1 Introduction
To a continuous, surjective self-map
of a compact metric space one can associate its topological entropy. Roughly speaking, this number measures how fast general points spread out under the iterations of the automorphism. By the work of Gromov [Reference Gromov6] and Yomdin [Reference Yomdin18], on a compact Kähler manifold
, the topological entropy can be calculated in terms of the action of
on the cohomology groups
$H^{\ast }(X,\mathbb{Z})$
. In this case, the topological entropy is either zero or the logarithm of an algebraic number. More precisely, for K3 surfaces it is a Salem number. The degree of its minimal polynomial over
is called its Salem degree. Esnault and Srinivas [Reference Esnault and Srinivas5] extended the notion of entropy to projective surfaces over an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic.
Salem numbers of degree 22 were used by McMullen [Reference McMullen9] to construct K3 surfaces admitting an automorphism with Siegel disks. These are domains on which
acts by an irrational rotation. Since the Salem degree of a projective surface is bounded by its Picard number
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}\leqslant 20$
, McMullen’s examples cannot be projective. They remain abstract objects.
However, in positive characteristic, there exist K3 surfaces with Picard number 22, so there may exist automorphisms of Salem degree 22. As pointed out by Esnault and Oguiso [Reference Esnault and Oguiso3], a specific feature of such automorphisms is that they do not lift to any characteristic zero model. One such surface is the supersingular K3 surface
of Artin invariant one defined over
. Abstractly, Blanc and Cantat [Reference Blanc and Cantat2] and Esnault et al. [Reference Esnault, Oguiso and Yu4] proved the existence of automorphisms of Salem degree 22 on
$p\neq 5$
, 7, 13, while Shimada [Reference Shimada15] exhibited such automorphisms on every supersingular K3 surface in all odd characteristics
$p\leqslant 7919$
using double plane involutions. Meanwhile, Schütt [Reference Schütt12] exhibited explicit automorphisms of Salem degree 22 on
for all
$p\equiv 2~\text{mod}\,3$
using elliptic fibrations.
Building on his methods, we obtain the main result of this paper.
Theorem 1.1. The supersingular K3 surface
of Artin invariant one admits explicit automorphisms of Salem degree 22 for all primes
$p\equiv 3~\text{mod}\,4$
. Such automorphisms do not lift to any characteristic zero model of
be the K3 surface over
defined by
. For
$p\equiv 3~\text{mod}\,4$
, its specialization mod
is the supersingular K3 surface
of Artin invariant one. The automorphisms are constructed in the following steps.
(1) Find generators of
$NS(X)$ using the elliptic fibration.
(2) Complement the generators of
$NS(X)$ by two sections
$P,R$ to generators of
$NS(X(p))$ using a purely inseparable base change.
(3) Compute the intersection matrix of
$NS(X(p))$ .
(4) Search for extended
$ADE$ -configurations of
$(-2)$ -curves in
$NS(X)$ . These induce elliptic fibrations on
$X$ .
$P$ and
$R$ induce sections of the new elliptic fibration.
(6) The sections induce automorphisms of
$X(p)$ . Compute their action on
$NS(X(p))$ .
(7) Compose automorphisms obtained from different fibrations to obtain one of the desired Salem degree.
2 Supersingular K3 surfaces
A K3 surface over an algebraically closed field
is a smooth surface with
Common examples are smooth quartics in
and double covers of
branched over a smooth sextic. The group of divisors modulo algebraic equivalence is called the Néron–Severi group
. Its rank is called the Picard number. Equipped with the intersection pairing,
is a lattice (see Section 4). A singular K3 surface over
is one whose Picard number
which is the maximal possible. Here “singular” is meant in the sense of exceptional rather than nonsmooth. In positive characteristic, however, the Picard number is only bounded by the second Betti number
, and K3 surfaces reaching the maximum possible Picard number
are called supersingular. Supersingular K3 surfaces are classified according to their Artin invariant
defined by
$\det NS(X)=-p^{2\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}},\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}\in \{1,\ldots ,10\}$
(see [Reference Artin1]). By the work of Ogus [Reference Ogus10], there is a unique K3 surface of Artin invariant
, over
of characteristic
. We denote it by
Supersingular K3 surfaces arise from singular K3 surfaces as follows.
Proposition 2.1. [Reference Schütt12]
be a singular K3 surface defined over a number field
, and let
$d=\det NS(X)$
. If
is a prime of good reduction above
$p\in \mathbb{N}$
, then
$X_{p}:=X\times \text{Spec}\,\overline{\mathbb{F}}_{p}$
is supersingular if
is inert in
As noticed by Shimada [Reference Shimada14], if
$\det NS(X)$
is coprime to
, then the Artin invariant is
. The reason for this is that
3 Automorphisms and dynamics
A Salem polynomial is an irreducible monic polynomial
$S(x)\in \mathbb{Z}[x]$
of degree
such that its complex roots are of the form
The unique positive root
outside the unit disk is called a Salem number.
The following theorem is due to McMullen [Reference McMullen9] over
and Esnault and Srinivas [Reference Esnault and Srinivas5] in positive characteristic.
Theorem 3.1. Let
be a smooth projective K3 surface over an algebraically closed field
, and let
$f\in \mathit{Aut}(X)$
be an automorphism. Then, the characteristic polynomial of
$f^{\ast }|H_{\acute{e} t}^{2}(X,\mathbb{Q}_{l}(1))$
$k\neq l$
) factors into cyclotomic polynomials and at most one Salem polynomial. If a Salem factor
occurs, then
$\ker S(f^{\ast })\subseteq NS(X)$
Notice that over
we can work equally well with the singular cohomology groups
and prove the result via Hodge decomposition. The theorem motivates the following definition. Given a smooth projective surface over an algebraically closed field and an automorphism
$f:X\rightarrow X$
, the entropy
is defined as
$r(f^{\ast }|NS(X))$
is the spectral radius of the linear map
$f^{\ast }|NS(X)\otimes \mathbb{Q}$
; that is, the maximum of the absolute values of its complex eigenvalues. The entropy is either zero or the logarithm of a Salem number
. The degree of the Salem polynomial corresponding to
is called the Salem degree of
By the work of Esnault and Srinivas [Reference Esnault and Srinivas5], this is compatible with the definition of topological entropy for smooth complex projective surfaces.
, due to Hodge theory, the rank of the Néron–Severi group is bounded by
. Hence, an automorphism on a complex projective K3 surface has Salem degree at most 20. In the nonprojective case, McMullen [Reference McMullen9] constructed K3 surfaces with automorphisms of Salem degree 22. In positive characteristic, however, K3 surfaces may have Picard rank 22, and there automorphisms of Salem degree 22 occur. A specific feature of such automorphisms is that they do not lift to any characteristic zero model.
4 Lattices
In this section, we fix our notation concerning lattices. A lattice
is a finitely generated free
module equipped with a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear pairing
$L\times L\rightarrow \mathbb{Q}$
. If it is integer valued, then the lattice is called integral. The pairing identifies
is integral, it induces an embedding
$L{\hookrightarrow}L^{\ast }$
. The finite quotient
$A_{L}:=L^{\ast }/L$
is called the discriminant group of
. Given a
, the determinant of the Gram matrix
is independent of the choice of basis and is called the determinant of
. Its absolute value is the order of the discriminant group. In this basis, the dual lattice is generated by the columns of
. Given an embedding
of integral lattices of the same rank,
is a subquotient of
and we get
A lattice is called unimodular if it is integral and has
. An embedding
of lattices is called primitive if
is torsion free. If
is a primitive embedding of integral lattices and
is unimodular, then
$A_{M}\cong A_{M^{\bot }}$
, where
$M^{\bot }$
is the orthogonal complement of
. We define the length of a finite abelian group by its minimum number of generators. Note that
$l(A_{L})\leqslant \text{rk}\,L$
. A lattice is called
-elementary if
, or equivalently if
is an
vector space.
5 Elliptic fibrations on K3 surfaces
A genus-one fibration on a surface
is a surjective map
to a smooth curve
such that the generic fiber is a smooth curve of genus one. We call it an elliptic fibration, if the additional datum of a section
is given. Indeed, all genus-one fibrations occurring throughout this paper admit a section. This turns the generic fiber of an elliptic fibration into an elliptic curve
, the function field of
. For a K3 surface,
is the only possibility. There is a one to one correspondence between
-rational points of
and sections of
. Both of these sets are abelian groups, which we call the Mordell–Weil group of the fibration. This is denoted by
, where
are suppressed from the notation if confusion is unlikely. The addition on
is denoted by
A good part of
is readily available: the trivial lattice
are understood, we suppress them from the notation. By the results of Kodaira [Reference Kodaira7] and Tate [Reference Tate17], the trivial lattice decomposes as an orthogonal direct sum of a hyperbolic plane spanned by
together with the fiber
and negative definite root lattices of type
consisting of fiber components disjoint from
. Note that the singular fibers (except in some cases in characteristics 2 and 3) are determined by the
-invariant and discriminant of the elliptic curve
An advantage of elliptic fibrations is that they structure the Néron–Severi group into sections and fibers, as given by the following theorem.
