I am grateful for the support during the past year of the Department of English at Carnegie Mellon University. I am also very grateful to Editorial Assistant Mark Thompson, copyeditor Audra Starcheus, and Morrell Gillette and Laura Etheridge at Cambridge University Press. I consult regularly with the journal's associate editors and members of the editorial board, and I value their thoughtful advice and willingness to help.
I am also pleased to acknowledge the contribution of the following scholars who reviewed manuscripts during 2011, when most of the editorial work for Vol. 41 was done:
Nancy Abelmann
Anna Babel
John Bateman
Richard Bauman
Carol Berkenkotter
Thomas Bonfiglio
Mary Bucholtz
Isabelle Buchstaller
Matthew Burdelski
Kathryn Campbell-Kibler
E. Summerson Carr
Jenny Cheshire
Elaine Chun
John Conley
Jenny Cook-Gumperz
Nik Coupland
Angela Creese
Ana Deumert
Sylvie Dubois
Alexandre Duchêne
Arienne Dwyer
Susan Ehrlich
David Fearon
Rita Franceschini
Janet Fuller
Susan Gal
Angela Cora Garcia
Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Charles Goodwin
Cynthia Gordon
Niloofar Haeri
Auli Hakulinen
Georgina Heydon
Kathryn Howard
Andreas Jucker
Elizabeth Keating
Paul Kerswill
Scott F. Kiesling
Jennifer Leeman
Michael Lempert
Erez Levon
Carmen Llamas
Ceil Lucas
Charlene Mackley
Yael Maschler
Tommaso Milani
Lorenza Mondada
Tope Omonyi
Winnie Orr
Joseph Park
Amy Paugh
Sabina Perrino
Silvia Pessoa
Susan Philips
Robert Podesva
John Rae
Ben Rampton
Geoffrey Raymond
Justin Richland
Sylvie Roy
Keith Sawyer
Mark Sicoli
Michael Silverstein
Jürgen Streek
Benedikt Szmrecsanyi
Greg A. Thompson
Eivind Torgersen
Shonna Trinch
Peter Trudgill
Eija Ventola
Cécile Vigouroux
Cecilia Wadensjö
Keith Walters
Jim Wilce
Walt Wolfram