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- © 2006 The Economic History Association
The Journal of Economic History experienced 2004/05 as a year of relative stability with Knick Harley settling in at University of Oxford and Jeremy Atack getting in stride at Vanderbilt. We have been greatly assisted by Paul Hohenberg and Bill Collins who have handled the book reviews for the non-American and American sides respectively. In Oxford, Natalia Mora-Sitja has provided able editorial assistance. She has now left to take up a permanent post at Cambridge University. She has been replaced by Tommy Murphy. The Board of Trustees has appointed Phil Hoffman of Cal Tech to replace Knick Harley when his term expires at the end of June 2006.
The accompanying figure and tables show a continuing increase in the number of submissions from 130 in 2003/04 to 135 in 2004/05 (an increase of 4 percent). Together the last two years represent peak levels of submission to the Journal. The international office continues to process a slightly larger share of submissions with 54 percent compared to the North American office's 46 percent. This represents a con-tinuation of historic rough balance between the offices. Papers submitted continue to vary widely by region, topic, and era.


The mean and median turnaround time for submissions has improved slightly this year for new submissions, but for all submissions it is about two week in excess of the three month turnaround we aim to achieve. The JEH remains very selective; last year 29 papers were accepted compared to the over 135 new submissions. Fifty-seven percent of the papers on which decisions were taken last year were rejected, while 22 percent were returned to the authors for revision and resubmission.
One constant in the life of the JEH is the outstanding quality and commitment of its referees, particularly those serving on the editorial board. The editors are indebted to all referees for their dedication to the peer review process that results in well-informed editorial decisions. In addition, in most cases the refereeing process results in published articles that are markedly improved from their original versions. The editors especially wish to thank outgoing board members Chris Hanes, Alan Dye, and Tom Maloney. We welcome those added this year: Bob Allen and Larry Neal.
- Our referees for the year were:
- Brian A'Hearn, Franklin and Marshall College
- Mark Aldrich, Smith College
- Douglas Allen, Simon Frasier University
- Robert Allen, Nuffield College, Oxford University
- Lee Alston, University of Colorado
- Zofia H. Archibald, University of Liverpool
- A. J. Arnold, University of Leicester
- Martha Bailey, University of Michigan
- Dudley S. Baines, London School of Economics
- Gerben Bakker, University of Essex
- Linda Barrington, The Conference Board
- Linda Bell, University of California, Riverside
- Eugenia Belova, Univ of Houston
- Concha Betran, Universidad de Valencia
- Howard Bodenhorn, Lafayette College
- Michael Bordo, Rutgers University
- Loren Brandt, University of Toronto
- Charles Calomiris, Columbia University
- Bruce Campbell, The Queen's University of Belfast
- Linda Carter, Vanderbilt University
- Myung Soo Cha, Yeungnam University
- Greg Clark, University of California, Davis
- Karen Clay, Carnegie Mellon University
- John Coatsworth, Harvard University
- Peter Coclanis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- William J. Collins, Vanderbilt University
- Metin M. Coşgel, University of Connecticut
- Dora Costa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Lee Craig, North Carolina State University
- Tomas Cvrcek, Vanderbilt University
- Linda Darling, University of Arizona
- Lance Davis, California Institute of Technology
- Bradford J. Delong, University of California, Berkeley
- Arthur De Vany, University of California, Irvine
- Alan Dye, Columbia University
- Christopher Dyer, University of Leicester
- Michael Edelstein, Queens College
- Marc Egnal, York University, Canada
- Bernard Elbaum, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Stanley Engerman, University of Rochester
- Giovanni Federico, European University Institute, Florence
- Emiliano Fernandez de Pinedo, Universidad del País Vasco
- Joseph Ferrie, Northwestern University
- Alexander J. Field, Santa Clara University
- Octávio Figueiredo, Universidade de Porto
- Price Fishback, University of Arizona
- David J. Flath, North Carolina State University
- Gerald Friedman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Giulio Gallarotti, Wesleyan University
- Wright, Gavin, Stanford University
- Thomas Geraghty, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Claudia Goldin, Harvard University
- Antonio Gomez Mendoza, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Robert Gordon, Northwestern University
- George Grantham, McGill University
- Paul R. Gregory, University of Houston
- Richard Griffiths, Leiden University
- Richard Grossman, Wesleyan University
- Farley Grubb, University of Delaware
- Michael Haines, Colgate University
- Gillian Hamilton, University of Toronto
- Robert Hammond, Vanderbilt University
- Anne Hanley, Northern Illinois University
- Leslie Hannah, University of Tokyo
- Mary Hansen, American University
- Knick Harley, University of Oxford
- Mark Harrison, University of Warwick
- Gary Hawke, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
- Robert Higgs, The Independent Institute
- Marianne Hinds, Northwestern University
- Philip Hoffman, California Institute of Technology
- Richard Hoffman, York University, Canada
- Michael Huberman, University of Montreal
- William Hutchinson, Vanderbilt University
- Douglas Irwin, Dartmouth College
- James Irwin, Central Michigan University
- David Jacks, Simon Frasier University
- David Jeremy, Manchester Metropolitan University, emeritus
- Mark Kanazawa, Carleton College
- Shawn Kantor, University of California, Merced
- Eona Karakacili, University of Western Ontario
- Bruce Kaufman, Georgia State University
- Caglar Keyder, Binghamton University
- Zorina Khan, Bowdoin College
- Mitsuhiko Kimura, Kobe University
- John Komlos, University of Munich
- Clemens Kool, University of Utrecht
- Rachel Kranton, University of Maryland
- Timur Kuran, University of Southern California
- Naomi Lamoreaux, University of California, Los Angeles
- John Landes, All Souls College, University of Oxford
- Marc Law, University of Vermont
- Chulhee Lee, Seoul National University
- Tim Leunig, London School of Economics
- Margaret Levenstein, University of Michigan
- Byron Lew, Trent University
- Colin Lewis, London School of Economics
- Gary Libecap, University of Arizona
- Peter Lindert, University of California, Davis
- Trevon Logan, Ohio State University
- Mary Mackinnon, McGill University
- Gloria Main, University of Colorado
- Thomas Maloney, University of Utah
- Robert A. Margo, Boston University
- Joseph Mason, Drexel University
- Sean McCartney, University of Essex
- John McCusker, Trinity University
- Marvin McInnis, Queen's University, Canada
- Russell Menard, University of Minnesota
- David Meredith, University of New South Wales
- Jacob Metzer, The Hebrew University
- Peter Meyer, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Ronald Michener, University of Virginia
- R. C. Michie, University of Durham
- Alan S. Milward, Cabinet Office, Historical and Records Division
- David Mitch, University of Maryland-Baltimore Co.
