.
page 218 note 1 In Aug. Theiner, , Disquisitiones Criticte, xv. 207Google Scholar.
page 219 note 1 In Jaffé—Wattenbach, Regesta, no. 5883. Comp. Anselmi Opera, p. 382.
page 219 note 2 Ibid. no. 6525.
page 220 note 1 The letter in Jaffé—Wattenbach, , no. 5947. Comp. Opera Anselmi, p. 398Google Scholar.
page 220 note 2 In Muratori, , Antiquitales Ital. v. 891 and cGoogle Scholar.
page 221 note 1 In Opera Ansclmi, p. 434.
page 221 note 2 In Jaffé–Wattenbach, , no. 6450. Comp.Mansi, xx. 1066Google Scholar.
page 220 note 3 Ibid. no. 6525. Wilkins, , Concilia, i. 377Google Scholar.
page 222 note 1 Comp. Stubbs, , Registrum, p. 47Google Scholar.
page 222 note 2 In Jaffé—Wattenbach, no. 11205.
page 222 note 3 In Rerum Britannicarum m. cevi scriptores, no. 67, 5, p. 203–209.
page 223 note 1 In Jaffé—Wattenbach, no. 11237.
page 223 note 2 The letter in Rerum Brit. m. avi scripl, no. 67, 5, p. 209.
page 224 note 1 The letter in Rer. Brit. m. avi script., no. 67, 5, ep. 107, p. 202–203.
page 224 note 2 Comp. Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law, 539, and note 3.
page 224 note 3 In Rer. Brit. m. avi script, no. 67, 5, ep. no, p. 210–211.
page 225 note 1 Bartholomew, bishop of Exeter, May 4, 1162, d. 1184. Comp. Stubbs, W., Registrum, 2nd ed. p. 48Google Scholar.
page 225 note 2 In Jaffé—Wattenbach, no. 11306.
page 225 note 3 Comp. letter from Alexander III. to Gilbert Foliot (1166 ?) in Ep. S. ThomtB Cantuar., ed. Giles, , ii. ep. 284, p. 100–102Google Scholar.
page 226 note 1 In Rer. Brit. m. avi script, no. 67, 5, ep. 111, p. 211.
page 226 note 2 Comp. the accounts in Transactions of the R.H.S. (N.S.) xv. 204–206.
page 226 note 3 Comp. Rer. Brit. m. avi script., no. 67, 3, p. 93–94: ‘Rex iratus jussit denarium S. Petri in Anglia retineri.’
page 226 note 4 Rer. Brit. m. avi script., no. 67, 5, ep. 208, p. 417–418.
page 229 note 1 Comp. Fabre, , Éiude, p. 140Google Scholar.
page 229 note 2 Comp. the Papal letters in Doc. Vat. (p. 256 sq. infra), Rymer, , Fccdera, ii. 177Google Scholar, 77, 267 a, b, c.
page 229 note 3 Comp. Fabre, , Étude, p. 143Google Scholar, note, and the letter in Doc. Vat. (p. 259 infra). Munch, A., Pavelige Nuntiers Dagboger, 1282–1334, p. 2Google Scholar.
page 230 note 1 Transactions of the R.H.S. xv. 185, notes 1 & 2.
page 220 note 2 Comp. the letters in Doc. Vat. infra, and Fabre, , Étude, p. 140Google Scholar, note 4.
page 231 note 1 Finke, H., Papsturkunden Westphalens, no. 707, p. 335Google Scholar.
page 231 note 2 Gottlob, , Die Päpstl. Kreuzzugesteuern ties 13 Jahrhunderts, p. 184Google Scholar.
page 231 note 3 Transactions, xv. 245–246.
page 232 note 1 Comp. Transactions, xv. 245.
page 232 note 2 Gottlob, p. 189.
page 232 note 3 In Potthast, no. 6331. Comp. Regesta Honorii III., ed. Pressuti, no. 2620.
page 232 note 4 Transactions, xv. 223–234.
page 232 note 1 Gottlob, , Die Papstl. Kreuzzugssteuem, p. 191Google Scholar.
page 233 note 1 Matt. Par. Chronica Majora, iv. 284.
page 233 note 2 Gottlob, p. 197.
page 233 note 3 Transactions, xv. 206, andc.
page 233 note 4 Gottlob, p. 105.
