APSA is pleased to recognize the recipients of campus-wide and departmental awards for teaching excellence during the 2015–2016 academic year. The campus teaching award winners were recognized at the APSA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as part of the Reception Honoring Teaching, which was co-sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science Education Section, the Committee on the Status of Community Colleges, and the Committee on Teaching and Learning. (Photos appear above recipient’s name and institution.)

Hal Bass, Ouachita Baptist University, Most Inspirational Faculty Member

Mitchell Brown, Auburn University, Student Government Association Outstanding Faculty Member, College of Liberal Arts

Christopher Butler, University of New Mexico, Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award

Sabri Ciftci, Kansas State University, 2016 Stamey Award for Undergraduate Teaching

Joe Clare, Louisiana State University, Tiger Athletic Foundation Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award

Courtenay Daum, Colorado State University, Ann Gill Excellence in Teaching Award

Matthew Dickinson, Middlebury College, The Marjorie Lamberti Faculty Appreciation Award

Andrew Dowdle, University of Arkansas, Sponsored Student Programs Outstanding Faculty Member

Joe Dunn, Converse College, Cato Award for Faculty Excellence

Mary Fainsod Katzenstein, Cornell University, Merrill Presidential Scholar Recognition

Joseph Fitsanakis, Coastal Carolina University, Apple Award for Outstanding Teaching

Donald Haider-Markel, University of Kansas, 2016 Byron A. Alexander Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award

Jaira Harrington, Wake Forest University, The Wayne C. Booth Graduate Student Prize for Excellence in Teaching (University of Chicago)

Murray Jardine, Auburn University, Daniel T. Nelson Outstanding Political Science Professor

Aubrey Jewett, University of Central Florida, Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Thomas Keck, Syracuse University, Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award

Brinck Kerr, University of Arkansas, Fulbright College Master Teacher

Michael Lamb, University of Oxford, Humanities Teaching Excellence Award

Matthew LeRiche, Memorial University of Newfoundland, President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching

Mona Lyne, University of Missouri-Kansas City, College of Arts & Sciences Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award

Mark Fathi Massoud, University of California, Santa Cruz, Excellence in Teaching Award

Melissa Miller, Bowling Green State University, 2016 Master Teacher Award

Janine Parry, University of Arkansas, Imhoff Award for Outstanding Teaching and Mentorship

Joshua Potter, Louisiana State University, Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award

Charles Ripley, Arizona State University, Michael Mitchell Best Teaching Award

Carrie Russell, Vanderbilt University, Harriet S. Gilliam Award for Excellence in Teaching

Houman Sadri, University of Central Florida, Teaching Incentive Award

Nukhet Sandal, Ohio University, Jeanette G. Grasselli Brown Teaching Award in the Social Sciences

Keith Shimko, Purdue University, Charles B. Murphy Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching

Landry Signé, University of Alaska Anchorage, Order of Excellence

Andrea Simpson, University of Richmond, Distinguished Educator Award

Benjamin Storey, Furman University, Alester G. Furman Jr. and Janie Earle Furman Meritorious Teaching Award

Jeffrey Tulis, University of Texas at Austin, Outstanding Faculty Award

Anca Turcu, University of Central Florida, Teaching Incentive Program Award

Marc Weiner, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Graduate Faculty Teaching Award

Elizabeth Zechmeister, Vanderbilt University, Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching