Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Ravet, Karl
Patterson, Eric L
Krähmer, Hansjörg
Hamouzová, Kateřina
Fan, Longjiang
Jasieniuk, Marie
Lawton‐Rauh, Amy
Malone, Jenna M
McElroy, J Scott
Merotto, Aldo
Westra, Philip
Preston, Christopher
Vila‐Aiub, Martin M
Busi, Roberto
Tranel, Patrick J
Reinhardt, Carl
Saski, Christopher
Beffa, Roland
Neve, Paul
Gaines, Todd A
The power and potential of genomics in weed biology and management.
Pest Management Science,
Vol. 74,
Issue. 10,