1. Introduction and results
1.1. Self-interacting random walks
The study of self-interacting random walks began in 1983 in an article of Amit et al. [Reference Amit, Parisi and Peliti1]. Before [Reference Amit, Parisi and Peliti1], the expression ‘self-avoiding random walk’ referred to paths on graphs that do not intersect themselves. However, these are not easy to construct step by step; hence one would consider the set of all possible paths of a given length. Since one does not follow a single path as it grows with time, this is not really a random walk model. In order to work with an actual random walk model with self-avoiding behavior, the authors of [Reference Amit, Parisi and Peliti1] introduced the ‘true’ self-avoiding random walk. This is a random walk on
for which, at each step, the position of the process at the next step is chosen randomly from among the neighbors of the current position, depending on the number of previous visits to said neighbors, with lower probabilities for those that have been visited the most. This process is a random walk in the sense that it is constructed step by step, but unlike most random walks in the literature, it is non-Markovian: at each step, the law of the next step depends on the whole past of the process.
It turns out that the ‘true’ self-avoiding random walk is hard to study. This led to the introduction by Tóth [Reference Tóth13, Reference Tóth14, Reference Tóth15] of non-Markovian random walks with bond repulsion, for which the probability of going from one site to another, instead of depending of the number of previous visits to the target, depends on the number of previous crossings of the undirected edge between the two sites, which is called the local time of the edge, with lower probabilities for the edges that have been crossed the most in the past. These walks are much easier to study, at least on
, because one can apply the Ray–Knight approach to them. This approach was introduced by Ray and Knight in [Reference Ray11, Reference Knight2], and was used for the first time for non-Markovian random walks by Tóth in [Reference Tóth13, Reference Tóth14, Reference Tóth15]. Since then, it has been applied to many other non-Markovian random walks, such as a continuous-time version of the ‘true’ self-avoiding random walk in [Reference Tóth and Vető18], edge-reinforced random walks (see the corresponding part of the review [Reference Pemantle9] and references therein), and excited random walks (see [Reference Kosygina, Mountford and Peterson4] and references therein). The Ray–Knight approach works as follows: though the random walk itself is not Markovian, if we stop it when the local time at a given edge has reached a certain threshold, then the local times on the edges will form a Markov chain, which enables their analysis. Thanks to this approach, Tóth was able to prove scaling limits for the local times process for many different random walks with bond repulsion in his works [Reference Tóth13, Reference Tóth14, Reference Tóth15]. The law of the limit depends on the random walk model, but it is always a random process (the model studied by Tóth in [Reference Tóth16] has a deterministic limit, but it is not a random walk with bond repulsion, as it is self-attracting: the more an edge has been crossed in the past, the more likely it is to be crossed in the future).
1.2. The self-repelling random walk with directed edges
In 2008, Tóth and Vető [Reference Tóth and Vető17] introduced a process seemingly very similar to the aforementioned random walks with bond repulsion, in which the probability of going from one site to another depends on the number of crossings of the directed edge between them, instead of the crossings of the undirected edge. This process, called self-repelling random walk with directed edges, is a nearest-neighbor random walk on
defined as follows. For any set A, we denote by
the cardinality of A. Let
$w \,:\, \mathbb{Z} \mapsto (0,+\infty)$
be a non-decreasing and non-constant function. We will denote the walk by
. We set
, and for any
, we denote by
$\ell^\pm(n,i)=|\{0 \leq m \leq n-1 \,|\, (X_m,X_{m+1})=(i,i\pm1)\}|$
the number of crossings of the directed edge
before time n, that is, the local time of the directed edge at time n. Then

Using the local time of directed edges instead of that of undirected edges may seem like a very small change in the definition of the process, but the behavior of the self-repelling random walk with directed edges is actually very different from that of classical random walks with bond repulsion. Indeed, Tóth and Vető [Reference Tóth and Vető17] were able to prove that the local times process has a deterministic scaling limit, which is in sharp contrast with the random limit processes obtained for the random walks with bond repulsion on undirected edges [Reference Tóth13–Reference Tóth15] and even for the simple random walk [Reference Knight2].
The result of [Reference Tóth and Vető17] is as follows. For any
, we let
. If for any
, we denote by
the stopping time defined by
$T_{n,i}^\pm=\min\{m\in\mathbb{N}\,|\,\ell^\pm(m,i) = n\}$
, then
is almost surely finite by Proposition 1 of [Reference Tóth and Vető17], and we have the following.
Theorem 1. ([Reference Tóth and Vető17, Theorem 1].) For any
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
, we have that

converges in probability to 0 when N tends to
Thus the local times process of the self-repelling random walk with directed edges admits the deterministic scaling limit
$y \mapsto \Big(\frac{|x|-|y|}{2}+\theta\Big)_+$
, which has the shape of a triangle. This also implies the following result on convergence to a deterministic limit for the
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\pm$
Proposition 1. ([Reference Tóth and Vető17, Corollary 1].) For any
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
, we have that
$\frac{1}{N^2}T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\pm$
converges in probability to
when N tends to
The deterministic character of these limits makes the behavior of the self-repelling random walk with directed edges very unusual, hence worthy of study. In particular, it is natural to consider the possible fluctuations of the local times process and of the
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\pm$
around their deterministic limits. However, before the present paper, nothing was known about these fluctuations. In this work, we prove convergence in distribution of the fluctuations of the local times process and of the
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\pm$
. It happens that the limit of the fluctuations of the local times process is discontinuous; therefore, before stating the results, we have to be careful about the topology in which it may converge.
1.3. Topologies for the convergence of the local times process
For any interval
$I \subset R$
, let DI be the space of càdlàg functions on I, that is, the set of functions
$I \mapsto \mathbb{R}$
that are right-continuous and have left limits everywhere in I. For any function
$Z \,:\, I \mapsto \mathbb{R}$
, we denote by
$\|Z\|_\infty=\sup_{y\in I}|Z(y)|$
the uniform norm of Z on I. The uniform norm on I gives a topology on DI, but it is often too strong to deal with discontinuous functions.
For discontinuous càdlàg functions, the most widely used topology is the Skorokhod
topology, introduced by Skorokhod in [Reference Skorokhod12] (see [Reference Pollard10, Chapter VI] for a course), which is often called ‘the’ Skorokhod topology. Intuitively, two functions are close in this topology if they are close for the uniform norm after allowing some small perturbation of time. Rigorously, for
, the Skorokhod
topology on D[a, b] is defined as follows. We denote by
the set of functions
$\lambda \,:\, [a,b] \mapsto [a,b]$
that are bijective, strictly increasing, and continuous (they correspond to the possible perturbations of time), and we denote by
$\mathrm{Id}_{a,b} \,:\, [a,b] \mapsto [a,b]$
the identity map, defined by
for all
. The Skorokhod
topology on D[a, b] is defined through the following metric: for any
$Z_1,Z_2 \in D[a,b]$
, we set

It can be proven rather easily that this is indeed a metric. We can then define the Skorokhod
topology on
with the following metric: if for any sets
$A_1 \subset A_2$
and any function
$Z\,:\,A_2 \mapsto A_3$
, we denote by
the restriction of Z to
, then for
$Z_1,Z_2 \in D({-}\infty,\infty)$
, we set

The Skorokhod
topology is widely used to study the convergence of càdlàg functions. However, when the limit function has a jump, which will be the case here, convergence in the Skorokhod
topology requires the converging functions to have a single big jump approximating the jump of the limit process. To account for other cases, like having the jump of the limit functions approximated by several smaller jumps in quick succession or by a very steep continuous slope, one has to use a less restrictive topology, such as the Skorokhod
The Skorokhod
topology was also introduced by Skorokhod in [Reference Skorokhod12] (see [Reference Whitt19, Section 3.3] for an overview). For any
, the Skorokhod
distance on D[a, b] is defined as follows: the distance between two functions will be roughly ‘the distance between the completed graphs of the functions’. More rigorously, if
$Z\in D[a,b]$
, we set
, and for any
$y \in (a,b]$
, we set
$Z(y^{-})=\lim_{y^{\prime} \to y, y^{\prime}<y}Z(y^{\prime})$
. Then the completed graph of Z is

To express the ‘distance between two such completed graphs’, we need to define the parametric representations of
(by abuse of notation, we will often write ‘the parametric representations of Z’). We define an order on
as follows: for
$(y_1,z_1),(y_2,z_2) \in \Gamma_Z$
, we have
$(y_1,z_1) \leq (y_2,z_2)$
$y_1 < y_2$
or when
. A parametric representation of
is a continuous, surjective function
$(u,r)\,:\,[0,1] \mapsto \Gamma_Z$
that is non-decreasing with respect to this order; thus intuitively, when t goes from 0 to 1, (u(t),r(t)) ‘travels through the completed graph of Z from its beginning to its end’. A parametric representation of Z always exists (see [Reference Whitt19, Remark 12.3.3]). For
$Z_1,Z_2 \in D[a,b]$
, the Skorokhod
distance between
, denoted by
, is
, where the infimum is on the parametric representations
. It can be proven that this indeed gives a metric (see [Reference Whitt19, Theorem 12.3.1]), and this metric defines the Skorokhod
topology on D[a, b]. For any
, we will denote
for short. We can now define the Skorokhod
topology in
through the following metric: for
$Z_1,Z_2 \in D({-}\infty,\infty)$
, we set

It can be seen that the Skorokhod
topology is weaker than the Skorokhod
topology (see [Reference Whitt19, Theorem 12.3.2]), and thus less restrictive. Indeed, since the distance between two functions is roughly ‘the distance between the completed graphs of the functions’, the Skorokhod
topology will allow a function with a jump to be the limit of functions with steep slopes or with several smaller jumps. For this reason, the Skorokhod
topology is often more suitable when one is considering convergence to a discontinuous function.
1.4. Results
We are now ready to state our results on the convergence of the fluctuations of the local times process. For any
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
, for any
$N \in \mathbb{N}^*$
, we define functions
as follows: for any
, we set

The functions
actually depend on
, but to make the notation lighter, we do not write this dependency explicitly. Moreover,
will denote a two-sided Brownian motion with
and variance
, where
is the distribution on
defined later in (3). We prove the following convergence for the fluctuations of the local times process of the self-repelling random walk with directed edges.
Theorem 2.
For any
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
, the process
converges in distribution to
$\Big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\Big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
in the Skorokhod
topology on
when N tends to
Therefore, the fluctuations of the local times process have a diffusive limit behavior. However, it is necessary to use the Skorokhod
topology here, as the following result states that convergence does not occur in the stronger Skorokhod
Proposition 2.
For any
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
, the process
does not converge in distribution in the Skorokhod
topology on
when N tends to
We stress the fact that the use of the Skorokhod
topology is required only to deal with the discontinuities of the limit process at
. Indeed, if we consider the process on an interval that does not include
, it converges in the much stronger topology given by the uniform norm, as stated in the following result.
Proposition 3.
For any
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
, for any closed interval
that does not contain
, the process
$\big(Y_N^\pm(y)\big)_{y\in I}$
converges in distribution to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in I}$
in the topology on DI given by the uniform norm when N tends to
Finally, we also prove the convergence of the fluctuations of
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\pm$
. For any
, we denote by
the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance
, and we recall that
will be defined in (3). We then have the following.
Proposition 4.
For any
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
, we have that

converges in distribution to
when N tends to
Remark 1. Instead of studying the fluctuations of
$\ell^\pm\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,.\Big)$
, it may seem more natural to consider those of
. However, the Ray–Knight arguments that allow one to study
$\ell^\pm\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,.\Big)$
completely break down for
, and it is not even clear whether these two processes should have the same behavior.
Remark 2. Apart from the article of Tóth and Vető [Reference Tóth and Vető17] that introduced the self-repelling random walk with directed edges, there have been a few other works on this model. These works were motivated by another important question, that of the existence of a scaling limit for
$(X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$
, which means the convergence in distribution of the process
$\big(\frac{1}{N^\alpha}X_{\lfloor Nt\rfloor}\big)_{t \geq 0}$
for some
. Obtaining such a scaling limit for the trajectory of the random walk is harder than obtaining scaling limits for the local times. Indeed, for the random walks with bond repulsion with undirected edges introduced by Tóth in [Reference Tóth13–Reference Tóth15], the scaling limits for the local times have been known since the introduction of the models, but the scaling limits for the trajectories are not known. Some results were proven by Kosygina, Mountford, and Peterson in [Reference Kosygina, Mountford and Peterson3], but they do not cover all models. For the self-repelling random walk with directed edges, the behavior of the scaling limit of the trajectory turns out to be surprising. Indeed, Mountford, Pimentel, and Valle proved in [Reference Mountford, Pimentel and Valle7] that
converges in distribution, but Mountford and the author showed in [Reference Marêché and Mountford6] that
$\big(\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}X_{\lfloor Nt \rfloor}\big)_{t \geq 0}$
does not converge in distribution, and that the trajectories of the walk satisfy a more complex limit theorem, of a new kind.
1.5. Proof ideas
We begin by explaining why the limit of the local times process
is the process
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
, and we describe the ideas behind the proofs of Theorem 2 and Proposition 3. To show the convergence of the local times process, we use a Ray–Knight argument; that is, we notice that
$\Big(\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,i\Big)\Big)_i$
is a Markov chain. Moreover, as long as
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,i\Big)$
is not too low, the quantities

will roughly be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables, in the sense that they can be coupled with i.i.d. random variables with a high probability of being equal to them. This coupling was already used in [Reference Tóth and Vető17] to prove the convergence of
$\frac{1}{N}\ell^+\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\pm,\lfloor N y\rfloor\Big)$
to its deterministic limit (for a given y, the coupling makes this convergence a law of large numbers). However, when
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,\lfloor N y\rfloor\Big)$
is too low, the coupling fails and the
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,\lfloor N y\rfloor+1\Big)-\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,\lfloor N y\rfloor\Big)$
are no longer i.i.d. We have to prove that this occurs only around
, and most of our work is dealing with what happens there. To show that it occurs only around
, we control the amplitude of the fluctuations to prove that the local times are close to their deterministic limit. This limit is large inside
, so we can use the coupling inside this interval; thus the
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,\lfloor N y\rfloor+1\Big)-\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,\lfloor N y\rfloor\Big)$
are roughly i.i.d. there, and hence the fluctuations will converge to a Brownian motion by Donsker’s invariance principle. When we are close to
(the same reasoning works for
), the deterministic limit will be small, and hence the local times will also be small; tools from [Reference Tóth and Vető17] then allow us to prove that they reach 0 quickly. Once they reach 0, we notice that for
$y \geq |x|+2\theta$
, if
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,\lfloor N y\rfloor\Big)=0$
, then the walk X did not go from
$\lfloor N y\rfloor$
$\lfloor N y\rfloor+1$
before time
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota$
, so it did not go to
$\lfloor N y\rfloor+1$
before time
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota$
; hence
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,j\Big)=0$
for any
$j \geq \lfloor N y\rfloor$
. Therefore, once the local times process reaches 0, it stays there. Consequently, we expect
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,\lfloor N y\rfloor\Big)$
to be 0 when
$y > |x|+2\theta$
, and thus to have no fluctuations when
$y > |x|+2\theta$
; similar statements hold when
$y < -|x|-2\theta$
. This is why our limit is
$\Big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\Big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
Since Proposition 3 only describes convergence away from
, the previous arguments are enough to prove it. To prove the convergence in the Skorokhod
topology on
stated in Theorem 2, we need to handle what happens around
with more precision. We first have to bound the difference between the local times and the i.i.d. random variables of the coupling even where the coupling fails. Afterwards comes the most important part of the paper: defining parametric representations of
and of the sum of the i.i.d. random variables of the coupling, properly renormalized and set to 0 outside of
, and then proving that they are close to each other. That allows us to prove that
is close in the Skorokhod
distance to a process that will converge in distribution to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
in the Skorokhod
topology, which lets us complete the proof of Theorem 2.
To prove Proposition 2, that is, that
does not converge in the
topology, we first notice that since the
topology is stronger than the
topology, if
did converge in the
topology its limit would be
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
. However, this is not possible, as
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
has a jump at
, while the jumps of
have typical size of order
, so the jump in
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
is approximated in
by either a sequence of small jumps or a continuous slope, which prevents the convergence in the Skorokhod
Finally, to prove Proposition 4 on the fluctuations of
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota$
, we use the fact that we have

It can be checked that
$\Big|\ell^+\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,i\Big)-\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,i+1\Big)\Big|$
equals 0 or 1; hence it is enough to control the
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,i\Big)$
. By using the coupling for the

$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,i\Big)$
is high enough, and using our estimates on the size of the window in which
$\ell^{-}\Big(T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota,i\Big)$
is neither high enough nor 0, we can prove that
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota$
is close to the integral of the sum of the i.i.d. random variables of the coupling, which will yield the convergence.
1.6. Organization of the paper
In Section 2, we define the coupling between the increments of the local time and i.i.d. random variables and prove some of its properties. In Section 3, we control where the local times hit 0, as well as where the local times are too low for the coupling of Section 2 to be useful. In Section 4, we prove a bound on the Skorokhod
distance between
and the renormalized sum of the i.i.d. random variables of the coupling set to 0 outside of
, by writing explicit parametric representations of the two functions. In Section 5, we complete the proof of the convergence of
stated in Theorem 2 and Proposition 3. In Section 6 we prove that, as claimed in Proposition 2,
does not converge in the
topology. Finally, in Section 7 we prove the convergence of the fluctuations of
$T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\pm$
stated in Proposition 4.
In what follows, we set
, and
$x > 0$
(the cases
can be dealt with in the same way). To simplify the notation, we set
$T_N=T_{\lfloor N \theta\rfloor,\lfloor N x\rfloor}^\iota$
. Moreover, for any
, we set
$a \vee b=\max(a,b)$
$a \wedge b=\min(a,b)$
2. Coupling of the local times increments with i.i.d. random variables
Our goal in this section will be to couple the
with i.i.d. random variables and to prove some properties of this coupling. This part of the work is not very different from what was done in [Reference Tóth and Vető17], but we still recall the concepts and definitions from that paper. If we fix
and observe the evolution of
, and if we ignore the steps at which
does not move (i.e. those at which the random walk is not at i), then we obtain a Markov chain
whose distribution
has the following transition probabilities: for all
$n \in \mathbb{N}$

. Now, we set
, and for any
, we define
, so that
is the time of the nth upward step of
is the time of the nth downward step of
. Then, since the distribution of
is symmetric, the processes
have the same distribution, called
, and it can be checked that
is a Markov chain.
We are going to give an expression for
depending on the
. We assume N large enough (so that
$\lfloor N x\rfloor-1>0$
). By definition of
we have
$X_{T_N}=\lfloor N x\rfloor\iota 1$
. If
$i \leq 0$
we thus have
, which means the last step of the walk at i before
was going to the right, so the last step of
was a downward step, and by definition of
we have that
downward steps; hence

which yields
. In addition,
; hence

$0 < i < \lfloor N x\rfloor$
) or
$0 < i \leq \lfloor N x\rfloor$
), the last step of the walk at i was also going to the right, so we also have
. However,
, so
. Finally, if
$i \geq \lfloor N x\rfloor$
) or
$i > \lfloor N x\rfloor$
), then the last step of the walk at i was going to the left, so the last step of
was an upward step, and
upward steps; therefore

which yields
. Moreover,
, and hence
We are going to use these results to deduce an expression for the
which will be very useful throughout this work. Defining
$\chi(N)=\lfloor N x\rfloor$
$\chi(N)=\lfloor N x\rfloor+1$
, for
$i \geq \chi(N)$
we have

and for
$i < \chi(N)$
we have

Now, we remember that the definition of
$\ell^\iota(T_N,\lfloor N x\rfloor)=\lfloor N \theta\rfloor$
, so if
we have
$\ell^{-}(T_N,\chi(N))=\lfloor N \theta\rfloor$
$\ell^+(T_N,\chi(N)-1)=\ell^{-}(T_N,\chi(N))=\lfloor N \theta\rfloor$
, while if
we have
$\ell^+(T_N,\chi(N)-1)=\lfloor N \theta\rfloor$
$\ell^{-}(T_N,\chi(N))=\ell^+(T_N,\chi(N)-1)-1=\lfloor N \theta\rfloor-1$
. Consequently, we have the following:

We will also need to remember the following:

To couple the
with i.i.d. random variables, we need to understand the
and the
. The paper [Reference Tóth and Vető17] proved that the following measure
is the unique invariant probability distribution of the Markov chain

We also denote by
the measure on
defined by
We are now in position to construct the coupling of the
with i.i.d. random variables
. The idea is that
can be expected to converge to its invariant distribution
; hence when
is large,
will be close to a random variable of law
. More rigorously, we begin by defining an i.i.d. sequence
of random variables of distribution
so that if
$i \geq \chi(N)$
, then
$\mathbb{P}\big(r_i \neq \eta_{i,+}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)\big)$
is minimal, and if
$i < \chi(N)$
, then
$\mathbb{P}\big(r_i \neq \eta_{i,-}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)\big)$
is minimal. We can then define i.i.d. Markov chains
$(\bar\eta_{i,+}(n))_{n \geq \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor}$
$i \geq \chi(N)$
$(\bar\eta_{i,-}(n))_{n \geq \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor}$
$i < \chi(N)$
so that
$\bar\eta_{i,\pm}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)=r_i$
is a Markov chain of distribution equal to that of
, and if
$\bar\eta_{i,\pm}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)=\eta_{i,\pm}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)$
, then
for any
$n \geq \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor$
. Since
is invariant for
, if
$n \geq \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor$
, then the
$i \geq \chi(N)$
$i < \chi(N)$
have distribution
. We define the random variables
as follows: for
$i \geq \chi(N)$
we set
$\zeta_i=\bar\eta_{i,+}\big(\ell^{-}(T_N,i)\vee\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)+\frac{1}{2}$
, and for
$i < \chi(N)$
we set
$\zeta_i=\bar\eta_{i,-}\big(\ell^+(T_N,i)\vee\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)+\frac{1}{2}$
. For
$i \geq \chi(N)$
, (1) implies that
depends only on the
$\chi(N) \leq j \leq i-1$
, and hence is independent from
, which implies that
has distribution
and is independent from the
$\chi(N) \leq j \leq i-1$
. This together with a similar argument for
$i < \chi(N)$
implies that the
are i.i.d. with distribution
We will prove several properties of
that we will use in the remainder of the proof. In order to do that, we need the following lemma from [Reference Tóth and Vető17].
Lemma 1. ([Reference Tóth and Vető17, Lemma 1].) There exist two constants
$\tilde c =\tilde c(w)>0$
$\tilde C = \tilde C(w) < +\infty$
such that for any

Firstly, we want to prove that our coupling is actually useful: that the
are close to the
. More precisely, we will show that except on an event of probability tending to 0, if
is large then
, which (1) relates to
. We define

Lemma 1 will allow us to prove the following.
Lemma 2.
tend to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
Proof. By definition, for any
we have

which is
$\ell^+(T_N,i)\geq\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor$
. Now,
$\bar\eta_{i,-}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)=\eta_{i,-}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)$
; that is,
$r_i=\eta_{i,-}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)$
. We deduce that

Now, for any
$i < \chi(N)$
, we have
$\mathbb{P}\big(r_i\neq\eta_{i,-}\big(\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big)\big)$
minimal, and thus smaller than
$\tilde C e^{-\tilde c \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor}$
by Lemma 1. Consequently, when N is large enough, we have
$\mathbb{P}\big(\mathcal{B}_1^{-}\big) \leq 3(|x|+2\theta)N\tilde C e^{-\tilde c \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor}$
, which tends to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
. The proof for
is the same.
Unfortunately, the previous lemma does not allow us to control the local times when
is small. In order to do that, we show several additional properties. We have to control the probability of

Lemma 3.
tends to 0 when N tends to
Proof. It is enough to find some constants
$C < +\infty$
such that for any
$i \in \{-\lceil2(|x|+2\theta)N\rceil,\ldots,\lceil2(|x|+2\theta)N\rceil\}$
we have

for any
$i \in \{-\lceil2(|x|+2\theta)N\rceil,\ldots,\chi(N)-1\}$
we have

and for all
$i \in \{\chi(N),\ldots,\lceil2(|x|+2\theta)N\rceil\}$
we have

For all
has distribution
, which has exponential tails; hence there exist constants
$C^{\prime}=C^{\prime}(w) < +\infty$
such that for
$i \in \{-\lceil2(|x|+2\theta)N\rceil,\ldots,\lceil2(|x|+2\theta)N\rceil\}$
we have
$\mathbb{P}\big(|\zeta_i| \geq N^{1/16}\big) \leq C^{\prime}e^{-c^{\prime}N^{1/16}}$
. We now consider
$i \in \{-\lceil2(|x|+2\theta)N\rceil,\ldots,\chi(N)-1\}$
$\mathbb{P}\big(|\eta_{i,-}(\ell^+(T_N,i))+1/2| \geq N^{1/16}\big)$
$\mathbb{P}\big(|\eta_{i,+}\big(\ell^{-}\big(T_N,i\big)\big)+1/2| \geq N^{1/16}\big)$
can be dealt with in the same way). Equation (1) implies that
depends only on the
, and hence is independent of
. This implies that

Therefore the first part of Lemma 1 implies that

which is enough.
We will also need the following, which is a fairly standard result on large deviations.
Lemma 4.
For any
$\mathbb{P}\Big(\max_{0 \leq i_1 \leq i_2 \leq \lceil N^\alpha\rceil}\left|\sum_{i=i_1}^{i_2}\zeta_i \right| \geq N^{\alpha/2+\varepsilon}\Big)$
tends to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
Proof. Let
$0 \leq i_1 \leq i_2 \leq \lceil N^\alpha\rceil$
, and let us study
$\mathbb{P}\Big(\left|\sum_{i=i_1}^{i_2}\zeta_i \right| \geq N^{\alpha/2+\varepsilon}\Big)$
. We know the
, are i.i.d. with distribution
, and it can be checked that
is symmetric with respect to 0, so from that and the Markov inequality we get

Now, if
has distribution
, we can write

. Since
is symmetric with respect to 0, we have
; therefore

has exponential tails; hence there exist constants
such that
$\mathbb{E}\big(\zeta^2e^{c \,|\zeta|}\big) \leq C$
. When N is large enough,
$\frac{1}{N^{\alpha/2}} \leq c$
; therefore

Together with (5), this yields

when N is large enough. We deduce that when N is large enough,

which tends to 0 when N tends to
We also prove an immediate application of Lemma 4, which we will use several times. If we define

we have the following lemma.
Lemma 5.
tend to 0 when N tends to
Proof. Since the
are i.i.d.,

which is smaller than
$\mathbb{P}\Big(\max_{0 \leq i_1 \leq i_2 \leq \lceil N^{37/48} \rceil} \Big|\sum_{i=i_1}^{i_2} \zeta_i\Big| \geq N^{19/48}\Big)$
when N is large enough. Moreover, Lemma 4, used with
, yields that the latter probability tends to 0 when N tends to
3. Where the local times approach 0
The aim of this section is twofold. Firstly, we need to control the place where
hits 0 when i is to the right of 0, as well as the place where
hits 0 when i is to the left of 0. Secondly, we have to show that even when
is close to 0, the local times do not stray too far away from the coupling. For any
$N \in \mathbb{N}$
, we define
$I^+=\inf\{i \geq \chi(N)\,|\,\ell^{-}(T_N,i)=0\}$
$I^{-}=\sup\{i < \chi(N)\,|\,\ell^+(T_N,i)=0\}$
. We notice that
$\ell^+(T_N,I^{-}) = 0$
, and from the definition of
we have
$\ell^+(T_N,i) > 0$
for any
$0 \leq i \leq \chi(N)-1$
; hence
. We first state an elementary result that we will use many times in this work.
Lemma 6.
For any
$i \geq I^+$
$i \leq I^{-}$
we have
Proof. Since
$\ell^+(T_N,I^{-}) = 0$
and the random walk is at
$\lfloor Nx \rfloor \iota1>0$
at time
, the random walk did not reach
before time
; thus
for any
$i \leq I^{-}$
. Moreover,
$\ell^{-}(T_N,\chi(N)) > 0$
by definition of
, so
; thus
$X_{T_N} < I^+$
, and hence
$\ell^{-}(T_N,I^+) = 0$
implies that the random walk did not reach
before time
. Thus
for any
$i \geq I^+$
We will also need the auxiliary random variables
${\tilde{I}}^+=\inf\{i \geq \chi(N)\,|\,\ell^{-}(T_N,i)\leq\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\}$
${\tilde{I}}^{-}=\sup\big\{i < \chi(N)\,|\,\ell^+(T_N,i)\leq\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor\big\}$
3.1. Place where we hit 0
We have the following result on the control of
Lemma 7.
For any
$\mathbb{P}\big(|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| \geq N^{\delta+1/2}\big)$
$\mathbb{P}(|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| \geq N^{\delta+1/2})$
tend to 0 when N tends to
Proof. The idea is to control the fluctuations of the local times around their deterministic limit: as long as
is large, the
will be close to the i.i.d. random variables of the coupling, so the fluctuations of
around its deterministic limit are bounded and
can be small only when the deterministic limit is small, that is, around
. We spell out the proof only for
, as the argument for
is similar.
The fact that
$\mathbb{P}\big(I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N \leq -N^{\delta+1/2}\big)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
comes from the inequalities (51) and (53) in [Reference Tóth and Vető17], so we only have to prove that
$\mathbb{P}(I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N \geq N^{\delta+1/2})$
tends to 0 when N tends to
. Since
$I^{-} \leq {\tilde{I}}^{-}$
, it is enough to prove that
$\mathbb{P}({\tilde{I}}^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N \geq N^{\delta+1/2})$
tends to 0 when N tends to
. Since by Lemma 2 we have that
tends to 0 when N tends to
, it is enough to prove that
$\mathbb{P}({\tilde{I}}^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N \geq N^{\delta+1/2},\big(\mathcal{B}_1^{-}\big)^c)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
We now assume N is large enough,
${\tilde{I}}^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N \geq N^{\delta+1/2}$
, and
. Then there exists
such that
$\ell^+(T_N,i) \leq \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor$
$\ell^+(T_N,j) > \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor$
for all
$j \in\{i+1,\ldots,\chi(N)-1\}$
. Thus, by (1) we get

Furthermore, for all
$j \in\{i+1,\ldots,\chi(N)-1\}$
, since
occurs and
$\ell^+(T_N,j) > \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor$
, we have
. We deduce that


Moreover, since
$i \in\{\lceil-(|x|+2\theta)N+N^{\delta+1/2}\rceil,\ldots,\chi(N)-1\}$
, we have

This yields
$\sum_{j=i+1}^{\chi(N)-1}\zeta_j+\lfloor N \theta\rfloor-\theta N+\frac{1}{2}N^{\delta+1/2}-1 \leq \big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor$
; hence

since N is large enough. Consequently, when N is large enough,

Since the
, are i.i.d., when N is large enough this yields

which tends to 0 when N tends to
by Lemma 4 (applied with
). This shows that
$\mathbb{P}\big(I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N \geq N^{\delta+1/2}\big)$
converges to 0 when N tends to
, which completes the proof of Lemma 7.
3.2. Control of low local times
We have to show that even when
is small, the local times are not too far from the random variables of the coupling. In order to do that, we first prove that the window where
is small but not zero—that is, between
and between
—is small. Afterwards, we will give bounds on what happens inside. We begin by showing the following easy result.
Lemma 8.
$\mathbb{P}({\tilde{I}}^{-} \geq 0)$
tends to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
Proof. Let N be large enough. If
${\tilde{I}}^{-} \geq 0$
, there exists
$i\in\{0,\ldots,\lfloor Nx\rfloor\}$
such that
$\ell^+(T_N,i)\leq\big\lfloor N^{1/6}\big\rfloor$
. Since N is large enough, this implies
$\ell^+(T_N,i)\leq N\theta/2$
; therefore

Moreover, by [Reference Tóth and Vető17, Theorem 1],
$\sup_{y \in \mathbb{R}}\big|\frac{1}{N}\ell^+\big(T_N,\lfloor N y\rfloor\big)-\Big(\frac{|x|-|y|}{2}+\theta\Big)_+\big|$
converges in probability to 0 when N tends to
; hence we deduce that

tends to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
. Therefore
$\mathbb{P}({\tilde{I}}^{-} \geq 0)$
tends to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
In order to control
, and
, we will use the fact that the local times behave as the Markov chain L from [Reference Tóth and Vető17], defined as follows. We consider i.i.d. copies of the Markov chain
starting at 0, called
. For any
, we then set
. We let
$\tau=\inf\{m\in\mathbb{N}\,|\,L(m) \leq 0\}$
. The following was proven in [Reference Tóth and Vető17].
Lemma 9. ([Reference Tóth and Vető17, Lemma 2].) There exists a constant
$K < +\infty$
such that for any
$k\in \mathbb{N}$
we have
$\mathbb{E}(\tau|L(0)=k) \leq 3k+K$
Since the local times will behave as L, Lemma 9 implies that if the local time starts out small, then the time at which it reaches 0 has small expectation and hence is not too large. This will help us to prove the following control on the window where
is small but not zero.
Lemma 10.
$\mathbb{P}\big(I^+-{\tilde{I}}^+ \geq N^{1/4}\big)$
$\mathbb{P}\big({\tilde{I}}^{-}-I^{-} \geq N^{1/4}\big)$
tend to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
Proof. Let N be large enough. We deal only with
$\mathbb{P}\big({\tilde{I}}^{-}-I^{-} \geq N^{1/4}\big)$
, since
$\mathbb{P}\big(I^+-{\tilde{I}}^+ \geq N^{1/4}\big)$
can be dealt with in the same way and with simpler arguments. Thanks to Lemma 8, it is enough to prove that
$\mathbb{P}\big({\tilde{I}}^{-}-I^{-} \geq N^{1/4},{\tilde{I}}^{-}<0\big)$
tends to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
. Moreover, if
${\tilde{I}}^{-} < 0$
, thanks to (1), for any
$i < {\tilde{I}}^{-}$
we get
, which allows us to prove that
$(\ell^+(T_N,{\tilde{I}}^{-}-i))_{i \in \mathbb{N}}$
is a Markov chain with the transition probabilities of L. Therefore, recalling the notation just before Lemma 9, we have

By Lemma 9 we deduce that

since N is large enough; hence
$\mathbb{P}({\tilde{I}}^{-}-I^{-} \geq N^{1/4},{\tilde{I}}^{-}<0)$
tends to 0 when
$N \to +\infty$
, which completes the proof.
We are now going to prove that even when
is small, the local times are not too far from the random variables of the coupling. More precisely, for any
, we define the following events:

Lemma 11.
tend to 0 when N tend to
Proof. The idea of the argument is that when
is large,
thanks to Lemma 2; that the window where
is small is bounded by Lemma 10; and that inside this window the
are also bounded by Lemma 3. We spell out the proof only for
, since the proof for
is the same. By Lemma 7, we have that
$\mathbb{P}(I^{-} \leq -2(|x|+\theta)N)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
. Furthermore, Lemma 10 implies that
$\mathbb{P}\big({\tilde{I}}^{-}-I^{-} \geq N^{1/4}\big)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
. In addition, by Lemmas 2 and 3 we have that
tend to 0 when N tends to
. Consequently, it is enough to prove that for N large enough, if
occur, if
${\tilde{I}}^{-}-I^{-} < N^{1/4}$
, and if
$I^{-} > -2(|x|+\theta)N$
, then
occurs. We assume
${\tilde{I}}^{-}-I^{-} < N^{1/4}$
, and
$I^{-} > -2(|x|+\theta)N$
. Since
occurs and
${\tilde{I}}^{-} \geq I^{-} > -2(|x|+\theta)N$
, we get
for any
. Therefore, if
we get

and for
$i \in \{I^{-},\ldots,{\tilde{I}}^{-}-1\}$
we have

$i+1 \geq I^{-} > -2(|x|+\theta)N$
, and by definition
${\tilde{I}}^{-} \leq \chi(N)-1 \leq 2(|x|+\theta)N$
. Moreover, we assumed
${\tilde{I}}^{-}-I^{-} < N^{1/4}$
, which implies

when N is large enough. Consequently, for any
we have

occurs, which completes the proof.
4. Skorokhod
The goal of this section is to prove that when N is large,
is close in the Skorokhod
distance to the function
defined as follows. For any N large enough, for
, we set

$y \in \Big[{-}|x|-2\theta,\frac{\chi(N)}{N}\Big)$

$y \in \Big[\frac{\chi(N)}{N},|x|+2\theta\Big)$
, and
otherwise. We want to prove the following proposition.
Proposition 5.
$\mathbb{P}\big(d_{M_1}\big(Y_N^\pm,Y_N\big) > 3N^{-1/12}\big)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
If we denote by
the event

it will be enough to prove the following proposition.
Proposition 6.
When N is large enough, for all
$a >0$
, we have that
$\mathcal{B}^c \subset \big\{d_{M_1,a}\big(Y_N^\pm|_{[{-}a,a]},Y_N|_{[{-}a,a]}\big) \leq 2N^{-1/12}\big\}$
of Proposition 5 given Proposition 6. We assume Proposition 6 holds. Then, when N is large enough, if
occurs, for all
$a >0$
we have
$d_{M_1,a}\big(Y_N^\pm|_{[{-}a,a]},Y_N|_{[{-}a,a]}\big) \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
, which yields that

This implies that
$\mathbb{P}\big(d_{M_1}\big(Y_N^\pm,Y_N\big) > 3 N^{-1/12}\big) \leq \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{B})$
when N is large enough. In addition,

Applying Lemmas 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 implies that
tends to 0 when N tends to
; hence
$\mathbb{P}\big(d_{M_1}\big(Y_N^\pm,Y_N\big) > 3 N^{-1/12}\big)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
, which is Proposition 5.
The remainder of this section is devoted to the proof of Proposition 6. The first thing we do is show that between
$\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N}$
$\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}$
, the functions
are close in uniform distance, which is the following lemma.
Lemma 12.
When N is large enough, if
, and
occur, we have the following: if
$I^+ < (|x|+2\theta)N$
, then for any

we have
$\big|Y_N^\pm(y)-Y_N(y)\big| \leq N^{-1/12}$
. If
$I^+ \geq (|x|+2\theta)N$
, then we have
$\big|Y_N^\pm(y)-Y_N(y)\big| \leq N^{-1/12}$
$y\in \left[\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N},\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N} \right)$
of Lemma 12. Writing down the proof is only a technical matter, as the meaning of
is that the local times are close to the process formed from the random variables of the coupling. The event
is there to ensure that the difference terms that appear will be small. We spell out the proof only for
, as the proof for
is similar. We assume
, and
. Then if

we exclude the case
$y=\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}\big)$
, we have
$y \in \big[\frac{\chi(N)}{N},|x|+2\theta\big)$
, so

thus by (1) we obtain that
is equal to

$y \in \big[\frac{\chi(N)}{N},\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}\big]$
$\lfloor N y\rfloor \in \{\chi(N),\ldots,I^+\}$
; thus
$\big|Y_N^{-}(y)-Y_N(y)\big| \leq \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}N^{1/3}+\frac{3}{\sqrt{N}} \leq N^{-1/12}$
when N is large enough. We now consider the case
$y \in \big[\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N},\frac{\chi(N)}{N}\big)$
. Then
$y \in \big[{-}|x|-2\theta,\frac{\chi(N)}{N}\big)$
, and hence

Now, (2) yields
$|\ell^{-}\big(T_N,\lfloor N y\rfloor\big)-\ell^+\big(T_N,\lfloor N y\rfloor\big)|=|\eta_{\lfloor N y\rfloor,-}\big(\ell^+\big(T_N,\lfloor N y\rfloor\big)\big)|$
, which is smaller than
thanks to
. We deduce that

thus (1) implies that
is smaller than

$y \in \Big[\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N},\frac{\chi(N)}{N}\Big)$
$\lfloor N y\rfloor \in \{I^{-},\ldots,\chi(N)-1\}$
; hence

when N is large enough. Consequently, for any
$y\in\big[\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N},\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}\big]$
we have
$\big|Y_N^{-}(y)-Y_N(y)\big| \leq N^{-1/12}$
, which completes the proof of Lemma 12.
We now prove Proposition 6. Let
be such that
. We will prove that when N is large enough,
$\mathcal{B}^c \subset \big\{d_{M_1,a}\big(Y_N^\pm|_{[{-}a,a]},Y_N|_{[{-}a,a]}\big) \leq 2N^{-1/12}\big\}$
, and the threshold for N given by the proof will not depend on the value of a. There will be two cases depending on whether a is smaller than
or not.
4.1. Case a ∈ (0, |x| + 2θ − N−1/8)
This is the easier case. Indeed, the interval
will then be contained in
$\Big[\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N},\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}\Big)$
, inside which
are close for the uniform norm by Lemma 12. We may then define parametric representations
‘following the graphs of
together’ so that
for all
, and