Theorem 5.1. [Reference Shioda13]
There is a group isomorphism
The Mordell–Weil group can be equipped with a positive definite symmetric
-valued bilinear form via the orthogonal projection with respect to
$NS(X)\otimes \mathbb{Q}$
and switching sign. Explicitly, it is given as follows. Let
$P,Q\in \text{MW}(X,O)$
, and denote by
the set of singular fibers of the fibration. Then,
where the dot denotes the intersection product on the smooth surface
. The term
is the local contribution at a singular fiber, given as follows. If one of the two sections involved meets the same component of the singular fiber
as the zero section, then the contribution at
is zero. If this is not the case, the contribution is nonzero and depends on the fiber type. We only need the types
$\mathit{III}^{\ast }$
$I_{0}^{\ast }$
; for the others consult [Reference Shioda13]. If
is of type
$\mathit{III}^{\ast }$
), the contribution is equal to
) if
meet the same component of
and zero otherwise. For
of type
$I_{0}^{\ast }$
, we have
if they meet in the same component and
otherwise. Equipped with this pairing,
is a positive definite lattice. In general, it is not integral.
6 Isotrivial fibration
In this section, we compute generators of the Néron–Severi group as well as their intersection matrix.
Proposition 6.1. Let
be the K3 surface over
defined by the Weierstrass equation
Then, its Néron–Severi group is generated by fiber components, the zero section and the 2-torsion section
. It is of rank 20 and determinant
Proof. By the theory of Mordell–Weil lattices,
is spanned by fiber components and sections. The elliptic fibration has
-invariant equal to 1728 and discriminant
. Using the classification of singular fibers by Kodaira and Tate, we get that the fibration has two fibers of type
$\mathit{III}^{\ast }$
and one fiber of type
$I_{0}^{\ast }$
. Hence, the trivial lattice
is of the form
$L\cong U\oplus 2E_{7}\oplus D_{4}$
. Since it is of the maximum possible rank 20, the fibration admits no section of infinite order. The determinant
of the trivial lattice implies that only 2- or 4-torsion may appear. Obviously,
is the only 2-torsion section, and 4-torsion may not occur due to the singular fibers. Alternatively, the reader may note that additional torsion turns
into a unimodular lattice of signature
. Such a lattice does not exist.◻
Note that the
is constant. Hence, all smooth fibers are isomorphic – such a fibration is called isotrivial.
Proposition 6.2. For
$p\equiv 3~\text{mod}\,4$
, the surface
$X(p):=X\otimes \overline{\mathbb{F}}_{p}$
is the supersingular K3 surface of Artin invariant one.
Proof. The singular K3 surface
has good reduction at
$p\neq 2$
$\det NS(X)=-4$
. A prime
is inert in
if and only if
$p\equiv 3~\text{mod}\,4$
. Thus, by Proposition 2.1, for all
$p\equiv 3~\text{mod}\,4$
, the K3 surface
$X(p):=X\otimes \overline{\mathbb{F}}_{p}$
is supersingular; that is,
. It is known that
is a
-elementary lattice of determinant
, where
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}\in \{1,\ldots ,10\}$
is called the Artin invariant of
. Following an argument by Shimada [Reference Shimada14], we show that
. Via specialization, we get an embedding
. Therefore,
$NS(X)\oplus i(NS(X))^{\bot }{\hookrightarrow}NS(X(p))$
. Since
$p\neq 2$
, the
-part of
$A_{NS(X)\oplus i(NS(X))^{\bot }}=A_{NS(X)}\oplus A_{i(NS(X))^{\bot }}$
equals that of
$A_{i(NS(X))^{\bot }}$
. Hence, it is of length at most two. However, the
-part of
is a subquotient of this. We conclude that its
-part has length at most two. On the other hand,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}\in \{1,\ldots ,10\}$
, which implies that
$2\leqslant 2\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}=l(A_{NS(X(p))})\leqslant 2$
Our next task is to work out generators of
$p\equiv 3~\text{mod}\,4$
. By Theorem 5.1, it is generated by sections and fiber components. Reducing
, we see that the fiber types are preserved mod
(even in case
; cf. [Reference Silverman16, p. 365]). Hence, sections of infinite order must appear. Generally, it is hard to compute sections of an elliptic fibration. For this special fibration, there is a trick involving a purely inseparable base change of degree
into a Zariski surface.
