Permafrost environments in ice-free areas of Antarctica range from small bedrock outcrops and nunataks to large oases situated in both coastal and inland regions of the continent (Vieira et al. Reference Vieira, Bockheim, Guglielmin, Balks, Abramov and Boelhouwers2010, Hrbáček et al. Reference Hrbáček, Oliva, Hansen, Balks, O'Neill and de Pablo2023). Despite being limited to a total area of ~55 000 km2, or ~0.5% of the continent (Brooks et al. Reference Brooks, Jabour, van den Hoff and Bergstrom2019), permafrost in ice-free regions is an important component of Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems as it influences pedologic, hydrologic, geomorphic and microbial processes (Levy et al. Reference Levy, Fountain, Gooseff, Welch and Lyons2011, Guglielmin et al. Reference Guglielmin, Dalle Fratte and Cannone2014, Goordial et al. Reference Goordial, Davila, Lacelle, Pollard, Marinova and Greer2016, Faucher et al. Reference Faucher, Lacelle, Davila, Pollard, Fisher and McKay2017). However, knowledge of Antarctic permafrost remains largely limited to the two largest ice-free regions: the Antarctic Peninsula and the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDVs) in Victoria Land. Table I lists acronyms and equations for permafrost-related terms used in the text.
Table I. List of acronyms and equations used in the text for various permafrost-related parameters.

Permafrost conditions in these two regions are related to air temperatures and the presence (or lack thereof) of vegetation and snow (Bockheim et al. Reference Bockheim, Campbell and McLeod2007, Marchant & Head Reference Marchant and Head2007, Adlam et al. Reference Adlam, Balks, Seybold and Campbell2010, Fountain et al. Reference Fountain, Nylen, Monaghan, Basagic and Bromwich2010, Levy et al. Reference Levy, Fountain, Gooseff, Welch and Lyons2011). The Antarctic Peninsula has the warmest and wettest climate on the continent, with MAAT from near -5°C to -2°C (Bockheim et al. Reference Bockheim, Vieira, Ramos, López-Martínez, Serrano and Guglielmin2013) and total precipitations estimated at 500–2000 mm w.e. yr-1 in the western sector, but the latter is lower in the eastern sector (300–700 mm w.e. yr-1; Schwerdtfeger Reference Schwerdtfeger1984, Van Wessem et al. Reference Van Wessem, Ligtenberg, Reijmer, Van De Berg, Van Den Broeke and Barrand2016). The presence of snow and vegetation in this region, and in a few others in Antarctica, results in a positive surface offset (MAGST > MAAT; i.e. Cannone & Guglielmin Reference Cannone and Guglielmin2009, Hrbáček et al. Reference Hrbáček, Oliva, Hansen, Balks, O'Neill and de Pablo2023). The freeze-back of the active layer (40–200 cm) in winter results in a negative thermal offset (MAGST > TTOP) due to frozen soils having a higher thermal conductivity than when thawed (Vieira et al. Reference Vieira, Bockheim, Guglielmin, Balks, Abramov and Boelhouwers2010, Bockheim Reference Bockheim and Bockheim2015, Hrbáček et al. Reference Hrbáček, Oliva, Hansen, Balks, O'Neill and de Pablo2023). The climate in the MDVs and other coastal sites in Victoria Land is much colder and drier, with MAAT ranging between -30°C and -15°C and total precipitation being < 50 mm w.e. yr-1 (Obryk et al. Reference Obryk, Doran, Fountain, Myers and McKay2020). In this region, the thickness of the active layer varies between 90 cm near the coastal regions and 0 cm at the upper elevations (Hrbáček et al. Reference Hrbáček, Oliva, Hansen, Balks, O'Neill and de Pablo2023). The absence of vegetation and seasonal snow cover results in a surface offset near 0°C (MAGST ≈ MAAT; Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Lapalme, Davila, Pollard, Marinova, Heldmann and McKay2016). However, the thermal offset can be near 0°C in places with dry permafrost above the ice table (the interface between dry and icy permafrost; Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Lapalme, Davila, Pollard, Marinova, Heldmann and McKay2016, Lapalme et al. Reference Lapalme, Lacelle, Pollard, Fortier, Davila and McKay2017b). Both regions host rock glaciers and solifluction features, ice-wedge polygons, thermokarst and gullies (Bockheim et al. Reference Bockheim, Vieira, Ramos, López-Martínez, Serrano and Guglielmin2013). However, sand-wedge and sublimation-type polygons occur only in the colder and drier upper elevations of the MDVs (Marchant & Head Reference Marchant and Head2007). Ground ice is also present in both regions, with recent studies suggesting a widespread distribution of ice-rich permafrost (e.g. Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Davila, Fisher, Pollard, DeWitt and Heldmann2013, Lapalme et al. Reference Lapalme, Lacelle, Pollard, Fisher, Davila and McKay2017a, Verret et al. Reference Verret, Dickinson, Lacelle, Fisher, Norton and Chorley2021) and massive ice (Swanger et al. Reference Swanger, Marchant, Kowalewski and Head2010, Swanger Reference Swanger2017, Gardner et al. Reference Gardner, Diaz, Smith, Fountain, Levy and Lyons2022) in places previously classified as dry permafrost (Bockheim et al. Reference Bockheim, Campbell and McLeod2007). Three main mechanisms of ground-ice emplacement have been proposed in Antarctic permafrost: 1) episodic freezing of snow meltwater, 2) diffusion of water vapour and 3) burial of glacial ice.
Despite the presence of several research stations in East Antarctica, long-term studies of permafrost conditions are mainly limited to the nunataks near the SANAE VI and Troll stations (Kotzé & Meiklejohn Reference Kotzé and Meiklejohn2017, Hrbáček et al. Reference Hrbáček, Vieira, Oliva, Balks, Guglielmin and de Pablo2021). Here, we provide the first report of permafrost conditions in the Untersee Oasis in Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica. The objectives of this study are to: 1) describe the temperature and humidity conditions of the air, ground surface and ice table and determine the surface and thermal offsets, the freezing n-factors and vapour enhancement factors, 2) describe the distribution of the polygonal terrain and characterize its morphology and depth to the ice table, 3) determine the origin of the ground ice at the ice table of the polygonal terrain and 4) describe the occurrence of the early-stage development of sublimation-type polygons. The permafrost conditions from the Untersee Oasis are compared to those from nearby Schirmacher Oasis and the MDVs.
Study area
The Untersee Oasis (71.3°S, 13.5°E) is located in the Gruber Mountains of Queen Maud Land, ~150 km from the coast and ~90 km south-east of the Schirmacher Oasis (Fig. 1). The Untersee Oasis has a surface area of 238 km2 and is surrounded by the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The permafrost environment in the ice-free terrain occupies 95 km2 and includes three main ice-free regions: 1) the terrain surrounding Lake Untersee, a ~11 km-long and ~4 km-wide north-south-trending valley, 2) Aurkjosen Cirque, a ~3.5 km-long and ~2 km-wide east-west-trending valley with a small hanging glacier, and 3) Pritzker Valley (informal name), a 2.5 km-long and 0.5 km-wide north-east-south-west-trending valley with a small ice patch near the head of the valley.

Figure 1. Location of sites in the Untersee Oasis, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. Background Digital Globe NextView satellite imagery, 7 December 2017; ©2020 Digital Globe NextView License (provided by NGA commercial imagery program).
The local geology in the oasis consists of Precambrian norite, anorthosite and anorthosite-norite alternation of the Eliseev massif complex (Kampf & Stakerbrandt Reference Kampf and Stakerbrandt1985, Bormann et al. Reference Bormann, Bankwitz, Bankwitz, Damn, Hurtig and Kampf1986, Paech & Stackebrandt Reference Paech, Stackebrandt, Bormann and Fritzsche1995). The East Antarctic Ice Sheet covered the Untersee Oasis during the Late Pleistocene. Based on 14C ages of stomach oils from snow petrel nests, thinning of the ice sheet began at c. 35–30 ka, which led to a reconfiguration of the local ice flow (Hiller et al. Reference Hiller, Wand, Kämpf and Stackebrandt1988). The Untersee Oasis came to its current configuration at c. 6–4 ka. The surface sediments consist mainly of till and colluvium, often covered by a thin layer of aeolian sediments (Schwab Reference Schwab1998). Vegetation and lichens are absent, and the soils consist of poorly sorted sediments with low organic matter content (Shamilishvili et al. Reference Shamilishvili, Abakumov, Andersen, Frank-Kamenetskaya, Vlasov, Panova and Lessovaia2020). However, hypolithic microbial communities can be observed under some quartz rocks.
The region is characterized as a polar desert climate regime. The only long-term climate record in the region comes from Novolazarevskaya Station in the Schirmacher Oasis (herein referred as Novo; 70.78°S, 11.84°E; 120 m above sea level (a.s.l.); At Novo, the MAAT for the 1962–2022 period is -10.2°C ± 0.6°C. Air temperatures showed a significant warming trend until 1991 (0.044°C yr-1), largely due to increasing summer air temperatures (+0.056°C yr-1 for 1962 to 1991), followed by a non-significant cooling trend from 1992 to 2022 (-0.0038°C yr-1; Fig. 2a). In the Untersee Oasis, meteorological data were collected during the 2008–2017 period by an automated weather station along the shoreline of Lake Untersee (71.34335°S, 13.46024°E, 612 m a.s.l.; Andersen et al. Reference Andersen, McKay and Lagun2015). This station was damaged by a glacial lake outburst flood in early 2019 (i.e. Faucher et al. 2021), and a new station was installed in late 2019 in adjacent Aurkjosen Cirque (71.34488°S, 13.55587°E, 660 m a.s.l.). Based on these two stations, the MAAT in the Untersee Oasis for the 2008–2022 period is -10.6°C ± 0.4°C, ~0.5°C cooler than at Novo (Fig. 2a). The lower MAAT in the Untersee Oasis is attributed to cooler summers, which are ~0.9°C cooler than at Novo (Fig. 2b). This also results in the thaw degree-days at the Untersee Oasis (ranging from 5 to 41) being substantially lower than at Novo (Fig. 2c,d). The Untersee Oasis has a mean relative humidity of 42% ± 5%. Wind speeds average 5.4 m s-1, but wind can gust up to 42 m s-1. Despite having a relatively high MAAT for Antarctica, the climate in the Untersee Oasis is dominated by intense wind-driven ablation, limiting surface melt due to the cooling associated with the latent heat of evaporation and sublimation (e.g. van den Broeke et al. Reference Van den Broeke, van de Berg, van Meijgaard and Reijmer2006, Hoffman et al. Reference Hoffman, Fountain and Liston2008). There are no gullies along the valley slopes. The only evidence of surface melt comes from observations of wetting of the uppermost 2–3 cm of the soils and the presence of evaporative calcite crusts on the surface of clasts in the vicinity of residual snow patches (Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Christy, Faucher, Sobron and Andersen2024).

Figure 2. a. 1960–2023 mean annual air temperature (MAAT) in the Untersee Oasis and the Schirmacher Oasis, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. b. Comparison of thaw degree-days in the air (TDDa) and MAAT in the Untersee Oasis, the Schirmacher Oasis and the McMurdo Dry Valleys. c. 1960–2023 mean summer air temperatures in the Untersee Oasis and the Schirmacher Oasis. d. Thaw degree-days in the air (TDDa) vs mean summer air temperature in the Untersee Oasis compared to those in the Schirmacher Oasis and the McMurdo Dry Valleys.
There has been no report of the permafrost conditions in the Untersee Oasis. However, in the nearby Schirmacher Oasis, ground temperatures have been monitored since 2008 as part of the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) programme ( At Novo, the thickness of the active layer varies annually from 67 to 92 cm, the surface offset averages 1.0°C ± 1.5°C and the thermal offset is near 0°C (0.4°C ± 1.1°C; Hrbáček et al. Reference Hrbáček, Oliva, Hansen, Balks, O'Neill and de Pablo2023). Modelling estimated the mean annual temperature at the top of the permafrost to be within the range of -8°C to -10°C (Obu et al. Reference Obu, Westermann, Vieira, Abramov, Ruby Balks and Bartsch2020).
Ground temperature and humidity measurements
The meteorological station on the valley floor of Aurkjosen Cirque (AC1, 660 m a.s.l.) is equipped with Onset HOBO U23 ProV2 sensors to monitor temperatures in the air and at the soil surface (accuracy ±0.2°C). The valley floor of Aurkjosen Cirque was too stony to install soil sensors. As such, we installed smaller stations on the Aurkjosen Plateau: two stations were installed ~500 m apart in December 2019 (AP1, 1015 m a.s.l.; AP2, 1045 m a.s.l.), but due to some sensor failures at AP1 and AP2 in 2019–2020, a third station was installed in November 2022 (AP3, 1002 m a.s.l.; Fig. 1). In Pritzker Valley, three stations were installed in November 2021; however, only one of them recorded measurements for > 1 month (PV2, 1035 m a.s.l.; Fig. 1). These smaller stations all consist of an Onset 4 channel smart logger (U12-008) equipped with three U23 Pro v2 temperature and relative humidity sensors: 1 m above the surface, at the soil surface (covered with a thin layer of soil to ensure that the surface albedo was maintained) and at the ice table. The placement of the sensors aimed to minimally disturb the soil and ensure optimal thermal connectivity with the soil. All loggers recorded measurements at hourly intervals, from which mean daily values were calculated. The accuracy of the relative humidity sensors is ±2.5% in the 10–90% range and ±5% at < 10% or > 90%. The relative humidity measurements are recorded with respect to liquid water (RHw) but were corrected to relative humidity with respect to ice (RHice) using the temperature-dependent ratio of the saturation vapour pressure over ice and water (i.e. Hagedorn et al. Reference Hagedorn, Sletten and Hallet2007, Andersen et al. Reference Andersen, McKay and Lagun2015). The mean daily frost point temperatures of the air, ground surface and ice table were then calculated based on the mean daily vapour pressure and the saturation vapour pressure curve relative to ice. Table II provides details of the meteorological stations in the Untersee Oasis.
Table II. Location of meteorological stations in the Untersee Oasis, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, and summary of main parameters.

RH = relative humidity.
The air and ground temperature measurements were used to quantify the surface offset and the thermal offset (Table I; Smith & Riseborough Reference Smith and Riseborough1996, Eaton et al. Reference Eaton, Rouse, Lafleur, Marsh and Blanken2001, Smith & Riseborough Reference Smith and Riseborough2002). The monthly variations in freezing n-factors (Table I) allowed us to investigate the sub-seasonal changes in air and ground temperature relations (Klene et al. Reference Klene, Nelson, Shiklomanov, Hinkel, Klene and Nelson2001, Karunaratne & Burn Reference Karunaratne and Burn2004). Additionally, the stability of the ice table beneath dry permafrost was assessed from the vapour enhancement factor (McKay et al. Reference McKay, Balaban, Abrahams and Lewis2019) and from the mean monthly variations of the frost point n-factors (Table I).
The thermal diffusivity (D) is a measure that is difficult to accurately calculate as it is dependent on soil properties (grain size, mineralogy, density, moisture and phase changes). Here, we used a finite difference method based on the heat equation (equation 3 in Pringle et al. Reference Pringle, Dickinson, Trodahl and Pyne2003; and appendix A in Marinova et al. Reference Marinova, McKay, Heldmann, Goordial, Lacelle, Pollard and Davila2022) to approximate the apparent thermal diffusivity of the soil column from the mean daily ground temperatures at the ground surface and ice table and solving the time derivative and second-order space derivative in the heat conduction equation at each time step.
Polygonal terrain and ice-table depths
In the Untersee Oasis, polygonal terrain was observed in two regions: 1) Pritzker Valley and 2) along the west lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier (Fig. 1). The polygons in Pritzker Valley are well-defined and were digitized in ArcGIS10 using 50 cm-resolution DigiGlobe satellite imagery (13 September 2021). The polygons along the west lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier are not as well defined as those in Pritzker Valley. As such, their morphometric characteristics were determined from photographs acquired in December 2017 and November 2019 using a DJI Phantom 4 Pro unmanned aerial vehicle (e.g. Faucher et al. Reference Faucher, Lacelle, Marsh, Fisher and Andersen2021a). The unmanned aerial vehicle was flown 30 m above the ground surface in a gridded survey using the DJI Mission Planner software with 85% forward and 75% side overlap. The photographs at 1 cm resolution were captured at 400 ISO, with a shutter speed of 1/1000 s and focus fixed at infinity. The accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS) tags from the JPEG Exif metadata was optimized with ground control points surveyed using a Trimble R9s differential GPS (dGPS) and a local base station. Agisoft Photoscan Pro v.1.4 software was used to generate point cloud models of the area. The dense point cloud models in .LAS data format (WGS 84 UTM zone 33S projection) were used to create orthomosaics, from which polygonal terrain measurements were derived.