page 233 note 5 Kaltenbrunner, , Mittheilungen aus dem Vatikanischen Archiv, p. 202Google Scholar and note. Gottlob, p. 105.
page 233 note 6 Kaltenbrunner, no. 103, p. 115 and note.
page 233 note 7 Ibid. no. 269, p. 305; comp. no. 261, p. 292 and note.
page 234 note 1 Comp. Finke, Papsturkunden Westphalens, no. 740. Kaltenbrunner, no. 261, p. 292.
page 234 note 2 Transactions, xv. 206–207.
page 234 note 3 Ibid. pp. 207, 243. no. ix.
page 234 note 4 Ibid. 219.
page 234 note 5 Finke, i. no. 707.
page 234 note 6 Kaltenbrunner, no. 261.
page 234 note 7 Comp. Matt. Paris. Chron. Majora, v. 673.
page 234 note 8 Regesta Johannis Whetamstede, ed. Riley (Her. Brit. m. izvi script. no. 28, 5, ii.), p. 211.
page 235 note 1 Comp. Potthast, Regesta, no. 21244 (anna. 1277).
page 235 note 2 Matt. Par. Chronica Majora, iv. 427–428, 546–547.
page 235 note 3 Ibid. pp. 284–285.
page 235 note 4 Weber, , Das Verhaltniss Englands zu Rom andc. p. 19Google Scholar.
page 236 note 1 Matt. Par. Chronicle, v. 647.
page 236 note 2 Gottlob, p. 205.
page 236 note 3 Comp. Matt. Par. iv. 284–285; v. 647, 673 andc.
page 236 note 4 Stubbs, , Const. History, iii. 335Google Scholar, note 3 (viz. ann. 1377).
page 236 note 5 Rymer, , Fœdera, ii. 413Google Scholar.
page 236 note 6 Stubbs, iii. 335.
page 237 note 1 Stubbs, iii. p. 336. Rymer, vii. 603.
page 237 note 2 Comp. Stubbs, , Const. History, iii. 336Google Scholar.
page 237 note 3 Ibid. p. 335.
page 237 note 4 Ibid. ii. p. 156.
page 238 note 1 Comp. Stubbs, , Const. History, ii. 415Google Scholar.
page 238 note 2 Transactions, xv. 189.
page 238 note 3 Comp. Stubbs, ii. 415. Spittler, , Von der ehemal. Zinsbarkeit der Nordischen Reiche an den Römischen Stuhl, p. 116Google Scholar.
page 238 note 4 Comp. Transactions, xv. 204–243.
page 238 note 5 Ibid. pp. 243–246.
page 238 note 6 Ibid. p. 243.
page 238 note 7 Ibid. pp. 206–243.
page 239 note 1 Comp. Transactions, xv. 244–246.
page 239 note 2 Comp. Urbinatis, Polydori VergiliiAngliæ Historic Libri xxvi. 89–97Google Scholar.
page 239 note 3 Comp. Garampi's speech at the papal jubilee, 1750. In Tripepi's Il Papato, p. 510.
page 239 note 4 Statutes at Large, ad annum 1534. London, 1618, p. 546.
page 239 note 5 Vita di Paolo IV. 1613, dal P. D. Ant. Caracciolo. Comp. Jensen, O., Caraffa eller Paul IV. 1880Google Scholar.
page 239 note 6 Comp. Jensen, O.: Giovanni Pietro Caraffa som Pave kaldt Pavl IV. og de religioese Strosmninger i Italien paa hans Tid, Copenhague, 1880Google Scholar.
page 239 note 1 Comp. Jensen, O.: Giovanni Pietro Caraffa som Pave kaldt Pavl IV. og de religuese Strcemninger i lialien paa hans Tid, Copenhague, 1880Google Scholar.
page 241 note 1 Comp. Fabre, , Etude, 144Google Scholar, and accounts of 1326.
page 242 note 1 ‘Tables of Coinage,’ Jt. Hist. Soc. Trans. 1901, xv. 246; Fabre, , Etude, p. 144Google Scholar. Moltesen, , De Avignonske Paver, &c, p. 237Google Scholar.
page 242 note 2 Anglice Historie libri XXVI. Basil. 1546, p. 309. Comp. Garampi, Speech at the Papal Jubilee, 1750, pp. 514–518.
page 242 note 3 Comp. Potthast, Registr. No. 23010.
page 242 note 4 Vide, Registnim Clementis V., Appendix I. p. 186Google Scholar.
