5 August 1944 – 11 July 2014
The Society for Libyan Studies has learnt with great sadness of the death of Professor Mario Luni, and extends condolences to his family, friends and colleagues.
Mario Luni was Professor of Archaeology at the University Carlo Bo of Urbino and Director of the Italian Archaeological Mission to Cyrene, where he oversaw work in the Agora Quarter, the Hippodrome, the New Demeter Sanctuary and at Slonta. Luni also was editor-in-chief of the Cirene “Atene d'Africa” series of publications. He had been working in Libya since 1967.
A full obituary will be published in the next volume of Libyan Studies.

Professor Luni overseeing repairs to the naval monument in the Agora at Cyrene (photo: Oscar Mei).