As a relation between polygon diameter and ice-table depth was observed at the high elevations of the MDVs (Mellon et al. Reference Mellon, McKay and Heldmann2014), we quantified both parameters at some sites to determine whether such a relation exists in Pritzker Valley and along the west lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier. The depth to the ice table was determined during the first week of December 2021 by digging soil pits in the centre of polygons of different diameters (10–70 m). The reported depths are based on the average of three to five measurements in each polygon.
δD-δ18O composition of ground ice at the ice table
Where possible, samples at the ice table in Pritzker Valley were collected and analysed for δD-δ18O to infer the source of water recharging the ground ice. The 18O/16O and D/H ratios of the melted ice samples were determined using a Los Gatos Research liquid water analyser coupled to a CTC LC-PAL autosampler for simultaneous 18O/16O and D/H ratio measurements of H2O and verified for spectral interference contamination. The results are presented using the δ-notation (δ18O and δD), where δ represents the parts per thousand differences for 18O/16O or D/H in a sample with respect to Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW). Analytical reproducibility values for δ18O and δD are ±0.3‰ and ±1‰, respectively.
Air and ground surface temperatures in Aurkjosen Cirque
The 1 December 2020 to 31 December 2023 mean daily air and ground surface temperatures recorded on the valley floor of Aurkjosen Cirque (AC1) are shown in Fig. 3a. The mean daily temperatures vary between -35°C and +7°C, and the ground surface and air temperatures are highly correlated (Fig. 3b). Annually, the MAAT (-10.5°C ± 0.4°C) and MAGST (-10.0°C ± 0.3°C) are similar, providing a surface offset of +0.5°C ± 0.1°C. Seasonally, the temperatures at the ground surface are 2–7°C warmer in summer than in the air due to solar heating. This is illustrated in the monthly freezing nf, where values are < 1 between November and February (0.60–0.03). Between March and October, the freezing nf values are > 1 (1.00–1.06), indicating that the ground surface temperatures are slightly cooler than the air. With a mean relative humidity of 30.3%, the mean annual frost point of the air is -20.0°C.

Figure 3. Mean daily temperatures and humidity in the air, ground surface and ice table at various sites in the Untersee Oasis, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. a. 1 December 2020 to 31 December 2023 mean daily temperatures in Aurkjosen Cirque (AC1). b. Comparison of mean daily ground surface temperature and mean daily air temperature in Aurkjosen Cirque. 1 December 2019 to 10 March 2021 c. mean daily temperatures, d. relative humidity and e. vapour pressure in Aurkjosen Plateau (AP1, AP2). 1 December 2022 to 12 May 2023 f. mean daily temperatures, g. relative humidity and h. vapour pressure in Aurkjosen Plateau (AP3). 1 December 2022 to 5 December 2023 i. mean daily temperatures, j. relative humidity and k. vapour pressure in Pritzker Valley (PV2).
Ground temperature and humidity conditions on the Aurkjosen Plateau
Figure 3c–e shows the 2019–2020 mean daily temperatures and relative humidity values at the ground surface (AP1) and ice table (AP2) measured on the Aurkjosen Plateau. As both stations are close to each other (~500 m distance), we assume that the temperature and relative humidity conditions are similar at both sites. The active layer (depth of 0°C isotherm) reaches a thickness of 25 cm, and the ice table is at a depth of 39 cm. The MAGST is -14.2°C ± 8.2°C and the mean annual temperature at the ice table is -13.3°C ± 6.7°C (thermal offset of 0.8°C). The apparent thermal diffusivity of the dry soil is constant throughout the year (4.5 × 10-6 m2 s-1), as expected if the soils remain relatively dry year round. The mean annual relative humidity is 81.1 ± 16%ice at the ground surface and is saturated at the ice table (100%ice). At the ground surface, the relative humidity is lower in summer and approaches near 100%ice in winter. The mean annual frost points for the ground surface and ice table are -16.8°C and -13.1°C, respectively.
Station AP3 recorded the temperature and relative humidity values of the air, ground surface and ice table (40 cm) for approximately half a year (23 November 2022 to 12 May 2023; Fig. 3f–h). The mean daily air and ground surface temperatures vary between -21°C and +5°C and are highly correlated (ground surface = 1.55(air) + 7.6; r 2 = 0.85). Seasonally, the temperatures at the ground surface are up to 10°C warmer in summer due to solar heating. The summer relative humidity is 48.8 ± 9.4%ice at the ground surface and is near 100%ice at the ice table.
Ground temperature and humidity conditions in Pritzer Valley
Station PV2 recorded the temperature and humidity values at the ground surface and ice table for 1 December 2022 to 5 December 2023. The sensor in the air failed after a few days; thus, we instead used the air measurements from the Aurkjosen Cirque Plateau (AP3), located nearby and at a similar elevation (Fig. 3i–k). The air and ground surface temperatures are highly correlated (ground surface = 1.17(air) + 3.1; r 2 = 0.88). Except for an anomalously warm 2 days in late 2023, there is no active layer at the site, and dry permafrost extends to the ground surface. Annually, the MAGST (-11.8°C ± 6.8°C) and TTIT (-11.7°C ± 4.2°C) are similar, providing a thermal offset of 0.1°C. Seasonally, the temperatures at the ground surface are 2–5°C warmer in summer than those in the air, but they are more similar in winter. The apparent thermal diffusivity also remains constant throughout the year, with the diffusivity being only 1% higher in winter (8.55 × 10-6 m2 s-1) than during the summer (8.48 × 10-6 m2 s-1). The mean annual relative humidity is 77.2 ± 3.8%ice at the ground surface (with lower values in summer) but remains near saturation at the ice table. The mean annual frost points for the ground surface and ice table are -15.4°C and -11.7°C, respectively.