(an explicit construction of these representations can be found in the first arXiv version of this paper [Reference Marêché5]). We deduce that

Moreover, if
occurs, since
, for any
$y \in [{-}a,a]$
we have
$y \in \big({-}|x|-2\theta+N^{-1/8},|x|+2\theta-N^{-1/8}\big)$
; thus
$-(|x|+2\theta)N+N^{3/4} \leq N y \leq (|x|+2\theta)N-N^{3/4}$
, which implies
$I^{-} < N y < I^+$
, and hence
$y\in\big(\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N},\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}\big)$
. So by Lemma 12 we have
$\big|Y_N^\pm(y)-Y_N(y)\big| \leq N^{-1/12}$
. Consequently, if
occurs, then
$d_{M_1,a}\big(Y_N^\pm|_{[{-}a,a]},Y_N|_{[{-}a,a]}\big) \leq N^{-1/12}$
4.2. Case a > |x| + 2θ + N−1/8
This is the harder case, as we have to deal with what happens around
. We write down only the proof for
, since the proof for
is similar (one may remember that (2) allows us to bound the
occurs, and hence when
occurs). Once again, we will define parametric representations
. The definition will depend on whether
$I^+ \leq \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
or not, and also on whether
$I^{-} \geq -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
or not. We explain it for abscissas in [0,a] depending on whether
$I^+ \leq \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
or not; the constructions for abscissas in
are similar, depending on whether
$I^{-} \geq -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
or not.
We first assume
$I^+ \leq \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
. Between 0 and
, as in the case
, the parametric representations will follow the completed graphs of
in parallel (see Figure 1(a)). The next step, once
has reached
$\left(\frac{I^+}{N},Y_N^{-}\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)\right)$
, is to freeze it there while
follows the graph of
$\left(\frac{I^+}{N},Y_N\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)\right)$
(see Figure 1(b)). For
$y \geq \frac{I^+}{N}$
we have
$\ell^{-}\big(T_N,\lfloor N y\rfloor\big)=0$
(see Lemma 6); thus
, and hence
$Y_N^{-}\,:\,[\frac{I^+}{N},|x|+2\theta] \mapsto \mathbb{R}$
is affine. Therefore, the following step is to simultaneously move
$\left(\frac{I^+}{N},Y_N^{-}\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)\right)$
(see Figure 1(c)); here the two parametric representations will remain close. After this step, both parametric representations are at
, and they will go together to (a,0) (see Figure 1(d)).

Figure 1. The successive steps of the parametric representations of
$I^+ \leq \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
. At each step, the parts of the graphs through which the parametric representations travel are thickened.
We now assume
$I^+ > \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
. We also assume
$\frac{I^+}{N} \leq a$
$\frac{I^+}{N} > a$
, we may choose anything for
; this will not happen if
. Between 0 and
, the parametric representations will follow the completed graphs of
in parallel (see Figure 2(a)). Once the abscissa
is reached, the next step is to move
$\left(\frac{I^+}{N},Y_N^{-}\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)\right)$
, which is
, and at the same time to move
(see Figure 2(b)). We will prove the two representations are close by controlling the local times. At the next step we freeze
goes from
(see Figure 2(c)). After this step, both parametric representations are at
, and they will go together from
to (a,0) (see Figure 2(d)). Again, a more rigorous definition of the parametric representations is available in the first arXiv version of this paper [Reference Marêché5].

Figure 2. The successive steps of the parametric representations of
$I^+ > \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
. At each step, the parts of the graphs through which the parametric representations travel are thickened.
We can now bound the Skorokhod
distance between
. From its definition, we have

hence we only have to prove that
$\mathcal{B}^c \subset \{\max\big(\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty\big) \leq 2N^{-1/12}\}$
when N is large enough. We are going to break down
$\Big\{\max\big(\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty\big) \leq 2N^{-1/12}\Big\}$
into three events. We may write

Consequently, to prove that
$\mathcal{B}^c \subset \big\{\max\big(\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty\big) \leq 2N^{-1/12}\big\}$
when N is large enough and thus complete the proof of Proposition 6, we only have to prove the following lemmas.
Lemma 13.
We have
$\mathcal{B}^c \subset \Big\{$
$\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N}$
$\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N},\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty \leq 2N^{-1/12}\Big\}$
when N is large enough.
Lemma 14.
We have
$\mathcal{B}^c \cap \{I^+ \leq \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor\} \subset \Big\{$
$\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}$
and a,
$\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty \leq 2N^{-1/12}\Big\}$
$\mathcal{B}^c \cap \{I^{-} \geq -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor\} \subset \big\{$
$\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N}$
$\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty \leq 2N^{-1/12}\big\}\big)$
when N is large enough.
Lemma 15.
We have
$\mathcal{B}^c \cap \{I^+ > \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor\} \subset \Big\{$
$\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}$
and a,
$\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty \leq 2N^{-1/12}\Big\}$
$\mathcal{B}^c \cap \{I^{-} < -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor\} \subset \big\{$
$\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N}$
$\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty \leq 2N^{-1/12}\big\}\big)$
when N is large enough.
We now prove Lemmas 13, 14, and 15.
of Lemma 13. We assume
occurs. In the part of the parametric representations between
$\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N}$
$\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}$
, corresponding to Figures 1(a) and 2(a), we follow the completed graphs of
in parallel. Therefore

is not an integer or
, then by Lemma 12, this is smaller than
when N is large enough, and we are done. If
is an integer and
, there is a small complication, since the parametric representations follow the graph of
, but should follow the graph of
. The solution is to freeze the representation of
while that of
goes from
. Then, between
$\frac{({-}(|x|+2\theta)N) \vee I^{-}}{N}$
, we have

by Lemma 12 when N is large enough. Furthermore, when going from
, we have

when N is large enough. In addition, when N is large enough, (1) yields

occurs. This yields
$\big|r_N^{-}(t)-r_N(t)\big| \leq N^{-1/12}+\frac{N^{1/16}+1/2}{\sqrt{N}} \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
when N is large enough, which completes the proof.
of Lemma 14. This lemma deals with the ‘right part’ of the parametric representations in the case
$I^+ \leq \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
, and with the ‘left part’ in the case
$I^{-} \geq -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
, corresponding to Panels (b), (c), and (d) of Figure 1. The idea of the argument is that in the step corresponding to Figure 1(b), the representation of
does not move much horizontally, as
is close to
by Lemma 7, so it does not have time to move too much vertically. In the step corresponding to Figure 1(c), the representations of
will thus start from points that are close and go to the same point, which means they stay close to each other.
We now give the rigorous argument. We spell out the proof only for
$\mathcal{B}^c \cap \{I^+ \leq \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor\}$
, as the other case is similar. Let us assume
occurs and
$I^+ \leq \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
. Firstly, we notice that in the part of the parametric representations corresponding to Figure 1(d) we have
, so we consider only the parts corresponding to Figures 1(b) and 1(c). We first consider the case in which
is not an integer or
$I^+ < \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
. We begin by dealing with
. By the definition of our parametric representations,
$\big|u_N^{-}(t)-u_N(t)\big| \leq ||x\big|+2\theta-\frac{I^+}{N}\big|$
. Furthermore,
occurs; thus we have
$|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{3/4}$
, and hence
$\big|u_N^{-}(t)-u_N(t)\big| \leq N^{-1/4}$
We now deal with
. Remembering the definition of our parametric representations, we notice that in the part corresponding to Figure 1(c),
are affine functions, so the maximum value of
on this part is reached either at the beginning or at the end of the part. Moreover, at the end of the part we have
, so the maximum is reached at the beginning. Therefore, if
$\big|r_N^{-}(t)-r_N(t)\big| \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
in the part corresponding to Figure 1(b), then
$\big|r_N^{-}(t)-r_N(t)\big| \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
in the part corresponding to Figure 1(c), and this completes the proof when
is not an integer or
$I^+ < \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
We thus have to study the part corresponding to Figure 1(b). By the definition of our parametric representations,

so it is enough to prove that when N is large enough,
$\sup \left\{ \left|Y_N^{-}\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)-\right.\right.$
$ \left.Y_N(y) \right|\,:\,y\in \left.\left[\frac{I^+}{N},|x|+2\theta \right) \right\} \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
. Moreover, for any
$y\in \left[\frac{I^+}{N},|x|+2\theta \right)$
, we have

occurs, we have that
, and
occur; hence Lemma 12 implies
$\left|Y_N^{-}\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)-Y_N\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)\right| \leq N^{-1/12}$
when N is large enough, and so

We deduce that

occurs; hence
$|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{3/4}$
, and thus

occurs; hence

which is enough.
We now consider the case in which
is an integer and
$I^+ = \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
. Then the step corresponding to Figure 1(b) does not exist; we only have to deal with that of Figure 1(c), which comes mostly from Lemma 12, as this lemma ensures
are close (we will actually prove they are both close to 0). Since
$I^+ = \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
, we have
. Moreover,
$\ell^{-}(T_N,\lfloor N(|x|+2\theta) \rfloor)=\ell^{-}(T_N,I^+)=0$
, so
, and hence
. Furthermore,
$|r_N(t)|\leq |Y_N((|x|+2\theta)^{-})|$
. Therefore we only have to prove that
$|Y_N((|x|+2\theta)^{-})| \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
when N is large enough. In addition,
occurs; thus by Lemma 12 we have
$|Y_N((|x|+2\theta)^{-})-Y_N^{-}((|x|+2\theta)^{-})| \leq N^{-1/12}$
when N is large enough. Moreover, by the definition of
and by (1), we have

and since
occurs, which means we get

, this yields
$\big|Y_N^{-}((|x|+2\theta)^{-})\big|\leq N^{-1/4}$
, which implies
$|Y_N((|x|+2\theta)^{-})| \leq N^{-1/12}+N^{-1/4}< 2N^{-1/12}$
. This is enough to complete the proof of Lemma 14.
of Lemma 15. This lemma deals with the ‘right part’ of the parametric representations in the case
$I^+ > \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
, and with the ‘left part’ in the case
$I^{-} < -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
, corresponding to Panels (b), (c), and (d) of Figure 2. We first give an idea of the argument. The most important part of the proof is to deal with the step corresponding to Figure 2(b). In this step, the function
$Y_N^{-}(y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\ell^{-}\big(T_N,\lfloor Ny\rfloor\big)$
evolves as a sum of
by (1), which is close to the sum of
occurs. Since the
are i.i.d. with mean 0, the sum of
will be small, and the evolution of
will be close to that of a deterministic sum of
. Thus it reaches 0 at constant speed, which is also what our parametric representation of
We now give the proof, beginning with the details of the argument to deal with
$\mathcal{B}^c \cap \{I^{-} < -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor\}$
. Let us assume
occurs and
$I^{-} < -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
. We first see that
$\frac{I^{-}}{N} \geq -a$
, as since
occurs we have
$|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{3/4}$
, which implies
$\frac{I^{-}}{N} > -|x|-2\theta - N^{-1/4}$
, and by assumption
, so
, which implies
$\frac{I^{-}}{N} \geq -a$
. Moreover, in the part of the parametric representations corresponding to Figure 2(d), we have
. We now consider the equivalent of Figure 2(c). Then
, and
$\big|u_N^{-}(t)-u_N(t)\big| \leq \big|\frac{I^{-}}{N}+(|x|+2\theta)\big|$
, which is strictly smaller than
$|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{3/4}$
. It remains to consider the equivalent of Figure 2(b). Then
$\big|u_N^{-}(t)-u_N(t)\big| \leq \big|\frac{I^{-}}{N}+(|x|+2\theta)\big|$
, which is strictly smaller than
, so we only have to prove
$\big|r_N^{-}(t)-r_N(t)\big| \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
We are going to study

. By the definition of
we have

By (2) and since
occurs (remembering that
$\lfloor Ny\rfloor \geq I^{-} \geq -(|x|+2\theta)N-N^{3/4} \geq -\lceil2(|x|+2\theta)N\rceil$
), we deduce that

In addition, (1) yields the following:

occurs, this yields

As we also have

this implies

occurs, and hence
$|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{3/4}$
occurs; therefore we obtain that
$\sup_{y\in\big[\frac{I^{-}}{N},-|x|-2\theta\big]}\Big|Y_N^{-}(y)-Y_N^{-}({-}|x|-2\theta)+\frac{\lfloor (|x|+2\theta)N \rfloor-\lfloor Ny\rfloor}{2\sqrt{N}}\Big|$
is smaller than the quantity

when N is large enough. This yields
$\sup_{y\in\big[\frac{I^{-}}{N},-|x|-2\theta\big]}\big|Y_N^{-}(y)-Y_N^{-}({-}|x|-2\theta)+\frac{\lfloor (|x|+2\theta)N \rfloor-\lfloor Ny\rfloor}{2\sqrt{N}}\big|\leq 2 N^{-5/48}$
when N is large enough.
We also need an explicit expression for the parametric representations. Assume the part of [0,1] devoted to the equivalent of Figure 2(b) in the parametric representations is
. We set
equal to the affine function mapping
. Then, if
belongs to some
, we set
, while if
belongs to some
, we set

In addition, we set
, where
is the affine function mapping
$-|x|-2\theta-\frac{\lfloor (|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor+1}{N}$
to 0.
We recall that it is enough to prove
$\big|r_N^{-}(t)-r_N(t)\big| < 2N^{-1/12}$
. We are going to study
$\big|r_N^{-}(t)-Y_N^{-}({-}|x|-2\theta)+\frac{\sqrt{N}}{4}\phi(t)-\frac{\lfloor -(|x|+2\theta)N \rfloor}{2\sqrt{N}}\big|$
. We first suppose that
$i\in\{I^{-},\ldots,-\lfloor (|x|+2\theta)N \rfloor-1\}$
. In this case,
$\big|\frac{\phi(t)}{2}-\frac{1}{N}\lfloor N\big(\phi(t)-\frac{i}{N}\big)\rfloor\big| = \big|\frac{\phi(t)}{2}-\frac{i}{N}\big| \leq \frac{1}{2N}$
; hence

is smaller than
, which implies

We now consider the case
$i\in\{I^{-},\ldots,-\lfloor (|x|+2\theta)N \rfloor-1\}$
. We temporarily denote
for short, with
$\varepsilon \in [0,1]$
. Then we have
$r_N^{-}(t)=(1-\varepsilon)Y_N^{-}\big(\big(\frac{i+1}{N}\big)^{-}\big)+\varepsilon Y_N^{-}\big(\frac{i+1}{N}\big)$
$\big|\frac{\phi(t)}{2}-\frac{i}{N}\big| \leq \frac{1}{N}$
, and
$\big|\frac{\phi(t)}{2}-\frac{i+1}{N}\big| \leq \frac{1}{2N}$
. Therefore,

thanks to our bound on the supremum. Since this was also true for
$i\in\{I^{-},\ldots,-\lfloor (|x|+2\theta)N \rfloor-1\}$
, we have

The latter expression yields

is the affine function mapping
to 0. Therefore it is enough to prove

to complete the proof. Now,
$\hat\phi(\phi(t))-Y_N^{-}({-}|x|-2\theta)+\frac{\sqrt{N}}{4}\phi(t)-\frac{\lfloor -(|x|+2\theta)N \rfloor}{2\sqrt{N}}$
is an affine function of
, so it is enough to prove the bound for
and for
. We first consider
. By Lemma 6,
$\ell^{-}(T_N,I^{-}) = 0$
. Moreover,
$I^{-} < -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor$
, and hence
. We deduce that

which is enough. We now consider
. Then
$\Big|\hat\phi(\phi(t))-Y_N^{-}({-}|x|-2\theta)+\frac{\sqrt{N}}{4}\phi(t)-\frac{\lfloor -(|x|+2\theta)N \rfloor}{2\sqrt{N}}\Big|$
is equal to

by Lemma 12, which completes the proof for
$\mathcal{B}^c \cap \{I^{-} < -\lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor\}$
The argument to show that
$\mathcal{B}^c \cap \{I^+ > \lfloor(|x|+2\theta)N\rfloor\} \subset \big\{$
$\frac{((|x|+2\theta)N) \wedge I^+}{N}$
and a,
$\|u_N^{-}-u_N\|_\infty,\|r_N^{-}-r_N\|_\infty \leq 2N^{-1/12}\big\}$
is similar and simpler, except for the end of the argument, which we give here. In a similar way as in the previous case, we must bound

hence Lemma 12 yields

In addition, the definition of
and (1) yield that if
is not an integer, then
, while if
is an integer, then

occurs. In all cases we obtain
$\big|Y_N^{-}((|x|+2\theta)^{-})-Y_N^{-}(|x|+2\theta)\big|\leq \frac{N^{1/16}+1/2}{\sqrt{N}}$
; therefore,

which is a bound small enough to complete the proof of the lemma.
5. Convergence of the local times process: proof of Theorem 2 and Proposition 3
5.1. Proof of Theorem 2
Our aim is to prove that
converges in distribution to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
in the Skorokhod
topology on
when N tends to
. Proposition 5 yields that
is close to the function
defined by
$Y_N(y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\sum_{i=\lfloor N y\rfloor+1}^{\chi(N)-1}\zeta_i$
$y \in \big[{-}|x|-2\theta,\frac{\chi(N)}{N}\big)$
$Y_N(y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\sum_{i=\chi(N)}^{\lfloor N y\rfloor-1}\zeta_i$
$y \in \big[\frac{\chi(N)}{N},|x|+2\theta\big)$
, and
otherwise. One has the feeling that by Donsker’s invariance principle,
should converge to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
, and so we should be able to conclude quickly, but rigorously proving the convergence in the Skorokhod
topology on
is harder than it looks. We are instead going to use a similar argument with a new process
which will be ‘like
, but continuous in
’. We define it as follows. We first set a process
thus: if
, then
$Y^{\prime}_N(y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\sum_{i= N y+1}^{\chi(N)-1}\zeta_i$
$y \in \big({-}\infty,\frac{\chi(N)}{N}\big)$
$Y^{\prime}_N(y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\sum_{i=\chi(N)}^{N y-1}\zeta_i$
$y \in \big[\frac{\chi(N)}{N},+\infty\big)$
; in between,
is linearly interpolated. We then define
for any
. Then
will converge to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
and be close to
, as stated in the following two lemmas.
Lemma 16.
converges to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
in distribution when N tends to
for the Skorokhod
topology in
Lemma 17.
tends to 0 when N tends to
Given these two lemmas, the proof of Theorem 2 is fairly standard. One may for example look at the end of the proof of the Donsker invariance principle in [Reference Mörters and Peres8] (here
converges to the desired distribution instead of having it outright, but this convergence yields that the probability that
is in a closed set has the right limit). Thus we only have to prove Lemmas 16 and 17. In order to do this, we first need two easy lemmas which will also be used later in this work. If we denote by
the space of continuous functions
$[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta] \mapsto \mathbb{R}$
, then since the
are i.i.d. with law
, which is symmetric and so has zero mean, Donsker’s invariance principle yields the following.
Lemma 18.
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
for the topology defined on
by the uniform norm.
The following lemma is also easy to prove.
Lemma 19.
occurs, then
$\sup\{|Y_N(y)-Y^{\prime\prime}_N(y)|\,:\,y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\} \leq N^{-7/16}$
Proof. By the definition of
, we have

which is smaller than
We also need the following technical lemma in order to deduce results on the Skorokhod
topology from Lemmas 18 and 19.
Lemma 20.
, and let
$Z_1,Z_2 \in D({-}\infty,+\infty)$
be functions whose possible discontinuities belong to
. Then