Proposition 6.3. Let
be a prime number. Then, the Néron–Severi group of
defined by
is generated by the sections
and fiber components, where
denotes the section at infinity,
is the 2-torsion section,
We have the following intersection numbers, symmetric in
Proof. One can check directly that
are sections of the elliptic fibration, and the patient reader may calculate their intersection numbers by hand. Since
has Artin invariant
$\det NS(X)=-p^{2\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}}=-p^{2}$
. All that remains is to compute the intersection matrix of these four sections and the fiber components. One can check that it has a
$22\times 22$
minor of determinant
. This minor corresponds to a basis of
For later reference, we fix the following
-basis of the Néron–Severi group, where the fiber components are sorted as indicated in Figure 1, and
is distinguished by
Blue vertexes and edges belong to fibers. Replacing
by one of the missing components of the
$I_{0}^{\ast }$
fiber results in a
- instead of a
-basis. This is predicted by Theorem 5.1.
Figure 1. Twenty-four
-curves of
supporting singular fibers of type
$I_{0}^{\ast },2\times \mathit{III}^{\ast }$
(blue) and torsion sections of
For the intersection matrix in this basis, one obtains
In the remaining part of this section, we explain how the sections
are found and give an alternative way of computing their intersection numbers.
Recall that we assume that
$p\equiv 3~\text{mod}\,4$
and write
. Consider the purely inseparable base change
$t\mapsto t^{p}$
. This changes the equation as follows:
We minimize this equation using the birational map
This leads to the surface
given by
After another base change
$t\mapsto t^{p}$
, we get
and minimizing the fibration
we recover
Instead of directly searching for sections on
, we exhibit two sections on
and pull them back to
. The
-invariant of
is still equal to 1728, but
. For
$p\neq 3$
, this leads to two singular fibers of type
and a singular fiber of type
$I_{0}^{\ast }$
. The Euler number of this surface is
$2e(\mathit{III})+e(I_{0}^{\ast })=2\cdot 3+6=12$
. By general theory, it is rational. The trivial lattice is isomorphic to
This lattice is of determinant
and rank 8. From the theory of elliptically fibered rational surfaces, we know that
$\det NS(Y)=-1$
, which implies that
has Mordell–Weil rank 2. Define
Then, by Theorem 5.1,
$\text{Triv}^{\prime }(Y)/\text{Triv}(Y)\cong \text{MW}_{tors}$
. Since
is a 2-torsion section, we know that
As even unimodular lattices of signature
do not exist,
is impossible. We conclude that
is the only torsion section.
To find a section of infinite order, we first determine the Mordell–Weil lattice and then translate this information to equations of the section. Since
, the elliptic curve admits complex multiplication given by
$(x,y)\mapsto (-x,iy)$
. Obviously,
are the unique sections fixed by this action. Hence, the Mordell–Weil lattice admits an isometry of order four, which, viewed as an element of
, may only be a rotation by
$\pm {\textstyle \frac{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}}{2}}$
. Up to isometry, all positive definite lattices of rank 2 admitting an isometry of order four have a Gram matrix of the form
for some
. The formula
$\det NS(Y)=-1$
$\det \text{Triv}^{\prime }(Y)=4$
, resulting from the definition of
via the orthogonal projection with respect to
$\text{Triv}^{\prime }(Y)$
, yields
We search for a section
is the Euler characteristic of
$c_{0},c_{\infty }\in \{0,1/2\},c_{1}\in \{0,1\}$
are the contributions at the singular fibers;
$P.O\in \mathbb{N}$
is the intersection number. This immediately implies
. Let us assume
$c_{0}=1/2,c_{\infty }=0$
. The section
can be given by
, where
are rational functions. Over the chart containing
, it is given by
, where
. As poles of these functions correspond to intersections with the zero section, we know that
are actually polynomials. Therefore,
$\deg x\leqslant 2$
$\deg y\leqslant 3$
. Furthermore, if
intersects the same fiber component as the zero section, then the contribution
of that fiber is zero. The other components arise by blowing up the singularities of the Weierstraß model in
. Hence,
. Putting this information together, we obtain
for some constant
and a polynomial
of degree one. A quick calculation yields the sections
. Note that
contains exactly four sections of height
. Furthermore,
$\langle P^{\prime },R^{\prime }\rangle =0$
. (Otherwise,
$P=\ominus R$
, which is clearly false.) The two further Galois conjugates of
correspond to the missing two sections
$\ominus P$
$\ominus R$
Now we pull back
$P^{\prime }$
$R^{\prime }$
via the map
and get the sections
It remains to compute the intersection numbers involving
. This can be done by blowing up the singularities and then computing the intersections. However, by applying some more of Shioda’s theory, we can avoid the blowing up. From the behavior of the height pairing under base extension (cf. [Reference Shioda13, Proposition 8.12]), we know that
and get the equation
Note that a fiber of type
$\mathit{III}^{\ast }$
has only two simple components. Since
meets the same component over infinity as the zero section and passes through the singularities at
, we know that
$c_{\infty }=0$
. We conclude that
. The other intersection numbers can be calculated accordingly. In this way, we could calculate the intersection matrix of
without knowing equations for the extra sections.
The section
induces an automorphism of the surface by fiberwise addition. We denote it by
$(\oplus P)$
. The matrix of its representation on
is obtained as follows.
∙ Compute the basis representation of the sections
$Q\oplus P,2P$ and
$R\oplus P$ .
∙ Any section
$S$ is mapped to
$P\oplus S$ under
$(\oplus P)_{\ast }$ , and the fiber is fixed.
∙ The action of
$(\oplus P)$ on the Néron–Severi group preserves each singular fiber. Since it is an isometry, it can be determined by its action on sections.
∙ Invert the resulting matrix to get
$(\oplus P)^{\ast }=(\oplus P)_{\ast }^{-1}$ .
A basis representation of
$P\oplus Q$
is obtained as follows. Start with
$P+Q\in NS$
and subtract
, such that the resulting divisor
. Add or subtract fiber components until
meets each singular fiber in exactly one simple component. Finally, add multiples of
such that
. For example, the basis representation of the section
$P\oplus R$
is given by
7 Alternative elliptic fibrations
The automorphism constructed in the last section has zero entropy. The reason for this is that it fixes the fibers. We overcome this obstruction by combining different fibrations and their sections.
Reducible singular fibers of elliptic fibrations are extended
-configurations of
-curves. Conversely, let
be a K3 surface, and let
be an extended
-configuration of
-curves. Then, the linear system
is an elliptic pencil with the extended
-configuration as singular fiber. See [Reference Kondō8] and [Reference Pjateckiĭ-Šapiro and Šafarevič11] for details. We use this fact to detect additional elliptic fibrations in the graph of
-curves. Irreducible curves
are either fiber components, sections or multisections, depending on whether
. Be aware that the
-curves occur with multiplicities in
. Hence, it is possible that
even if
meets only a single
-curve of the configuration. In general, an elliptic pencil does not necessarily admit a section. However, once its existence is guaranteed, we may choose it as zero section. Then, by Theorem 5.1, multisections still induce sections once modified by fiber components and the zero section, as sketched above.
Figure 2.
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{\prime }$
fibers and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{\prime \prime }$
$IV^{\ast }$
The first fibration
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{\prime }$
is induced by the outer circle of
-curves, which is a singular fiber of type
. There is a second singular fiber of type
. Three of its components are visible in Figure 2. The curve
vertex labeled by “8”) is a section since it meets
exactly in a simple component. We take it as zero section. Then, the torsion sections are
. The second fibration
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}^{\prime \prime }$
is induced by the right inner circle of
-curves. It has singular fibers of type
$IV^{\ast }$
, and again we take
as zero section. A simple component of the
$IV^{\ast }$
fiber is not visible in Figure 2. In both cases,
is a multisection and induces a section of each fibration denoted by
$P^{\prime }$
$P^{\prime \prime }$
. For example, the class of
$P^{\prime }\in NS(X(p))$
is given by
8 Salem degree-22 automorphism
We consider the automorphism
$p\equiv 3~\text{mod}\,4$
. Using a computer algebra system, one computes the characteristic polynomial of
$f^{\ast }|NS(X(p))$
By Theorem 3.1,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D707}(f^{\ast })$
either is a degree-22 Salem polynomial or is divisible by a cyclotomic polynomial of degree at most 22. There are only finitely many cyclotomic polynomials of a given degree. We can exclude the second case directly by computing the remainder after division for each such polynomial. This proves Theorem 1.1.
Remark 1. Further compositions of the four automorphisms realize Salem numbers of any even degree between 2 and 22. The full matrix representations of the automorphisms
$(\oplus R),(\oplus P),(\oplus P^{\prime }),(\oplus P^{\prime \prime })$
involved are available upon request from the author.
I thank my advisor Matthias Schütt, who introduced me to this topic and the isotrivial fibration. Thanks to Davide Veniani and Víctor González-Alonso for discussions and helpful comments.