Society for Women in Philosophy. For information on SWIP membership, which includes receiving program announcements, the national SWIP newsletter, and a discount subscription to Hypatia, contact the SWIP chapter in your area:
Eastern SWIP: Executive Secretary: Wendy Lee-Lampshire, Department of Philosophy, 219 Bakeless Center for the Humanities, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA 17815. ( Treasurer: Nancy Stanlick, 1940 19th St. NW, Winter Haven, Florida. (
Midwest SWIP: Executive Secretary: Jacqueline Anderson, Dept. of Humanities, City College of Chicago, Olive-Harvey College, Chicago, IL 60628. Treasurer: Lorraine Ironplow, P.O. Box 251, Elmira, OR 97437. (
Pacific SWIP: Executive Secretary: Wanda Teays, Mt. St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA 90049. Treasurer: Renee Lewis, Philosophy Department, California State Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90032-8114.
Call for Papers: Rereading the Canon: Feminist Interpretations of HanS'Georg Gadamer. Seeking submissions of paper that develop feminist readings of Gadamer's philosophy for inclusion in a volume that will be published in the Penn State Press series Rereading the Canon, edited by Nancy Tuana. Invited are paper that address a wide range of issues for feminist theory that emerge from critical and constructive engagement with Gadamer's writings. Of particular interest are the promise and pitfalls of Gadamerian hermeneutics as a resource for feminist theory and methodology in areas as disparate as ethics, politics, epistemology, aesthetics, philosophy of history, theories of subjectivity and relationality, and questions of Otherness. Contributors might also engage, from a feminist position, with Gadamer's debates with Habermas and Foucault: two figures whose work has become a resource for feminist inquiry. The overarching question, then, is what does Gadamer have to offer to feminist thought? Deadline for submission of completed manuscripts is June 30, 1999. Send papers to Lorraine Code, Department of Philosophy, York University, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3, CANADA. She is happy to receive and respond to inquiries and preliminary proposals well in advance of that date. (E-mail:
Call for Papers: Submissions requested for anthology on women and friendship. Short stories, essays, artwork, photos. 3500 words maximum. Send with SASE and bio to: Pentheselia Unlimited, 1243 S. Clinton, Berwyn, IL 60402.
SW7P-L, an electronic mail list for feminist philosophers is the e-mail information and discussion list for members of the Society for Women in Philosophy and others who are interested in feminist philosophy. To subscribe to this list send the following one-line message: SUBSCRIBE SWIP-L <YOUR NAME> to LISTSERV@CFRVM (Bitnet) or to LISTSERV@CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU (Internet). When you want to post messages on the list send them to SWIP-L@CFRVM or to SWIP-L@CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU. The purpose of the list is to provide a place to share information about SWIP and other feminist philosophy meetings, calls for papers, jobs for feminist philosophers, etc., as well as to engage in more substantive discussions related to feminist philosophy. While the list is open to both SWIP members and non-members, it is meant for feminist philosophers and theorists. It is free of charge. The SWIP-L's “owner” is Linda Lopez McAlister. If you have questions please e-mail her at