On page 470, the parameters for the respiration rate equations are given in the second to last paragraph (the paragraph that starts with “The calculation for Vt is derived…”). There is an error in the parameters for the RR (respiration rate) equation for both Bos taurus and Bos indicus. The equation for the parameters and all the results are correct, but the parameters themselves are incorrect in the text due to a mistake in unit conversions. The new sentence should read:
Estimates of these parameter values are as follows: B. taurus, arr = 37.271 and brr = 11 565.2; B. indicus, arr = 43.820 and brr = 13 629.7 (arr, slope for respiration rate equation, breaths/K/min; brr, intercept for respiration rate equation, breaths/min).
These updated parameters will leave Eqn 1.5 (Table 2) in the correct final units of breaths/s.