1.2.2Increase in wine exports from Chile to China, 2003–2018 (in US$)
2.2.3Belo Monte dam’s daily average energy production, 26 February 2016 to 30 December 2023 (median megawatts, MWmed)
2.2.4Design of the Xingu-Estreito transmission line highlighting ecological parks, buffer zones, and conservation units
2.2.5Design of the Xingu-Rio transmission line detailing sections handled by EPC contractors
2.2.7Market share by nationality in Brazil’s generation, transmission, and distribution sectors, 2010–2019
4.2.3Aerial view of Kulu-Tegerek deposit at Kichi-Chaarat mine
4.2.4Tilted view of Suluu-Tegerek deposit at the Kichi-Chaarat mine
6.1.1SMB’s operations in Guinea: (a) truck transporting bauxite on an SMB mining road in Boké; (b) trucks kicking up dust on an SMB mining road in Boké; (c) mounds of bauxite at SMB headquarters in Boké; (d) front gate of SMB operations in Boké
6.1.2CTEA Executive Director, Jingjing Zhang, meeting with the Wawayiré village in the Boké prefecture
6.3.1Annual flow of foreign direct investments from China to Nigeria between 2011 and 2021 (million US$)