Proof. Lemma 20 can be proved by writing, for each
$a \neq |x|+2\theta$
, parametric representations of the two processes on
‘following their completed graphs together’ (one can find an explicit construction of such representations in the first arXiv version of this paper [Reference Marêché5]).
Lemma 20 will allow us to deduce Lemma 16 from Lemma 18, and Lemma 17 from Lemma 19 and Proposition 5, which will complete the proof of Theorem 2.
of Lemma 16. Let
$f\,:\,D({-}\infty,+\infty) \mapsto \mathbb{R}$
be bounded and continuous with respect to the Skorokhod
topology on
. We need to prove that
converges to
$\mathbb{E}\big(f\big(\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}\big)\big)$
when N tends to
. We define
$g \,:\, C[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta] \mapsto \mathbb{R}$
for any
$Z \in C[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta]$
. We then have
$\mathbb{E}\big(f\big(\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}\big)\big)=\mathbb{E}\big(g\big(B^x |_{[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta]}\big)\big)$
; hence it is enough to prove that
converges to
$\mathbb{E}\big(g\big(B^x |_{[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta]}\big)\big)$
when N tends to
. Furthermore, Lemma 18 yields that
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
for the topology defined on
by the uniform norm. Consequently, we only have to prove that g is continuous for this topology.
be a sequence in
converging uniformly to
$Z \in C[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta]$
when k tends to
. Then Lemma 20 states that for all

Since the latter tends to 0 when k tends to
converges to
when k tends to
with respect to the Skorokhod
topology on
. Since f is continuous with respect to this topology,
converges to g(Z) when k tends to
. Consequently g is continuous for the topology defined on
by the uniform norm, which completes the proof.
Proof of Lemma 17. We have

when N is large enough. By Lemmas 19 and 20 we have
$\mathbb{P}\big(d_{M_1}\big(Y_N,Y^{\prime\prime}_N\big)>N^{-7/16}\big) \leq \mathbb{P}(\mathcal{B}_2)$
. Therefore
$\mathbb{P}\big(d_{M_1}\big(Y_N^\pm,Y^{\prime\prime}_N\big)>4N^{-1/12}\big) \leq \mathbb{P}\big(d_{M_1}\big(Y_N^\pm,Y_N\big)>3N^{-1/12}\big)+\mathbb{P}(\mathcal{B}_2)$
, which tends to 0 when N tends to
by Proposition 5 and Lemma 3.
5.2. Proof of Proposition 3
Our goal is to prove that for any closed interval
that does not contain
, the process
$\big(Y_N^\pm(y)\big)_{y\in I}$
converges in distribution to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in I}$
in the topology on D I given by the uniform norm when N tends to
. We first assume
(the case
can be dealt with in the same way). We are going to prove that outside an event of small probability,
$\big(Y_N^\pm(y)\big)_{y\in I}=0=\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in I}$
. For any
$y \geq (|x|+2\theta)\vee\frac{I^+}{N}$
, by Lemma 6 we have
$\ell^\pm\big(T_N,\lfloor Ny \rfloor\big)=0$
, and thus
. We deduce that as soon as
$\frac{I^+}{N} \leq a$
, we have
$\big(Y_N^\pm(y)\big)_{y\in I}=0=\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in I}$
. In addition, when N is large enough we have
$a \geq |x|+2\theta+N^{-1/4}$
. Therefore, when N is large enough,

which tends to 0 when N tends to
by Lemma 7. This yields that
$\big(Y_N^\pm(y)\big)_{y\in I}$
converges in distribution to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in I}\big)$
in the topology on D I given by the uniform norm.
We now deal with the case
$-|x|-2\theta < a < b < |x|+2\theta$
. The idea is that we will be far from the problems at
, so that
will be close to
in all I, and
converges to the right limit, which means
does as well. We first prove the following lemma.
Lemma 21.
For any
$-|x|-2\theta < a < b < |x|+2\theta$
, we have that
$\mathbb{P}\big(\|Y_N^\pm|_{[a,b]}-Y^{\prime}_N|_{[a,b]}\|_\infty > 2N^{-1/12}\big)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
Proof. We assume
, and
occur, as well as
$|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N|< N^{3/4}$
$|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N|< N^{3/4}$
. When N is large enough, we have
$a \geq -|x|-2\theta+N^{-1/4} > \frac{I^{-}}{N}$
$b \leq |x|+2\theta-N^{-1/4} < \frac{I^+}{N}$
, so
$[a,b] \subset \big(\frac{I^{-}}{N},\frac{I^+}{N}\big)$
. Therefore, for any
, Lemma 12 yields
$\big|Y_N^\pm(y)-Y_N(y)\big| \leq N^{-1/12}$
, and Lemma 19 gives
$\big|Y_N(y)-Y^{\prime}_N(y)\big| \leq N^{-7/16}$
. Hence we get
$\big|Y_N^\pm(y)-Y^{\prime}_N(y)\big| \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
, and we deduce
$\big\|Y_N^\pm|_{[a,b]}-Y^{\prime}_N|_{[a,b]}\big\|_\infty \leq 2N^{-1/12}$
. This implies

which tends to 0 when N tends to
thanks to Lemmas 3, 7, and 11.
Moreover, for any
$-|x|-2\theta < a < b < |x|+2\theta$
, by Donsker’s invariance principle,
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
for the topology defined on D[a, b] by the uniform norm. The proof of Proposition 3 from this is standard, as was the proof of Theorem 2 from Lemmas 16 and 17.
6. No convergence in the Skorokhod
topology: proof of Proposition 2
In this section, our aim is to prove that
does not converge in distribution in the Skorokhod
topology on
when N tends to
. We will first prove that if
converges in the Skorokhod
topology, then the limit has to be the same as in the Skorokhod
topology, that is,
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
, by Theorem 2 (this will be Lemma 22). Afterwards, we will prove that
does not converge in distribution in the Skorokhod
topology to
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
, by finding some closed set
such that
$\limsup_{N\to+\infty}\mathbb{P}\big(Y_N^\pm \in \Xi\big) > \mathbb{P}\big(\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}\in \Xi\big)$
, which is enough by the portmanteau theorem.
Lemma 22.
converges in distribution in the Skorokhod
topology on
when N tends to
, the limit is
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
Proof. The idea is that the Skorokhod
topology is stronger than the Skorokhod
topology. We assume
converges in distribution to some Z in the Skorokhod
topology on
when N tends to
. It can be proven that for any
we have
$d_{M_1,a} \leq d_{J_1,-a,a}$
. Indeed, this is Theorem 12.3.2 of [Reference Whitt19], whose proof is in the internet supplement of that book (just replace the points of discontinuity of
with their image by
). This implies
$d_{M_1} \leq d_{J_1}$
. Therefore, a function
$g \,:\, D({-}\infty,+\infty) \mapsto \mathbb{R}$
that is bounded and continuous for the Skorokhod
topology is also continuous for the Skorokhod
topology. We deduce that
converges to
when N tends to
; thus
converges in distribution to Z in the Skorokhod
topology when N tends to
. By Theorem 2, the limit has to be
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
We now define our closed set
. The idea behind this definition is that with high probability,
is at some distance from 0; hence, at some point around
will be close to
, and therefore at some distance from 0. Furthermore, at
the process
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
will jump directly from
to 0, while
, which can make only jumps of order
, will have to cross the distance separating
from 0 without any big jumps. Therefore, if
is much smaller than
, then
will enter the interval
for y near
, while
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
will not. We thus set
to be roughly ‘the function enters
’. More rigorously, by the definition of
, the random variable
has distribution
, which means there exists
such that
$\mathbb{P}\big(\big|B_{|x|+2\theta}^x\big| \leq 4\delta_1\big) \leq 1/8$
. Moreover,
is continuous; hence there exists
$0 < \delta_2 <\theta$
such that
$\mathbb{P}\big(\exists\, y \in \big[|x|+2\theta-\delta_2,|x|+2\theta\big], \big|B_y^x\big| \leq 3\delta_1\big) \leq 1/4$
. We then define

(the inclusion of
is necessary for
to be closed). Then
$\mathbb{P}\big(\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}} \in \Xi\big) \leq 1/4$
. We will prove the following two lemmas.
Lemma 23.
When N is large enough,
$\mathbb{P}\big(Y_N^\pm \in \Xi\big) \geq 1/2$
Lemma 24.
is closed in the Skorokhod
topology on
With these two lemmas, the proof of Proposition 2 becomes easy.
of Proposition 2. Lemma 23 yields
$\limsup_{N\to+\infty}\mathbb{P}\big(Y_N^\pm \in \Xi\big) \geq 1/2$
, and the definition of
ensures that
$\mathbb{P}\big(\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}} \in \Xi\big) \leq 1/4$
; hence
$\limsup_{N\to+\infty}\mathbb{P}\big(Y_N^\pm \in \Xi\big) > \mathbb{P}\big(\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}\in \Xi\big)$
. Since Lemma 24 yields that
is closed in the Skorokhod
topology on
, the portmanteau theorem implies that
does not converge in distribution in the Skorokhod
topology on
$\big(B_y^x \mathbb{1}_{\{y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\}}\big)_{y\in\mathbb{R}}$
when N tends to
. Hence Lemma 22 yields that
does not converge in distribution in the Skorokhod
topology on
when N tends to
, which is Proposition 2.
Thus it remains only to prove Lemmas 23 and 24.
of Lemma 23. The idea is that with good probability, when y is a bit smaller than
, we have that
is of the same order as
, and is thus away from 0, while when y is a bit larger than
, we have
, so, since
can only make jumps of order
, it will enter
We now give the rigorous argument. We begin by assuming that
$\big|Y_N^\pm(|x|+2\theta-\delta_2)\big| > 3\delta_1$
(that is,
is indeed away from 0 when y is a bit smaller than
), that
occurs, and that
$|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{3/4}$
; and we prove that when N is large enough,
$Y_N^\pm \in \Xi$
. We first show that
. When N is large enough,
$\frac{I^+}{N} \leq |x|+2\theta+N^{-1/4} \leq |x|+2\theta+\delta_2$
. Moreover, Lemma 6 implies
$\ell^\pm\big(T_N,\lfloor Ny \rfloor\big)=0$
for any
$y \geq \frac{I^+}{N}$
, and hence for
. This yields
. Moreover, we assumed
$\big|Y_N^\pm(|x|+2\theta-\delta_2)\big| > 3\delta_1$
. Equations (1) and (2) yield that the jumps of
are either
(if we are dealing with
) or
(if we are dealing with
), with
. Since
occurs, the jumps of
have size at most
, which tends to 0 when N tends to
. Therefore, when N is large enough, there exists
$y \in [|x|+2\theta-\delta_2,|x|+2\theta+\delta_2]$
such that
; hence
. Consequently, when N is large enough, if
$\big|Y_N^\pm(|x|+2\theta-\delta_2)\big| > 3\delta_1$
, and
$|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{3/4}$
. This implies that

