[Title page]
The book of the disbursements and receipts at Brooke House beginning 2 March 1644 and ending 3 March 1645.
p. 1
Expenses and provisions for diet, still-house, grocery, wood, coal, candles, reparations, taxes, payments, gifts, gardens, stables, travelling charges, and all other household necessaries.

p. 2
Ad hoc expenses &c.

p. 3
Ad hoc expenses &c.

p. 4
Ad hoc expenses &c.

p. 5
Ad hoc expenses &c.

p. 6
Ad hoc expenses &c.

p. 7
p. 8
p. 9

p. 10
Ad hoc wages

p. 11
Ad hoc wages

p. 12
p. 13
Lent & paid by my Lady's command out of hers and my Lord's revenue towards payment of tradesmen's bills due in my Lord's lifetime.

p. 14
Ad hoc Lent &c.

p. 15
Ad hoc Lent &c.

p. 16
p. 17

p. 18
Ad hoc apparel

p. 19
Ad hoc apparel

p. 20
Ad hoc apparel

p. 21
p. 22
p. 23
My Lord's Office & my Lady's Grants

p. 24
Ad hoc my Lord's Office & my Lady's Grants

p. 25
A breviat of the aforesaid disbursements
In the title expenses &c.
Paid 1: 213-01-02
Paid 2: 131-01-07½
Paid 3: 194-04-06
Paid 4: 227-01-05½
Paid 5: 267-13-08
Paid 6: 99-05-11 } 1132-08-04
*Note the right honourable the Earl of Bedford paid hereof as by the receipts appeareth
(viz:) for diet & for stable } 123-07-02*
In the title Wages
Paid 9: 35-14-06
Paid 10: 119-04-03
Paid 11: 59-09-02 } 214-17-11
In the title Apparel
Paid 17: 121-08-04
Paid 18: 57-16-10
Paid 19: 42-05-10
Paid 20: 109-06-00 } 330-17-00
So the total charge of housekeeping with the stable, wages & apparel }1677-13-03
In the title Office
Paid 23: 49-13-07
Paid 24: 28-11-10 } 78-05-05
In the title Rent
Paid 13: 95-14-11
Paid 14: 135-06-08
Paid 15: 12-15-00 } 243-16-07
Total of the said disbursements 1999-15-03
[p. 26]
Receipts out of the revenue of the right honourable Katherine, Lady Brooke & Francis, Lord Brooke, her son, for the year beginning 2 March 1644. And which are paid towards the disbursements of housekeeping at Brooke House in the same year.

[p. 27]
Ad hoc receipts

[p. 28]
Ad hoc receipts

Which said Receipts being promiscuously set down as they were received as is aforesaid, may be reduced to these heads following (vizt).
[p. 29]

69 – 05 – 04





[p. 30]



So that this year ending 3 March 1645 there is received as is aforesaid (vizt)

[p. 31]
The general receipts of Mr Henry Hunt, receiver out of the revenue of the right honourable Francis, Lord Brooke, and jointure of Katherine Lady Brooke, his mother from 3 March 1644, to 3 March 1645 as appeareth by two sides of paper under his own handwriting.
In the one side he saith he hath received since his last account 1643 the several sums following (viz):

In the other side he saith he hath received for Lady Day rent 1644 out of the manors hereafter mentioned the several sums following (viz)

[p. 32]

A breviat of the whole charge and discharge of this book and year ending upon or about 3 March 1645 (viz)

Note that amongst the said receipts 247-10-01 is for my Lady's jointure (viz) half the rent received at Kinwarton, Oversley, Hackney, and all the rent received at Admington and Fringford.
[p. 33]
I, Katherine, Lady Brooke, guardian to my son Francis, Lord Brooke, have perused this book of accounts, and have also caused the same to be perused, and do allow and approve of the same, and of all the receipts, disbursements, and payments therein contained, the same being done by, and according to, my direction and appointment. Witness hereunto my hand this 10 March 1645.
Katherine Brooke