2023 Pi Sigma Alpha Best Undergraduate Honors Thesis

Jiayi Li
University of California San Diego, Psi Omega chapter; “From Dim Sum to Polling Stations: The Electoral Impact of Hong Kong’s Yellow Economic Circle”

Kaitlyn O’Leary
University of Richmond, Beta Xi chapter; “Hold the Phone: The Relationship Between Visual Cues and Gender Schematic Language in Supreme Court Oral Argument”

Oliver Printy
Tufts University, Rho Omicron chapter; “Politics and the Possibility of Philosophy: Leo Strauss, Theodor Adorno, and the Critique of Instrumental Reason”
2023 Pi Sigma Alpha Best Undergraduate Class Paper

Braden Ball
University of North Carolina at Asheville, Omicron Psi chapter; “‘Stop the Steal’ and other Lies: Partisanship Cheerleading and Misinformation”

Shay Hafner
Monmouth College, Alpha Alpha Iota chapter; “Intra-Party Factions and Polarization Within the American Electorate”

Zihuai Hong and Siyang Wang
Emory University, Alpha Epsilon chapter; “The Effect of Regional Trade Agreements on Trade during COVID-19”
2023 Pi Sigma Alpha Howard Penniman Graduate Scholarship

Mary Brantley
Stony Brook University, Eta Theta chapter; MA program, Stony Brook University

Shay Hafner
Monmouth College, Alpha Alpha Iota chapter; PhD program, University of Notre Dame

Sydney Redford
Towson University, Omega Pi chapter; MA program, George Washington University

Elizabeth Sheridan
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Delta Lambda chapter; MA program, Georgetown University

Rebekah Vaughn
Gardner-Webb University, Alpha Theta Pi chapter; Master’s program, Virginia Tech
2023 Pi Sigma Alpha Nancy McManus Washington Internship Scholarship

Josephine Blatny
Nebraska Wesleyan University, Upsilon Eta chapter; Citizens’ Climate Lobby

Sean Lopez
Stockton University, Alpha Zeta Rho chapter; Office of Senator Robert Menendez

Kent Ninomiya
University of Texas at Austin, Alpha chapter; Offi ce of Senator Michael F.

Susie Saleem
Union College, Zeta Upsilon chapter; Office of Congresswoman Robin Kelly

Zachary Welch
Wheaton College, Upsilon Psi chapter; International Trade Administration
Lengle Faculty Advisor Recognition Award

James W. Muller
University of Alaska, Anchorage, Psi Rho chapter
2023 Pi Sigma Alpha Best Chapter Advisor

Mandi Bates Bailey
Valdosta State University, Alpha Beta Mu chapter

Mary Currin-Percival
San Jose State University, Epsilon Iota chapter

Lindsay Reid
Gettysburg College, Nu Psi chapter

Jason Rose
Stony Brook University, Eta Theta chapter
2023 Pi Sigma Alpha Best Chapter
Undergraduate Enrollment <5,000
Connecticut College, Omicron Beta chapter;
Gettysburg College, Nu Psi chapter;
Ohio Northern University, Pi Iota chapter;
Sul Ross State University, Omicron Phi chapter;
Virginia State University, Kappa Psi chapter
Undergraduate Enrollment between 5,000-15,000
Columbia University, Mu chapter;
Oakland University, Nu Omega chapter;
Purdue University Northwest, Tau Psi chapter;
Valdosta State University, Alpha Beta Mu chapter
Undergraduate Enrollment between 15,000-25,000
California State University, Fresno, Alpha Delta Beta chapter;
Stony Brook University, Eta Theta chapter;
The University of Texas at El Paso, Epsilon Epsilon chapter;
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Delta Lambda chapter
Undergraduate Enrollment >25,000
Brigham Young University, Beta Mu chapter;
California State University, Fullerton, Epsilon Eta chapter;
Purdue University, Delta Omega chapter;
The Pennsylvania State University, Beta Pi chapter
San Jose State University, Epsilon Iota chapter