Polygonal terrain in the Untersee Oasis
In Pritzker Valley, field observations and the high-resolution satellite images show little variation in the morphology of polygons: they all exhibit flat centres and shallow troughs (~5–10 cm deep and ~25–50 cm wide). Trough intersections are predominately triple junctions. The diameter of polygons ranges from 10 to 70 m (n = 543), and a general increase in polygon size as a function of increasing distance to the local ice patch at the head of the valley is observed (Fig. 4). The nature of these polygons (ice wedge or sand wedge) is unknown. The ground ice at the ice table in the centre of two polygons in Pritzker Valley has high δ18O values (-9.8‰ at 68 cm ice-table depth and -7.3‰ at 58 cm ice-table depth) and very low the D-excess values (-91.4‰ and -105.8‰, respectively).

Figure 4. a. Map showing the distribution of polygonal terrain in Pritzker Valley, Untersee Oasis. b. & c. Field photographs (December 2021) of Pritzker Valley.
Along the western lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier, sand-wedge polygons are developing in the buried glacial ice (Fig. 5). The polygons all have flat centres and narrow/shallow troughs (< 5 cm deep and < 10 cm wide). The polygons closer to the Anuchin Glacier have smaller diameters (9–13 m; n = 7) and thinner sediment accumulation over the ice (< 5 cm), whereas those farther away from the glacier have larger diameters (10–18 m; n = 10) and a thicker accumulation of sediments (> 10 cm).

Figure 5. a.–c. Field photographs of the polygonal terrain developing over buried glacial ice along the western lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier in the Untersee Oasis. d. & e. Field photographs showing the development of sublimation-type sand-wedge polygons.
Ground thermal and humidity conditions in the Untersee Oasis
Together, the data from the four sites illustrate the general ground thermal and humidity conditions in the Untersee Oasis. For the 2019–2023 period, the MAGST (-10.0°C ± 0.3°C) approximates the MAAT (-10.5°C ± 0.4°C), giving a surface offset of +0.5°C (Fig. 3b). Surface offsets near 0°C were also observed at Novo and various sites in the MDVs (Fig. 6a), and they are caused by the absence of vegetation and seasonal snow cover at the sites (Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Lapalme, Davila, Pollard, Marinova, Heldmann and McKay2016). The FDDa values in the Untersee Oasis are in the range of those at Novo (approximately -4000), and like the sites in the MDVs, the FDDa approximates the FDDs (Fig. 6b). However, the TDDa at Untersee Oasis (5–20) are substantially lower than at nearby Novo (42) but are in the range of those in the stable upland zone of the MDVs (Fig. 6c). At Novo and most sites in the MDV, TDDs is ~9–10× higher than the TDDa; however, in the Untersee Oasis, the TDDs are only 2–5× greater than the TDDa (Fig. 6c). Therefore, in terms of a comparison between MAAT and MAGST, the Untersee Oasis more closely resembles Novo and is warmer than at any sites in the MDVs. However, with TDDa of < 20 and TDDs of < 100, the summer condition in the Untersee Oasis is more like the high-elevation sites in the stable upland zone of the MDVs. As such, despite having similar ground surface conditions (absence of vegetation and snow), a process (e.g. ablation) must be affecting the surface energy balance during the summer in the Untersee Oasis and causing the ground surface to be cooler than at other sites with similar TDDa.

Figure 6. Air and ground surface temperature relations for sites in the Untersee Oasis compared to the Schirmacher Oasis and sites McMurdo Dry Valleys. a. Diagram showing the relation between mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and mean annual ground surface temperature (MAGST) for each of the stations. b. Comparison of freezing degree-days in the air (FDDa) and freezing degree-days surface (FDDs). c. Comparison of thaw degree-days in the air (TDDa) and thaw degree-days surface (TDDs). d. Comparison of monthly freezing n-factors.
In the Untersee Oasis, the TTIT is slightly higher than the MAGST (thermal offset +0.1°C to +0.9°C). A positive thermal offset was also observed in other regions in Antarctica (Hrbáček et al. Reference Hrbáček, Oliva, Hansen, Balks, O'Neill and de Pablo2023) and was suggested to be caused by the soil being mainly dry year round (no seasonal change in the soil thermal conductivity due to the absence of a liquid-ice phase change in the active layer; Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Lapalme, Davila, Pollard, Marinova, Heldmann and McKay2016). The thermal offset is negative where the active layer experiences seasonal freezing and thawing (the thermal conductivity of frozen soils is greater than for thawed soils, which results in a negative thermal offset; Table I; i.e. Smith & Riseborough Reference Smith and Riseborough1996, Smith & Riseborough Reference Smith and Riseborough2002).
At the Untersee Oasis, the relative humidity at the ground surface is consistently higher than in the air, and this is also the case when the measurements are converted to vapour pressure (Fig. 3). In fact, the mean annual vapour enhancement factor between the ground surface and the air averages 2.0 on the Aurkjosen Plateau; the same calculation using the data from two sites in University Valley in the MDVs provides values of 1.9 and 1.6 (Fig. 7a,b). In Pritzker Valley, the mean summer vapour enhancement factor (2.6) is similar to that on the Aurkjosen Plateau (2.3), as well as those in University Valley (2.1 and 2.3). Therefore, despite the MAAT approximating the MAGST at all of these sites, the mean annual vapour pressure at the ground surface is higher by a factor of ~2 relative to that of the air. A few hypotheses have been advanced to explain the greater moisture at the ground surface relative to that in the air in Antarctica, including the presence of transient snow or frost (McKay Reference McKay2009, Liu et al. Reference Liu, Sletten, Hagedorn, Hallet, McKay and Stone2015, McKay et al. Reference McKay, Balaban, Abrahams and Lewis2019). However, the ground surface temperature is cooler than the air from March to October (freezing nf are > 1; Fig. 6d), which suggests the absence of snow as an insulating cover (i.e. freezing nf are < 1 when snow is present; Smith & Riseborough Reference Smith and Riseborough1996, Reference Smith and Riseborough2002). The absence of snow at the sites in the Untersee Oasis is also supported by Sentinel-2 optical images over the period of measurement (appendix A in Gaudreau et al. Reference Gaudreau, Lacelle and Andersen2024). Generally, terrestrial environments have higher humidity levels at the ground surface than compared to the air (Han et al. Reference Han, Zeng, Zhang, Wang, Prikaziuk, Niu and Su2023, Zheng et al. Reference Zheng, Jia and Zhao2023). In low-precipitation environments, this observation has been attributed to the hourly temperature variations and cooling of the surface at night, which can result in the formation of dew/frost at the surface that can recharge the soil and reduce soil evaporation. Similarly to non-polar environments, where the formation of early morning dew at the ground surface is influenced by soil moisture, the formation of transient frost in the dry soils above the ice table can help sustain higher ground surface humidity. Numerical modelling by Fisher et al. (Reference Fisher, Lacelle, Pollard, Davila and McKay2016) showed that transient frost accumulates in autumn and winter (cooling seasons) in the dry soils and then ablates in spring and summer (warming seasons). Part of the sublimated transient frost then migrates downward to recharge the ice table, and the remainder migrates towards the surface. This process is reflected in the montly frost point nf between the ice table and surface, for which the values progressively increase from February to September (0.6–0.9; Fig. 7d).

Figure 7. Vapour enhancement factor a. between the ground surface and air and b. between the ice table and ground surface. Frost point n-factor c. between the ground surface and air and d. between the ice table and ground surface. Data used for calculations for University Valley are from Lacelle et al. (Reference Lacelle, Lapalme, Davila, Pollard, Marinova, Heldmann and McKay2016) and Marinova et al. (Reference Marinova, McKay, Heldmann, Goordial, Lacelle, Pollard and Davila2022). MDV = McMurdo Dry Valleys.
Polygon size, depth and source of water for the ice table in Pritzker Valley, Untersee Oasis
In polygons developing in icy permafrost, diurnal and seasonal temperature cycles are the primary drivers of thermal contraction (Lachenbruch Reference Lachenbruch1962). The thermal damping through the dry soil lag sets the temperature at the ice table and the resulting tensile stress: higher stress occurs for shallow ice-table depths, which results in smaller-diameter polygons to relieve the stress. Mellon et al. (Reference Mellon, McKay and Heldmann2014) performed numerical modelling of seasonal stress and strain in icy permafrost and showed that the ice-table depth is a key parameter that controls the diameter of polygons. Much like the polygons in University and Farnell valleys in the upper MDVs (i.e. Mellon et al. Reference Mellon, McKay and Heldmann2014), the size of the polygons in the Untersee Oasis is also correlated with the depth of the ice table (larger polygons associated with deeper ice tables). In fact, the size and depth of the surveyed polygons align well with the model of Mellon et al. (Reference Mellon, McKay and Heldmann2014); however, some deviations around the theoretical line could be due to the value of the cracking threshold used and to the rheological properties of the icy permafrost (Fig. 8). Overall, the size of polygons and ice-table depths in the Untersee Oasis appear to be in equilibrium.

Figure 8. Relation between polygon diameter and ice-table depth in the Untersee Oasis compared with other sites in Antarctica: University and Farnell valleys (Mellon et al. Reference Mellon, McKay and Heldmann2014) and various McMurdo Dry Valley (MDV) sites, where ice-table depths are obtained from Campbell & Claridge (Reference Campbell and Claridge2023) and average polygon diameter was measured using Lidar data from Fountain et al. (2017). The black line is the observed relation between the depth to the ice table and the diameter of polygons following numerical modelling of seasonal stress in permafrost (Mellon et al. Reference Mellon, McKay and Heldmann2014). CTZ = coastal thaw zone; IMZ = intermediate mixed zone; SUZ = stable upland zone.
Studies that have used the air as the boundary layer to evaluate the stability of the ice table suggested that the substantial difference in the frost point between the air (-20.2°C) and ice table (-13.1°C and -11.7°C) should result in the soil column being dry throughout (e.g. McKay et al. Reference McKay, Mellon and Friedmann1998, Schorghofer Reference Schorghofer2005, Hagedorn et al. Reference Hagedorn, Sletten, Hallet, McTigue and Steig2010, Liu et al. Reference Liu, Sletten, Hagedorn, Hallet, McKay and Stone2015). However, the ice-table depths on the Aurkjosen Plateau and Pritzker Valley are < 1 m, and these ice tables are probably in equilibrium with the conditions at the ground surface. Fisher et al. (Reference Fisher, Lacelle, Pollard, Davila and McKay2016) used a numerical model (REGO) to predict the depth of the ice table based on ground surface temperature and humidity as the boundary conditions, along with damping of diurnal and annual temperature cycles within sandy soils. The REGO model predicts that the maximum depth of the ice table is set by the damping depth of the diurnal temperature cycle (50–100 cm for thermal diffusivities between 6 and 62 m2 yr-1) and the water vapour density gradient between the ground surface and the ice-bearing ground. The measurements from the Untersee Oasis fit well with the predicted ice-table depth for the difference in frost point values between the ground surface and ice table (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Measured ice-table depths at sites with known frost point differences in the Untersee Oasis, University Valley (uValley), Linneaus Terrace (LT) and Ellsworth Mountains (EH) compared with those predicted by the REGO model (Fisher et al. Reference Fisher, Lacelle, Pollard, Davila and McKay2016). Table III provides key values of the parameters used in the model.
Table III. The values of the variables used in the REGO model. The rheological constants for thermal expansion, creep rates and elasticity are listed in Fisher (Reference Fisher2005) and are those that are commonly accepted. Sediment porosity and density values used in the model are similar to the measured values in valleys in the McMurdo Dry Valleys (i.e. McKay et al. Reference McKay, Mellon and Friedmann1998, Hagedorn et al. Reference Hagedorn, Sletten, Hallet, McTigue and Steig2010).

The main source of water that recharges the ice table in Pritzker Valley can be inferred from the δD-δ18O measurements. The δ18O (-9.8‰ and -7.3‰) and D-excess (-91.4‰ and -105.8‰) of ground ice at the ice table at two sites in Pritzker Valley are the highest and lowest values, respectively, reported for ground ice in Antarctica (Fig. 10a,b). The δ18O values approach those of ground ice near the ice table in Victoria Valley (Hagedorn et al. Reference Hagedorn, Sletten, Hallet, McTigue and Steig2010), Table Mountain (Dickinson & Rosen Reference Dickinson and Rosen2003) and Friis Hills (Verret et al. Reference Verret, Dickinson, Lacelle, Fisher, Norton and Chorley2021). Excluding the burial of glacier ice, there are two main mechanisms of ice emplacement in Antarctic permafrost soils: 1) diffusion and deposition of water vapour and 2) episodic freezing of evaporated snow meltwater (e.g. Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Davila, Fisher, Pollard, DeWitt and Heldmann2013; Verret et al. Reference Verret, Dickinson, Lacelle, Fisher, Norton and Chorley2021). The δD-δ18O of ground ice formed from direct condensation of atmospheric moisture in the soils would plot along the LMWL but with D-excess near -35‰; however, if the source of vapour is from transient frost that accumulates in autumn and winter in the dry soils from condensation and then ablates during spring and summer with a portion moving downward to recharge the ice table, the D-excess could reach values near -50‰ (Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Davila, Fisher, Pollard, DeWitt and Heldmann2013, Fisher et al. Reference Fisher, Lacelle, Pollard, Davila and McKay2016, Lapalme et al. Reference Lapalme, Lacelle, Pollard, Fisher, Davila and McKay2017a). In this environment, while vapor diffusion in soils is a constant process, it accounts for only ~1 × 10-4 g/cc/year of ice formation, requiring ~300–400 years to achieve pore saturation (Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Davila, Fisher, Pollard, DeWitt and Heldmann2013; Fisher et al. Reference Fisher, Lacelle, Pollard, Davila and McKay2016). Given the D-excess values near -100‰, the ground ice at the ice table probably originates from the partial evaporation of snowmelt that infiltrates the dry soil column. This type of ground ice in Antarctic permafrost is usually characterized by high δ18O and δD and very low D-excess, and it has been documented at both the low and high elevations of the MDVs (Dickinson & Rosen Reference Dickinson and Rosen2003, Hagedorn et al. Reference Hagedorn, Sletten, Hallet, McTigue and Steig2010, Verret et al. Reference Verret, Dickinson, Lacelle, Fisher, Norton and Chorley2021). Figure 10c,d shows the evolution of δ18O and D-excess from evaporating snowmelt with an initial δ18O for snow of -30‰, soil water vapour of -28‰ and a range of humidity values followed by freezing of the partially evaporated water based on the models presented in Lapalme et al. (Reference Lapalme, Lacelle, Pollard, Fisher, Davila and McKay2017a), Fisher et al. (Reference Fisher, Lacelle, Pollard and Faucher2020) and Faucher et al. (Reference Faucher, Lacelle, Marsh, Fisher and Andersen2021a). Although we do not have measurements of the δ18O vapour in soils, the high δ18O values (-9.8‰ and -7.3‰) and D-excess near -100‰ at the ice table can be reached if δ18O soil vapour is in the -30‰ to -20‰ range, soil relative humidity is > 70%ice and at least 30% of snowmelt evaporates. It is difficult to reach the extremely low D-excess values using an ambient soil humidity equal to that in the atmosphere (~50%; line E in Fig. 10d; i.e. Hagedorn et al. Reference Hagedorn, Sletten, Hallet, McTigue and Steig2010). This is an independent corroboration that the ground surface humidity is much higher than that in the air above.

Figure 10. Stable water isotope composition (δD, δ18O and D-excess) of ground ice in the Untersee Oasis. a. δD-δ18O of ground ice in the Untersee Oasis compared with other sites in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. b. D-excess vs δD of ground ice in the Untersee Oasis compared with other sites in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. c. & d. Evolution of δ18O and D-excess of evaporating water (1/10th sea water) for a range of relative humidities (RHs) and with an ambient soil water vapour δ18O of -28‰ using the Criss (Reference Criss1999) and Sofer & Gat (Reference Sofer and Gat1975) models. The start of snow meltwater is assumed to have δ18O and δD values of -30.4‰ and -238.2‰, respectively; however, the snow meltwater isotopic composition has a negligible influence on the results. The grey rectangles are the ranges of δ18O values needed to explain the δ18O of ground ice at the ice table. e. δD-δ18O of the ground ice at the ice table and the modelled isotope evolution lines for the remaining water for the four scenarios in c. A simple Rayleigh freezing model then defines the freezing lines. GMWL = global meteoric water line.