In addition, Lemma 3 and Lemma 7 yield respectively that
$\mathbb{P}\big(|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| \geq N^{3/4}\big)$
tend to 0 when N tends to
. Therefore, it is enough to prove that
$\mathbb{P}\big(\big|Y_N^\pm(|x|+2\theta-\delta_2)\big| \leq 3\delta_1\big) \leq 3/8$
when N is large enough to deduce that
$\mathbb{P}(Y_N^\pm \not\in \Xi) \leq 1/2$
when N is large enough and complete the proof of Lemma 23.
We now prove that
$\mathbb{P}\big(\big|Y_N^\pm(|x|+2\theta-\delta_2)\big| \leq 3\delta_1\big) \leq 3/8$
when N is large enough, by noticing that
is close to
, which will converge in distribution to
when N tends to
. Lemma 21 implies that
$\mathbb{P}\big(\|Y_N^\pm|_{[0,|x|+2\theta-\delta_2]}-Y^{\prime}_N|_{[0,|x|+2\theta-\delta_2]}\|_\infty > 2N^{-1/12}\big)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
; hence
$\mathbb{P}\big(\big|Y_N^\pm(|x|+2\theta-\delta_2)-Y^{\prime}_N(|x|+2\theta-\delta_2)\big| > 2N^{-1/12}\big)$
tends to 0 when N tends to
, which implies
converges in probability to 0 when N tends to
. In addition, Lemma 18 states that
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
for the topology defined on
by the uniform norm; hence
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
. Therefore, Slutsky’s theorem yields that
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
. Moreover, we defined
so that
$\mathbb{P}(\exists\, y \in [|x|+2\theta-\delta_2,|x|+2\theta], |B_y^x| \leq 3\delta_1) \leq 1/4$
; hence
$\mathbb{P}\big(\big|B_{|x|+2\theta-\delta_2}^x\big| \leq 3\delta_1\big) \leq 1/4$
. This implies that when N is large enough,
$\mathbb{P}\big(\big|Y_N^\pm(|x|+2\theta-\delta_2)\big| \leq 3\delta_1\big) \leq 3/8$
of Lemma 24. Let
be a sequence of elements of
converging to Z in the Skorokhod
topology on
; we will prove that
$Z \in \Xi$
. By taking a subsequence, we may assume
$d_{J_1}(Z,Z_N) < e^{-|x|-2\theta-\delta_2-1}/N$
for any
. Then for any
, some
$a_N > |x|+2\theta+\delta_2+1$
such that
$d_{J_1,-a_N,a_N}\big(Z|_{[{-}a_N,a_N]},Z_N|_{[{-}a_N,a_N]}\big) \leq 1/N$
will exist. Indeed, if this were not the case, for some N we would have

which does not happen. For all
$N\in \mathbb{N}^*$
, since
$d_{J_1,-a_N,a_N}\big(Z|_{[{-}a_N,a_N]},Z_N|_{[{-}a_N,a_N]}\big) \leq 1/N$
, there exists
$\lambda_N \in \Lambda_{-a_N,a_N}$
$\|Z|_{[{-}a_N,a_N]} \circ \lambda_N - Z_N|_{[{-}a_N,a_N]}\|_\infty\leq 2/N$
$\|\lambda_N-\mathrm{Id}_{-a_N,a_N}\|_\infty \leq 2/N$
. Moreover,
; hence there exists
$y_N \in [|x|+2\theta-\delta_2,|x|+2\theta+\delta_2]$
such that
. We now define
as follows: if
we set
. Otherwise, since
, we can take some
such that
. In both cases, we have
$y^{\prime}_N \in [|x|+2\theta-\delta_2-1/N,|x|+2\theta+\delta_2]$
. Furthermore,
$\|\lambda_N-\mathrm{Id}_{-a_N,a_N}\|_\infty \leq 2/N$
; hence
$|\lambda_N\big(y^{\prime}_N\big)-y^{\prime}_N| \leq 2/N$
, and thus
$\lambda_N\big(y^{\prime}_N\big) \in [|x|+2\theta-\delta_2-3/N,|x|+2\theta+\delta_2+2/N]$
. In addition,
$\big\|Z\big(\lambda_N\big(y^{\prime}_N\big)\big) - Z_N\big(y^{\prime}_N\big)\big\|_\infty\leq 2/N$
; hence
. By taking a subsequence, we may assume that
converges to some
$y_\infty\in [|x|+2\theta-\delta_2,|x|+2\theta+\delta_2]$
. In addition, Z is càdlàg, so there is a subsequence of
that converges to either
. Since
, we have
. Therefore
$Z\in \Xi$
, which completes the proof.
7. Convergence of the stopping time: proof of Proposition 4
We want to prove Proposition 4, that is, the convergence in distribution of
to the law
when N tends to
. In order to do that, we will prove that
is close to
was defined at the beginning of Section 5.1), then that
converges to the desired distribution.
Proposition 7. We have that

tends to 0 when N tends to
Proof. The result will come from the fact that
can be written as the sum of the local times, which is itself related to the integrals of
, which are close to
by Lemma 12 and hence to
by Lemma 19. It is enough to prove that if
, and
occur and if
$|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
$|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
, then

since Lemma 3 implies that
tends to 0 when N tends to
, Lemma 11 implies that
tend to 0 when N tends to
, and Lemma 7 implies that
$\mathbb{P}\big(|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| \geq N^{5/8}\big)$
$\mathbb{P}\big(|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| \geq N^{5/8}\big)$
tend to 0 when N tends to
. We assume that
, and
occur and that
$|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
$|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
. Let us study
In order to do this, we first need to prove an auxiliary result—more precisely, that the following holds when N is large enough:

We prove (6) for the case
$|i-I^{-}| \leq N^{5/8}+1$
, since the other case is similar. Let
$i \in \mathbb{Z}$
so that
$|i-I^{-}| < N^{5/8}+1$
. We notice that since
$|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
we have
$I^{-},i < 0$
when N is large enough, so (1) yields

thus, since
, we have

In addition, we assumed
; hence

when N is large enough. Furthermore, (2) implies

thanks to
, and hence
$\ell^{-}(T_N,i) \leq 3N^{11/16}+N^{1/16}+1/2 \leq 4 N^{11/16}$
when N is large enough, which completes the proof of (6).
We now write
as the sum of the local times and relate
to the integral of
. We have
$T_N = \sum_{i\in\mathbb{Z}}(\ell^+(T_N,i)+\ell^{-}(T_N,i))$
. Moreover, Lemma 6 implies that for all
$i \geq I^+$
$i \leq I^{-}$
we have
. Consequently,

We thus have

Since we assumed
$|I^{-}+(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
$|I^+-(|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
, Equation (6) yields

We now prove that

is close to
. We begin by considering

We first assume
$I^+ \geq (|x|+2\theta)N$
. Since we assumed that
, and
occur, Lemma 12 yields

In addition, we know
$I^+ - (|x|+2\theta)N \leq N^{5/8}$
and (6); hence

We deduce that

We now assume
$I^+ < (|x|+2\theta)N$
. In this case, we have

Moreover, Lemma 12 yields

Furthermore, for
$y \geq \frac{I^+}{N}$
we have
$\ell^\pm\big(T_N,\lfloor Ny\rfloor\big)=0$
. Since
$|I^+ - (|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
, this yields
$\big|Y_N^\pm(y)\big| \leq \frac{1}{2}N^{1/8}$
. Thus

We deduce that

In addition, for any
, we have

Lemma 12 yields that
$\left|Y_N\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)-Y_N^{-}\left(\frac{I^+}{N} \right)\right| \leq N^{-1/12}$
, and since
$|I^+ - (|x|+2\theta)N| < N^{5/8}$
we have


occurs. Thus

We deduce that

Consequently, in all cases,

One can prove similarly that

We conclude that

We are now in position to conclude. Indeed, the previous result and (7) imply that when N is large enough,
$|\frac{1}{N^{3/2}}\big(T_N-N^2(|x|+2\theta)^2\big)- 2\int_{-(|x|+2\theta)}^{|x|+2\theta}Y_N(y)\mathrm{d}y| \leq 16N^{-13/16}+4(|x|+2\theta)N^{-1/12}+16N^{-3/16}$
. Moreover,
occurs, so Lemma 19 yields
$\sup\{\big|Y_N(y)-Y^{\prime}_N(y)\big|\,:\,y\in[{-}|x|-2\theta,|x|+2\theta)\} \leq N^{-7/16}$
; therefore

We deduce that when N is large enough,

which completes the proof.
Now that we know
is close to
, we need to prove that
converges to the desired distribution. In order to do so, we will use the convergence of
to a Brownian motion as stated in Lemma 18; thus
will converge to the integral of a Brownian motion. The law of the latter is characterized by the following lemma, where we denote by
a standard Brownian motion with
. This lemma is quite standard (the interested reader can find a proof in the first arXiv version of this paper [Reference Marêché5]).
Lemma 25.
For any
, the integral
$\int_0^y B_{z} \mathrm{d}z$
has distribution
We are now able to prove Proposition 4.
of Proposition 4. Proposition 7 implies that the quantity
converges in probability to 0 when N tends to
. Hence, by Slutsky’s theorem, to prove Proposition 4, it is enough to prove that
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
. In addition, by Lemma 18,
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
, for the topology defined on
by the uniform norm. The integral between
is continuous for this topology, so
converges in distribution to
when N tends to
. Furthermore,
is a two-sided Brownian motion with
and variance
, which means we can write

are independent. In addition,
has the distribution of
, which we know is
by Lemma 25, and
$\int_{-|x|-2\theta}^x B_y^x\mathrm{d}y$
has the distribution of
, which is
by Lemma 25. We obtain that
has the distribution

converges in distribution to
when N tends to
, which completes the proof of Proposition 4.
The author wishes to thank Thomas Mountford for introducing her to this random walk and pointing her to some references.
Funding information
The author was supported by the University of Strasbourg Initiative of Excellence.
Competing interests
There were no competing interests to declare which arose during the preparation or publication process of this article.