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Current bibliography of urban history
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Printed documentary sources
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Statistical publications
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Guides to the literature
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Empirical studies of urbanization and town growth: Ancient
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Medieval and early modern
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HISTORY AND FORTUNES OF INDIVIDUAL TOWNS: This section is arranged by the name of the town
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PORTRAITS OF TOWNS-LITERARY, GRAPHIC AND STATISTICAL: This section is arranged alphabetically by the name of the town: Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
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Graphic portrayals
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Medieval and early modern
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Modern see also 429
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Open space
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SITES AND BUILDINGS: Land ownership and estate organization
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Building industry
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Commercial and industrial building development
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HOUSING: House building
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House types
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House ownership
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Open spaces
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CLASS STRUCTURE, PROTESTS AND DISORDERS: Class composition and interaction
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Social and class attitudes
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Social life, customs and traditions
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Holidays and resorts
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Poverty and poor relief
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Other social problems
SOCIAL REFORM AND IMPROVEMENT: Social reform movements and institutions
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Majority reaction to minorities
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Food supply
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