page 243 note 1 Comp. Obligatio, No. 3, fol. 16; Kirsch, ‘Die Finanzverwaltung des Kardinal-Collegiums in den I3ten u. I4ten Jahrhunderten,’ Kirchengeschichtliche Studien, ii. 35–36.
page 243 note 2 Comp. Potthast, Registr. No.23010.
page 243 note 3 Comp. Langlois, Regist-fe de Nicolaus IV., Nos. 7014, 7015, 7016; Kirsch, , Kirchengeschichtliche Studun, ii. 34, 35Google Scholar; R. Hist. Soc. Trans, xv. 188.
page 244 note 1 Glossa: ‘Monetur Anglise rex, ut solvat censum ecclesise Romanse debitum singulis annis mille marcarum sterlingorum. Dare in manibus Francisci de Senis.’
page 244 note 2 Glossa : ‘Collectio census, sedi apostolicje debiti in Anglia.’
page 246 note 1 Registr. no. 27, fol. 10b.
page 246 note 2 Registr. no. 27, fol. 10b.
page 247 note 1 Registr. no. 27, fol. 33. Glossa: ‘Collectio census et denarii Sancti Petri in Anglia.’
page 247 note 2 Registr. no. 27, fol. 10b.
page 247 note 3 Registr. no. 27, fol. 55b.
page 248 note 1 Registr. no. 27, fol. 56.
page 248 note 2 Registr. no. 27, fol. 55.
page 248 note 3 Registr. no. 27, fol.56.
page 249 note 1 Glossa: ‘Anglise rex rogatur ad soluticnem census.’
page 251 note 1 Glossa: ‘Angliae rex rogatur ad solutionem census.’
page 254 note 1 This is the rubric. In the margin is added: ‘Nuncio nostro in Anglia.’
page 255 note 1 This is the rubric. Later addition: ‘Angliæ regi, qui ratione regni Angliæ et Hibemiæ in censu annuo mille marcarum sterlingorum ecclesiæ Romanæ tenetur, petenti, quod census ipse per manus aliquorum abbatum et priorum ejusdem regni, quorum monasteriis paratus est ad id sufficientes possessiones et redditus assignare, de cetero persolvatur, respondetur, non congruere honori sedis apostolicæ nee regis utilitatibus expedire, ideoque nil velle super eodem censu pontificem immutare.’ An. i. fol. 109, no. 3.
page 256 note 1 Glossa in the margin: ‘Pro censu Anglise.‘
page 256 note 2 Compare Fabre, Paul, Étude sur le Liber Censuum, page 140Google Scholar, note 3.
page 259 note 1 The latter half (from ‘discretioni tuae’) of this letter has been given with some inaccuracies by Fabre, P., Étude, page 143Google Scholar, note.
page 259 note 2 Here Fabre, P. (Elude, p. 143Google Scholar, note) incorrectly reads, (a) habere; (i) ad; (c) duxerint.
page 261 note 1 V. supra, p. 257.
page 262 note 1 This Pope decreed by a bull of July 18, 1289, that the feudal tribute as well as Peter's pence should in future be divided between the Cardinals' College and the Pope. Comp. Potthast, Registr. no 23010.
page 263 note 1 Vide § 37 in the same MS.
page 263 note 2 In schedis: ‘Denarius sancti Petri in Anglia solvitur.’
page 263 note 3 Rubric. In schedis: ‘Anglise rex solvit censum pro xi. annis debitum, prsesenti non computato.’
page 264 note 1 The rubric.
page 265 note 1 The rubric.
page 266 note 1 Vide letter Nr. 4 (§ 840), p. 267.
page 267 note 1 Perhaps this should read ‘pro agendis’ etc.
page 269 note 1 In schedis: ‘Anglise rex solvit ecclesise Romanse debitum censum, etc’
page 269 note 2 Conspicitur.
page 271 note 1 In schedis: ‘Denarius beati Petri in Anglia colligendus.’
page 271 note 2 Letter of the same tenor to the bishop of Norwich, § 720, and to the bishops of Ely and Winchester, § 721.
page 273 note 1 In schedis: ‘Denarius beati Petri in Anglia collectus.’
page 273 note 2 This superscription in red.
page 275 note 1 Superscription (viz. in MS. Vat. 9022, fol. 30): ‘Denarius sancti Petri in Anglia donatur.’