Overall, the depth of the ice table in the Untersee Oasis appears to be controlled by the conditions at the ground surface and the water vapour density gradient between the ground surface and the ice-bearing ground, but it is periodically recharged by the partial evaporation of snowmelt. Using the timing of formation of evaporative calcite crusts in the Untersee Oasis as a proxy of when sufficient snow meltwater is available, a recharge of the ice table from evaporated snowmelt probably started to occur over the past 2000 years (i.e. Lacelle et al. Reference Lacelle, Christy, Faucher, Sobron and Andersen2024).
Early-stage development of sublimation-type sand-wedge polygons along the western lateral moraine
Sand-wedge polygons that develop following the sublimation of massive ground ice is a special type of feature found only in cold, hyper-arid environments. Currently, they have only been documented in Beacon and Mullins valleys in the stable uplands of the MDVs, where the mean summer air temperature is < 0°C (Marchant et al. Reference Marchant, Lewis, Phillips, Moore, Souchez and Denton2002, Marchant & Head Reference Marchant and Head2007). Their morphology consists of high-centred polygons with diameters in the 9–35 m range, trough depths of 1–3 m and depths to the buried ice of 25–80 cm (Marchant et al. Reference Marchant, Lewis, Phillips, Moore, Souchez and Denton2002). A key characteristic of sublimation-type polygons is their aspect-dependant trough asymmetry (south-facing slopes are steeper than north-facing slopes; Levy et al. Reference Levy, Marchant and Head2006, Reference Levy, Head, Marchant and Kowalewski2008). This type of polygon develops high centres because ice exposed by cracking sublimates preferentially. As cracks form, the fine fraction of overlying sediments falls into the crack, creating a sand-wedge, while the coarse fraction remains at the surface and delimits the margins of the polygons.
The sublimation-type polygons in Beacon Valley have arguably been developing for the past 8 Ma. The ones discovered along the western lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier in the Untersee Oasis are much younger (Holocene age). Currently, the polygons along the western lateral moraine have small diameters (9–18 m) and very shallow troughs (< 5 cm deep and < 10 cm wide) compared to those in Beacon and Mullins valleys. Over Lake Untersee, the ablation rates of the ice cover are in the order of 0.50–0.75 m yr-1 (Faucher et al. Reference Faucher, Lacelle, Fisher, Andersen and McKay2019), but along the western lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier, the buried glacial ice is found beneath < 10 cm of dry soils, a depth that is consistent with the ablation of ice beneath a dry lag for < 10 000 years (Fisher et al. Reference Fisher, Lacelle, Pollard, Davila and McKay2016). The evolution of these polygons will continue to be monitored as they represent early-stage development of sublimation-type sand-wedge polygons.
This study examined the 2019–2023 temperature and humidity conditions, the distribution and development of the polygonal terrain and the origin of ground ice at the ice table in the Untersee Oasis, Antarctica. Based on the results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1) In the Untersee Oasis, the MAAT ≅ MAGST (surface offset: +0.5°C ± 0.1°C), with the ground surface temperatures being 2–7°C warmer in summer (nf: 0.60–0.03) but slightly cooler than the air in winter (nf: 1.00–1.06). The MAGST ≤ TTIT (thermal offset: 0.1 and 0.9). These conditions reflect the absence of vegetation and snow and the presence of dry soil above the ice table.
2) The mean annual vapour pressure at the ground surface is ~2× higher relative to that in the air. The higher vapour pressure at the ground surface is attributed to the formation of transient frost in the dry soils above the ice table, which can help sustain greater ground surface humidity. The process is observable in the monthly frost point nf between the ice table and surface, where the values progressively increase from February to September.
3) Polygonal terrain was observed in Pritzker Valley and along the western lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier. The sizes of the polygons are positively correlated with the depth of the ice table and align closely with the predictions by Mellon et al. (Reference Mellon, McKay and Heldmann2014). Therefore, the sizes of the polygons are probably in equilibrium with the ice-table depth.
4) The δ18O (-9.8‰ and -7.3‰) and D-excess (-91.4‰ and -105.8‰) values of ground ice at the ice table in Pritzker Valley suggest that the ice originates from evaporating snowmelt that infiltrated the dry soil column. As such, the depth of the ice table is set by the conditions at the ground surface and the water vapour density gradient between the ground surface and the ice-bearing ground, but it is recharged periodically by the partial evaporation of snowmelt.
5) An early-stage development of sublimation-type sand-wedge polygons was discovered along the western lateral moraine of the Anuchin Glacier in the Untersee Oasis. These have been developing during the Holocene, and they have much smaller diameters (9–18 m) and very shallow troughs (< 5 cm deep and < 10 cm wide) compared to those in the uplands of the MDVs. The buried glacial ice is found beneath < 10 cm of dry soils, a depth that is consistent with the ablation of ice beneath a dry lag for < 10 000 years.
6) Presently, the Untersee Oasis has a local climate that is dominated by intense ablation but with little melt. If warming occurs in the coming decades, this region would be expected to see profound changes in its environment and local landscape, including permafrost. Consequently, there is a need to maintain and expand climate monitoring within the Untersee Oasis, incorporating comprehensive measurements essential for a surface energy balance study, to monitor the resulting impacts on the permafrost environment.
This work was supported by the TAWANI Foundation, the Trottier Family Foundation, a NASA Exobiology grant to DTA and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant to DL. Logistical support was provided by the Antarctic Logistics Centre International, Cape Town, South Africa. We thank the two reviewers for their constructive comments.
Competing interests
The authors declare none.
Author contributions
All authors designed the project; all authors contributed to data collection; all authors contributed to data analysis and writing the manuscript.