- Kris Mitchener, Santa Clara University
- Carolyn Moehling, Yale University
- Joel Mokyr, Northwestern University
- Graham Mooney, John Hopkins University
- Neville Morley, University of Bristol
- Matthias Morys, University of Oxford
- John Munro, University of Toronto
- John Murray, University of Toledo
- Emerson Nafziger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Larry Neal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Carlos Newland, Philadelphia College, Argentina
- Lucy Newton, University of Reading
- Thomas Nicholas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Pamela Nickless, University of North Carolina, Asheville
- Anthony O'Brien, Lehigh University
- Kevin O'Rourke, Trinity College, Dublin
- Avner Offer, All Souls College, University of Oxford
- Lee Ohanian, University of California, Los Angeles
- Jari Ojala, University of Jyvaskyla
- G. J. Oliver, University of Liverpool
- Martha Olney, University of California, Berkeley
- Robin Osborne, University of Cambridge
- Richard Overy, University of Exeter
- Michael Palairet, University of Edinburgh
- Şevket Pamuk, Bogazici University
- Philip Payton, Institute of Cornish Studies
- Robin Pearson, University of Hull
- Karl Gunnar Persson, University of Copenhagen
- Christian Pfister, Historisches Institut, Langgasstrasse
- Giles Postel-Vinay, INRA, Ecole Normale Supérieure
- Leandro Prados do la Escosura, Universidad Carlos III
- Jonathan Pritchett, Tulane University
- Donald Quataert, Binghamton University
- Stephen Quinn, Texas Christian university
- Daniel Raff, University of Pennsylvania
- Dominic Rathbone, King's College, London
- Angela Redish, University of British Columbia
- Paul Rhode, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Albrecht Ritschl, Humboldt University, Berlin
- Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University
- Christina Romer, University of California, Berkeley
- Joshua Rosenbloom, University of Kansas
- Jean-Laurent Rosenthal, University of California, Los Angeles
- Joan Ramon Rosés, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Peter Rousseau, Vanderbilt University
- Walter Scheidel, Stanford University
- Isabel Schnabel, Universitat Mannheim
- Martin Shanahan, University of South Australia-City West
- Carol Shuie, University of Colorado
- Richard Sicotte, University of Vermont
- Beth Simmons, Harvard University
- James Simpson, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla
- John Singleton, Victoria University of Wellington
- Sasha Skiba, University of Kansas
- Fred Smith, Davidson College
- Richard Steckel, Ohio State University
- William Summerhill, University of California, Los Angeles
- William Sundstrom, Santa Clara University
- David Surdam, University of Northern Iowa
- Nathan Sussman, Hebrew University and University of Western Ontario
- Richard Sutch, Center for Social and Economic Policy
- Richard Sylla, New York University
- Yousef, Tarik M., Georgetown University
- Alan Taylor, University of California, Davis
- Peter Temin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ross Thomson, University of Vermont
- B. Tomlinson, University of London
- Manuel Trajtenberg, Tel Aviv University
- Gail Triner, Rutgers University
- Werner Troesken, University of Pittsburgh
- Michael Turner, University of Hull
- Tim Unwin, Royal Holloway
- Jan Luiten Van Zanden, International Institut voor Sociale Geschiedenis
- Jacob Vigdor, Duke University
- Simon Ville, University of Wollongong
- Hans-Joachim Voth, Stern School of Business, NYU
- John Wallis, University of Maryland
- Gary Walton, University of California, Davis
- Marianne Ward, Loyola College
- Warren Weber, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank
- Ulrich Wengenroth, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte Deutsches Museum, Munich
- O. M. Westall, Lancaster University
- David Wheelock, St. Louis Federal Reserve
- Eugene White, Rutgers University
- Virginia Woeste, American Bar Foundation
- Susan C. Wolcott, Binghamton University
- R. Bin Wong, University of California, Los Angeles
- Gavin Wright, Stanford University
- Tony Wrigley, University of Cambridge
- JoAnne Yates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology